Mia Harkness by stewartturkeylink

Starfighter Ace, Shii-Cho Knight, Shien Expert , Recruit
Force and Destiny

Threshold 18
Current 0
Threshold 15
Current 0
Ranged 4
Melee 2

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Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) X 0
Athletics (Br) X 2
Charm (Pr) 0
Coercion (Will) 0
Computers (Int) 0
Cool (Pr) X 2
Coordination (Ag) 0
Deception (Cun) 0
Discipline (Will) 2
Leadership (Pr) 2
Mechanics (Int) X 3
Medicine (Int) 0
Negotiation (Pr) 0
Perception (Cun) X 3
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) 0
Piloting: Space (Ag) X 4
Resilience (Br) 0
Skulduggery (Cun) 0
Stealth (Ag) 0
Streetwise (Cun) 0
Survival (Cun) X 0
Vigilance (Will) 0
Brawl (Br) X 3
Gunnery (Ag) X 1
Lightsaber (Br) X 4
Melee (Br) X 1
Ranged: Light (Ag) 1
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) X 1
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) 0
Knowledge: Lore (Int) 1
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) 0
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) 0
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) 0


Shield Gauntlets
Deflection 2, Stun Damage, Disorient 1, Knockdown, Stun Setting


Weapons & Armor

Mia's Two-Handed Lightsaber:

Encumbrance: 3
Hard Points: 5
Rarity: 4
Price: 17,430
Type: Lightsaber
Categories: Lightsaber, Lightsaber Hilt
Damage: 12
Range: Engaged
Critical: ωω
Skill: Lightsaber
Hands: Two-Handed
Qualities: Breach 1, Sunder, Vicious 1, Defensive 1, Deflection 1

1 Damage +1 Mod
Personalized Design: When the lightsaber's creator makes a successful Lightsaber check, an automatic ☼ is added. All others add automatic ♼.

Ilum Crystal (Changes Base Damage to 6 Mod, Changes Base Critical Rating to 2 Mod, 1 Grant Quality (Breach 1) Mod, Quality (Sunder) Mod, 1 Damage +2 Mod)
Extended Hilt (1 Damage +1 Mod, 1 Quality (Vicious 1) Mod)
Reflex Grip (When lightsaber is used to Parry or Reflect, suffer 1 additional strain, but count Parry and Reflect ranks as 1 higher., 1 Quality (Defensive 1) Mod, 1 Quality (Deflection 1) Mod)

Custom Stromtrooper armor (Made by Gyrr):

Hard Points: 6
Rarity: 4
Price: 10,325
Categories: Full Body, Hard, Hard Full Body, Heavy, Resistant, Sealable, Sealed
Soak: 4
Melee Def: 2
Ranged Def: 1

Attachments: Superior Armor Customization (Quality (Superior) Mod), Low-Friction Coating (1 Increases Melee Defense value by 1 Mod, Add ■■ to Mechanics checks to modify of maintain armor., 1 Skill (Coordination) Mod), Enhanced Optics Suite ( Removes up to ■■ added to all Perception, Vigilance, and combat skill checks due to darkness, smoke, or other environmental effects that obscure vision. , 1 Skill (Vigilance) Mod), Vacuum Sealed ( Allows the user to ignore the effects of vacuum or poisonous atmospheric environments for up to 10 minutes. , 1 Armor is Sealed Mod)

Cloaking Coat - Borrowed from NR. 600cr if not returned.

