Chadrik Peldon by SebastianArrow

Artisan, Soresu Defender
Force and Destiny

Threshold 14
Current 0
Threshold 13
Current 8
Ranged 1
Melee 1

Placeholder Image




Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) X 0
Athletics (Br) 0
Charm (Pr) 0
Coercion (Will) 0
Computers (Int) X 1
Cool (Pr) 0
Coordination (Ag) 0
Deception (Cun) X 1
Discipline (Will) X 1
Leadership (Pr) 0
Mechanics (Int) X 2
Medicine (Int) 0
Negotiation (Pr) 0
Perception (Cun) X 0
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) 0
Piloting: Space (Ag) 0
Resilience (Br) 0
Skulduggery (Cun) X 1
Stealth (Ag) X 1
Streetwise (Cun) 0
Survival (Cun) 1
Vigilance (Will) X 1
Brawl (Br) 1
Gunnery (Ag) 0
Lightsaber (Int) X 2
Melee (Br) 0
Ranged: Light (Ag) 0
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) 0
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) X 1
Knowledge: Education (Int) X 0
Knowledge: Lore (Int) X 0
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) 0
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) 0
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) 0


Breach 1, Defensive 1, Sunder
Holdout Blaster
Ranged: Light


Weapons & Armor

Lightsaber (Lorrdian Gemstone)
Armored Clothing
Combat knife
Holdout Blaster

Personal Gear

4 stimpacks
Glow rod
Thermal Cloak

Assets & Resources

Critical Injuries & Conditions


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Expert Tracker Edge of The Empire pg. 135 Remove one setback die per rank of Expert Tracker from checks to find or follow tracks. Survival checks made to track targets take 50% less time than normal. This does not decrease with additional ranks of Expert Tracker.
Mental Tools F&D pg. 93 Always count as having the right tools for the job when performing Mechanics checks.
Parry 2 F&D pg. 77 When hit by a melee attack, suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by 2 plus ranks in parry.
Soresu Technique F&D pg. 77 When making a check using the Lightsaber skill, the character may use Intellect instead of Brawn.
Solid Repairs F&D pg. 93 When repairing hull trauma on a starship or vehicle, repair 1 additional hull trauma per rank of Solid Repairs.
Toughened F&D pg. 77 Gain +2 wound threshold
Reflect F&D pg. 77 When hit by a ranged attack, suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by 2 plus ranks in Reflect
Improved Parry F&D pg. 77 When parrying a hit that generated a Despair or 3 threat, may hit attacker once with Lighsaber, Brawl, or Melee weapon (dealing base damage) after original attack resolves.
Grit F&D Gain +1 strain threshold
Inventor F&D pg. 93 When constructing new items or modifying attachments add a boost or remove a setback per rank of Inventor

Force Powers

Force Rating
The user may my spend Light/Dark side point to sense all living things within short range.
The user may spend Light/Dark side point to sense the current emotional state of one living target with whom he is engaged.
Upgrade Effect
Control Commit Force die: Once per round, when an attack targets the Force user, he upgrades the difficulty of the pool once.


Chadrik was originally a Jedi padawan. Or, at least he was for a few months. Unfortunately, he had a scuffle with the Jedi Council after his Master was killed in one of the battles during the Clone Wars. The Council thought that Chadrik's Master died because the Rodian was too busy fixing a worthless broken down speeder while his Master was defending his troops against the oncoming droid army. Chadrik didn't want his Master to die but the speeder was their only way out. The Jedi Coundil did not agree. Not only was this incident a problem but Chadrik was not the most powerful of Jedi and was too interested in fixing things and doing things normal citizens of the Republic would do. Finally, both the Jedi Council and Chadrik had enough and parted ways only a few months before Order 66 hit. That saved him the initial trouble of Imperial notice but he had his run ins with the Empire. Thus, he fled deeper into the Outer Rim doing odd jobs here and there. A speeder fix-up here and a spying gig there. Anything to eat and earn credits. Now he has put his Jedi past behind him. He still carries the weight of his Master's death but he tries to forget that he was a Jedi. He is still not afraid to ignite his lightsaber but he sees it more as a means of survival than a link to his past. At least, that's what he tells himself.


Become a Jedi-
Alone in the Outer Rim is dangerous. Especially if one does not have a ship. Chadrik will do mostly anything to survive. That could be taking a job that he dislikes or dealing with people he disagrees with. Always a capable Lighsaber duelist during the Clone Wars, he uses Soresu to protect himself. That was the only thing that kept him in the ranks of the Jedi while his Force powers were not quite there. The Empire will one day find out who is waving that green lightsaber around but so far they have not in the back-water worlds. And for some reason Chadrik refuses to hide it as much as he should. Something about using it now and having not used it in the past.


Morality- 57
Emotional Strength- Independence
Emotional Weakness- Coldness

Always an independent soul, Chadrik found the Jedi Order just slightly confining. Not that travelling to different star systems was a bore, but the rules grated. Out here in the Outer Rim he can do as he wants. He needs nobody. Freedom is a wonderful thing indeed and he grits his teeth ever time he sees a slaver.


Scruffed up from living on the fringes and running away from the Empire, Chadrik looks like your stereotypical low-life thug. He always carries the head of a B1 battle droid around constantly working on it and making adjustments. There have been a few brief friends who have wondered if the droid was the one who shot his Master. Chadrik refuses to answer yes or no thereby inadvertently hinting at the truth.

Other Notes

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