Kreet Kyoor by Vergence

Medic / Doctor
Age of Rebellion

Threshold 15
Current 0
Threshold 14
Current 0
Ranged 0
Melee 0

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Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) 0
Athletics (Br) X 1
Charm (Pr) 0
Coercion (Will) 0
Computers (Int) 0
Cool (Pr) X 2
Coordination (Ag) 0
Deception (Cun) 0
Discipline (Will) 0
Leadership (Pr) 0
Mechanics (Int) 0
Medicine (Int) X 4
Negotiation (Pr) 0
Perception (Cun) 0
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) 0
Piloting: Space (Ag) 0
Resilience (Br) X 0
Skulduggery (Cun) 0
Stealth (Ag) 0
Streetwise (Cun) 0
Survival (Cun) X 0
Vigilance (Will) X 0
Brawl (Br) X 2
Gunnery (Ag) 0
Lightsaber (Br) 0
Melee (Br) X 1
Ranged: Light (Ag) X 0
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) X 0
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) X 0
Knowledge: Lore (Int) 0
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) 0
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) X 0
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) 0


Weapons & Armor

Heavy Clothing [Enc 1, Soak 1, 50c]
Chedak Communications Multi-Band Comlink [HP 0, Long range comlink, 200c]

Personal Gear

CAPC ECM-598 Medical Backpack [Enc 2, Right Tools, Boost to all Medicine checks and it reduces difficultly of any critical injury by 1, 450c]

Species Database [Enc 2, 2x Boost to Xenology, 150c]

Load-Bearing Gear [Encum +3, 100c]
Datapad [Enc 1, 75c]
Blood Scanner [Enc 1, Easy Medicine check to gain 2x Advantages to the PC's next Medicine check, 400c]
Antidote Set [Enc 1, Applied it reduces the difficulty patient's Resilence check to resist the poison by 2. If the user is unaware of the type of poison, PC must make a Hard Knowledge Underworld check to guess the poison, 250c]
5x Nannarium Root (1 dose) [Enc 0, Upgrade 1x Knowledge Check]
4x Stimpack [Enc 0, 25c]

Assets & Resources

2x Medtech Mini-Med [Sil 0, Provide 1 Rank of the Surgeon talent per droid, 900c]

Critical Injuries & Conditions


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Dark Vision Racial May remove up to 2 setback dice imposed due to darkness
Stimpack Specialization (Rank 2) 5XP, 10XP Whenever the character uses a stimpack, the target equal an additional wound per rank of Stimpack Specialization. The sixth stimpack and beyond each day still have no effect.
Surgeon (Rank 5) 5XP, 5XP, 10XP, 15XP, 10XP When this character makes a Medicine check to help a character heal wounds, the target heals one additional wound per rank of Surgeon.
Grit (Rank 2) 5XP, 15XP Each rank of Grit increases a character’s strain threshold by one.
Bacta Specialist (Rank 2) 15XP, 10XP Patients recover 1 additional wound per rank of Bacta Specialist when they recover wounds from bacta tanks or long term care.
Toughened (Rank 1) 20XP The character increases his wound threshold by two per rank of Toughnened.
Dedication (Intellect) 25XP Each rank permanently increases a single characteristic of the player’s choice by one point. This cannot bring a characteristic above six.
Stim Application 10XP The character may take the Stim Application action. To perform this action, he must have access to drugs. a medpac, or stimpacks. He makes an Average Medicine check. If successful, one ally he is engaged with (including himself) increases one characteristic of the character’s choice by one for the remainder of the encounter, and suffers four strain. A single character’s individual characteristics may each only be increased once by Stim Application during an encounter.
Resolve (Rank 1) 10XP When the character suffers strain, he suffers one less strain per rank of Resolve, to a minimum of one. This does no apply to voluntary strain loss.
Pressure Point 15XP When making a Brawl check against a living opponent, the character may choose to forgo dealing damage as wounds, instead dealing the equivalent damage as strain, plus additional strain equal to his ranks in Medicine. Theses checks cannot be made with any weapons, but this strain damage is not reduced by Soak.
Anatomy Lessons 20XP After a successful attack with a non-starship/vehicle weapon, the character may spend one Destiny Point to add damage equal to his Intellect to one hit of the attack.
Master Doctor 15XP Once per round, the character may suffer two strain to decrease the difficulty of his next Medicine check by one to a minimum of an Easy difficulty.


Genetically engineered by his parents on Arkania, Kreet's identifying genetic code came from the family Kyoor database record archives. Born, the Arkanian's DNA was engineered to replicate his Great Grandfather Serjen Kyoor, who was a famous genetic manipulation research scientist on curing or reversing various molecular level genome disorders. Being modified genetically for accelerated grow rates, Kreet, on cue, under went multiple Arkanian educational neuro-flash training programs to match his cognitive biological capacities. However, unlike his Grandfather, at maturity Kreet was immediately sent to a military academy on Arkania to become a sector field medic during the War. After graduation and within four years of military service, the Clone Wars ended, and unsurprisingly Kreet grew bored of civilian life.

Encouraged by his parents to work on fringe molecular medical research like his Grandfather, Kreet had other plans and independently refused their prescribed path. Ridiculed by his internal family, he stood by his decisions and left his homeworld to explore the galaxy. Requiring an obvious trade for sustainability, Kreet decided to offer his specialized medical services throughout the Outer Rim. Being a traveling physician, he often found himself working in shadow clinics, cruise ships, and other various transport frigates. During his journeys, Kreet found the Outer Rim populaces to be extremely diverse and fascinating despite his preordain cultural heritage. There were always new species or social classes who Kreet believed to be mistreated and highly underestimated by the system. Thus, the shadow doctor provides medical treatment wherever his journeys lead him.


Self - Kreet Kyoor is just wandering the galaxy until something catches his eye. His main purpose in life is to discover out who he truly is. He seeks out new rewarding paths which offer insight.


Obligation 20

Disgraced (10) -Family Arkanian Caste System-

Fervor (10) -Medical Code for Combatants-


Other Notes

Free Solider Skills: Athletics (1), Brawl (1), Medicine (1), Melee (1)
Free Medic Skills: Medicine (2), Xeno (1)
Free Arkanian Racial: Medicine (3), Dark Vision
Arkanian Creation 100XP + 10XP Obligation = +110XP
-30XP Brawn (3), -40XP, Intellect (4), -20XP Presence (2), -10XP Brawl (2), -5XP Stimpack Specialization , -5XP Surgeon = -110XP
Knight Creation +150XP: -30XP Doctor Specialization, -5XP Grit, -10XP Surgeon, -15XP Bacta Specialist, -20XP Toughed, -25XP Dedication, -5XP Surgeon, -10XP Stim Application, -15XP Surgeon, -5XP Cool (1), -10XP Cool (2) = -150XP
10/12 +20XP: -20XP Medicine (4)
10/19 +20XP: -10XP Resolve, -10XP Bacta Specialist
10/26 +20XP: -15XP Pressure Point, (5XP Saved)
11/2 +20XP: -20XP Anatomy Lessons
11/9 +20XP: -10XP Stimpack Specialization, 10XP Surgeon
11/16 +20XP: -15XP Master Doctor, (5XP Saved)
11/23 +20XP: -15XP Grit, (5XP Saved)

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