Reinforced Flightsuit

Encumbrance: 3
Hard Points: 2
Rarity: 5
Price: 1,050
Categories: Half Body, Resistant
Soak: 1
Melee Def: 2
Ranged Def: 2

Features: Poor Fit: Donning and doffing this armor requires one additional action, Attachments: Integrated Holsters (1 Holster 2 Weapon(s) up to Encumbrance 3 Mod {Selected Item:Mia's Two-Handed Saber), Innate Talent (Quick Draw) Mod)

Personal Gear

Jedi Utility belt, backpack, military belt pouch, Journal of Meetra Surik, datapad, Imperial uniform, Imperial PT clothes, Imperial flight suit

Specialist Tool (Welding Gear):

Features: Add automatic ☼ to Mechanics checks when using this item., Safety Features: Add automatic ω to Mechanics checks made by this weapon, Supreme Craftsmanship: Upgrade checks with Mechanics skill 1 time(s)

Precision Tool (Scanner Goggles):

Features: Remove ■■ from all Mechanics checks when using this item., Supreme Craftsmanship: Upgrade checks with Mechanics skill 1 time(s)

R3-S1 (Resi) astromech droid (served her well during her first mission with Corran)

Cloaking Coat


Nullcaine x 2

May apply to self or engaged character by making an Easy (◆) Medicine check and choosing one Easy (◆), Average (◆◆), or Hard (◆◆◆) Critical Injury on the target. If successful, target suffers 3 strain and ingores effect of Critical Injury until the end of the encounter.

TIE Interceptor

Assets & Resources

Rank of Lore from training with Ann in the library

11/10/17 Luz 15 xp. Minor breakthrough. First day walking the walk of the Jedi. Succeeded.

11/12/17 Chim 10xp. no breakthrough

11/13/17 Kane 20xp. Minor breakthrough. Mia watched the results of someone's misuse of a lightsaber and furthered her commitment to the path of the Jedi.

11/19/17 Chim 20xp. Mia realized she is awful in social situations. Went to Master Ezo to learn Influence to help with this.

11/20/17 Luz 20xp. Major. Dad is a real person. Found out he committed atrocities first hand and stood by him.

11/24/17 Cookie 5xp. Impressed Valla by taking charge of leading/teaching the acolytes.
20xp-5 xp rank of reflect - 10xp physical training = 5 total

11/27/17 Luz 15xp. No breakthrough

11/31/17 Luz 20xp. Impressed Valla. Not normally a leader, but did well at being a leader today. Seeds of change planted. Will be beating herself up over mistakes made as a leader.

12/3/17 Chim 25xp Mia chose to turn Imperial spies over to the Jedi Order as opposed to releasing them.


2/12/18 Luz 25xp (Major breakthrough: Met Corran Horn. Hearing from her hero that teamwork makes the dream work then actually getting to put that to practice)
Grant = Skilled Jockey 1. +300 Cr
Conflict: M:2; N:0; Harmony: 0

3/3/18 Luz Mia: 20xp + 10xp (Gave up her kyber crystal to save town) -3 conflict for fear + 8 Harmony for giving crystal up +2 harmony +1 peaceful warrior

Luz 10xp +2 duty +1 morality

3/10/18 Kane 5 xp

3/17 Cookie 5 xp +3 Duty -1 Morality

Critical Injuries & Conditions


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Skilled Jockey 2 Remove ■ per rank of Skilled Jockey from all Piloting (Planetary) and Piloting (Space) checks the character attempts.
Grit 2 Gain +1 strain threshold.
Rapid Reaction 2 Suffer a number of strain to add an equal number of ☼ to initiative checks. Strain suffered cannot exceed ranks in Rapid Reaction.
Confidence 1 May decrease difficulty of Discipline checks to avoid fear by 1 per rank of Confidence.
Touch of Fate Once per session, add □□ to any 1 check.
Intuitive Strike When making a combat check with a planetary scale weapon, add F no greater than Force rating to the check. Spend φφ to add ☼ or ω.
Force Rating Gain +1 Force Rating.
Toughened 2 Gain +2 wound threshold.
Parry 5 When hit by a melee attack, suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by 2 plus ranks in Parry.
Durable 1 May reduce any Critical Injury suffered by 10 per rank of Durable to a minimum of 1.
Reflect 2 When hit by a ranged attack, suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by 2 plus ranks in Reflect.
Physical Training Add □ per rank of Physical Training to Athletics and Resilience checks.
Intuitive Evasion Perform the Intuitive Evasion maneuver; suffer 1 strain and commit F up to ranks of Intuitive Evasion. Upgrade difficulty of combat checks targeting starship or vehicle by equal amount. Suffer 1 strain every round F remains committed.
Multiple Opponents Add □ to Lightsaber, Brawl, and Melee checks when engaged with multiple opponents.
Falling Avalanche Suffer 2 strain to add damage equal to Brawn to next Lightsaber combat check made that turn.
Djem So Deflection After using Reflect, may spend 1 Destiny Point to perform Move maneuver as out-of-turn incidental to close distance with or engage opponent.
Tricky Target Count vehicle or starship silhouette as 1 lower when being attacked

Force Powers

Force Rating
Enhance [Mentor - Master Jex Kiltan]
When making an Athletics check, the Force user may roll an Enhance power check as part of the pool.

The user may spend φ to gain ☼ or ω (user's choice) on the check.
Upgrade Effect
Control: Resilience Enhance can be used with the Resilience skill.
Control: Coordination Enhance can be used with the Coordination skill.
Control: Piloting - Planetary Enhance can be used with the Piloting (Planetary) skill.
Control: Piloting - Space Enhance can be used with the Piloting (Space) skill.
Control: Brawn Ongoing Effect: Commit F. The user increases his Brawn characteristic by 1 (to maximum of 6).
Control: Brawl Enhance can be used with the Brawl skill.
Influence [Mentor - Master Ossaki Ezo]
The character may attempt to guide, shape, and even twist the thoughts and feelings of other.

Special Rule (○/● use): When guiding and shaping thoughts, only φ generated from ● may be used to generate negative emotions such as rage, fear, and hatred. Only φ generated from○ may be used to generate positive emotions such as peace, tranquility, and friendliness. Other emotions such as confusion can be created from φ generated from either ○ or ●.

The character may spend φ to stress the mind of one living target he is engaged with, inflicting 1 strain.
Upgrade Effect
Control: Emotion/Belief The Force user may make an opposed Discipline vs. Discipline check combined with an Influence power check. If the user spends φ and succeeds on the check, he can force the target to adopt an emotional state or believe something untrue, lasting for 1 round or 5 minutes.
Sense [Mentor Ossaki Ezo]
Upgrade Effect
Control: Upgrade Difficulty


How did you discover your force sensitivity?

Mia's father first discovered her Force sensitivity when he walked in her levitating some toy blocks. He had a serious talk with the child about never doing such things. Ever the dutiful daughter Mia did so. Until one day her father told that she would be going to the Jedi Academy on Yavin 4 to train her abilities.

Describe a moment where you fell prey to your moral weakness or experienced a tragedy/horror that still haunts you?

During a routine training exercise she was leading, Mia got a feeling in her gut that something was wrong. For a split second she thought of aborting the planed exercise, but doing so would fly in the face of all Imperial training protocol. Mia decided not to and an accident that injured several trainees occurred.

How did you come to join the NJO?

Once Mia's Force abilities were discover a decision was made to send her to the Jedi Praxeum to train as she would be a danger otherwise.

Name one NPC your character has a strong connection with. This could be a family member, a friend, a work contact, or a bitter rival.

Auren Harkness. Father. Currently in command of the ISD Brevity.

A staunch supporter of Pellaeon and the Reformist faction of the Imperial Remnant, Admiral Auren believes that his daughter becoming a Jedi Knight will help move the Empire forward and show that Empire can coexist on the galactic stage.

Born months after the battle of Endor to an Imperial Captain and a Mirialan mother. Mother died in childbirth. The weakened state of the Empire and her father's capable command of a loyal ISD allowed him to rise the illegitimate child relatively in the open.

Raised on ISD Brevity under military tutors, when Mia came of age she was sent to the Academy on Bastion for further training. Preforming in the top of her class at Naval Academy, Mia was among those selected for Flight Academy despite her mixed heritage.

Mia's time growing up in the Empire has not been easy. While on the her father's ship she enjoyed the protection of his command, the same would not prove true in Naval Academy. As such Mia carries something of a chip on her shoulder and is prone to over committing in an effort to prove herself.

Mia believes in reforming the Empire from within. While this makes her a lighter and softer version of the Imperial people expect, it should still be noted that she believes in things like military dictatorships and a strictly regimented society. She values loyalty, honor, respect for authority, strong leadership and bravery under fire. She has little patience for any version of the democratic process.


Kubrik Dorsk - Bothan. Takes high profile jobs for the thrill. Former NR intel. Stolen HWK-1000. Get HWK from Dorsk and return to owner. Ask him to borrow/keep as reward. Refit it to hunt Varsin down.

Major Estral = Castel Moerai - not actually dead reported dead spy. Need meeting. Bring Qiric. Ask about:
1) Antar IV
2) Varsin
3) Dorsk

Beat Lienic to the Admiral.

Mia and Qiric are connected through their parents.

Mia's father is helping Qiric's parents hide from maybe inquisitors?

Captain Tahiri "Terrible" Tarmin - Commanded Mia during operations on Pho Ph'eah to rescue NR recon team.

X-Wing kills: 15 vulture droids

Nidus kills: 1x fang, 1 hwing, 1 kilamong heavy, 1 tie

Owes Clio 2k credits

Grand Moff - Tryign to start something up using Dakr Trooper project. Has been making moves in secret for years

Varsin - Ally of Moff. Defected as part of plan. Went looking for remains fo Dark Trooper project.


Morality: 77
Dedication - The character does not do things halfway. He takes every responsibility to its end and he commits his full power to everything he does.

Anger - Hot blood can easily lead to hot tempers. The character is quick to anger, and what he cannot deal with face-to-face can often frustrate him to the point of rage.

CR 1
Magnitude: 7
Duty: Support - Jedi work best in teams – only by working together can Knights hope to restore the glory of the old Order. This PC knows that their greatest path to success is by aiding in others' success, and as such provides assistance to other PCs in the completion of their respective Duties.


Mia stands just a bit over 6' 1". She has broad shoulders, a strong jawline and an athletic build. Wears her hair in a pixie cut with a padawan braid behind her left ear. This pixie cut has gown to become shaggy as of late as Mia has not cut it in a few months. Padawan braid is still there.

Blaster scar on right shoulder, Small scar on left stomach from disruptor, Claw marks on right leg from jungle predator. Three large claw marks across her back from near miss with a Zakkeg.

Other Notes

Qiric Ka-Vrei - Mia's first real friend in the order. Made a joke to her while she was being a sullen teenager that cheered her up. Is honest and straightforward with her. Clearly not a fan of the Empire, but he doesn't seem to hold that against Mia. Once asked me how she felt about the atrocities the Empire and if it really has change. She still believes she owes him an answer to these questions.

Clio Deshra - Mia made friends with Clio during a trip to Ithor to help refugees. Clio saw Mia at a very weak point when she became overwhelmed by the wondered in the refugee camp on the planet. Clio helped Mia pull herself together during this moment, but Mia did not offer any explanation for her freak out. Mia and Clio share a room at the academy. A New Mandalorian from Kaleval, Clio has taught Mia about her people and their movement. Mia has grown to greatly admire Satine Kryze and the New Mandalorian philosophy.

Ohta - Mia has a friendly rivalry with Ohta. While she believes herself to be a superior pilot to him in every way, she enjoys having someone to fly with and talk to about ships. She tries to help teach him to be a better pilot as well, but she finds his total lack of discipline infuriating. In turn, Ohta has helped teach Mia how to lightsaber.

"Talking until your brain falls off" - Tips on dealing with social situations from Lienic

Mia is a gun horder. Her collection so far includes: Blaster pistol, heavy blaster pistol, blaster rifle and a disruptor pistol

Mia feels guilty for not being able to save Ru and Mika with tractor beam when the Titanic crashed. Had nervous breakdown while trying to medic up Ru. Kasmair found her, but they have not talked about it yet.

Kas, Ru and Lienic all helped Mia overcome her feelings of guilt about what happened on the Titanic. She realized they all carried guilt about what happened that day.

Helped rescued a mother and a child in the middle of a massive riot with Ru. This personal level of helping someone gave her a brief moment of connection with the force. She is beginning to realize what it means to be a Jedi. Used the phrase 'May the Force be with you' for the first time.

Went on a mission with Qiric, Ohta and Rakand to Gilderia to recon the recent colony attack. During the trip Qiric helped Mia build a training lightsaber using parts from TIE throttle. The mission involved sneaking under cover onto the planet and extracting cvivlians from a village held by droids. During the mission Mia helped plan and excite the mission while working with the others. It was one of the first times she truly felt part of a team and embraced her support role within the group. While leaving the group encountered an Imperial military ship offering to help the planet, against the wishes of the party Mia invited him to help the planet. She argued with Qiric about this being the right decision, she believes that while he may not have pure motives the Empire can do good in the galaxy. She is frustrated Qiric won't give Imperials a chance to prove that.

Mia learned about Darth Revan, the Mando Wars, the Jedi Civil War, the saga of Nomi Sunrider and the tale of Meetra Surik. She learned this during archive research under the instruction of Jedi Knight Antioch Liogos. The story of Meetra Suirk being exiled and banished from the Jedi Order played upon similar fears Mia had of her Imperial beliefs getting her cast out as well. The idea of being cut off from the Force was particularly horrifying to her given that she is just starting to appreciate her connection to the Force. She confronted Master Katarn about this and he told her the new Order is much more flexible and would never do something like that. This helped Mia, but the idea of someone losing their connecting to the Force still bothers her.

During a long trip to Ithor with Master Cilghal, Mia bonded with fellow acolyte Clio. Clio saw Mia at a very week point when she became overwhelmed by the wondered in the refugee camp on the planet. Clio helped Mia pull herself together during this moment, but Mia did not offer any explanation for her freak out.

One day both Qiric and Mia were summoned by Nas Tan'do to gather their crystals. He sent them to a temple that was powerful with the dark side. While their Qiric was attacked by a dark spirit, Mia told the spirit to shut up and it listened. Mia resisted the effects of a the spirit later when it tried to convince her that she must choose between the Jedi and the Empire. She questions her ability to pull off this balancing act, but affirmed her commitment to being a Jedi Knight while not forsaking her past and father. Qiric also got a vision while their that cast doubt on Mia's parentage, she has chosen to ignore his vision.

Nas asked Mia why she wanted to be a Jedi and after some thought has come to realize she doesn't know. She does know she enjoys fighting with light-sabers, having friends, and feeling the Force rush around her when she runs through the jungles of Yavin.

A conversation with Clio has helped Mia come to a decision about seeking the truth of her parentage, no matter what that entails. While in the old Jedi temple Lienic willingly touched the spirit of the Emperor. Mia is furious with him over this as she believes nothing good can come of it.

During a trip to The Wheel while attempting to track down the Bothan Kubrik Dorsk the local Sector Rangers offered the Jedi information in exchange for help capturing a criminal. They were very clear that they were 'testing' the Jedi during the mission. Mia made it her goal to show them what being a Jedi meant to her. Her first day walking the walk of the Jedi was a success. She managed to capture the figurative defeating his pursers with her hand to hand combat skills and managing to talk him into surrendering, all without ever having to draw her new lightsaber. It's a good thing too since ever since what happened with Ru Mia has been squeamish about the thought of blood and gore. She stills has nightmares about that day. After Kas disappeared and did some shady shit Mia confronted him, she believed his lie and kissed him. This was not a good decision.

Mia is sort of friends with Corran Horn's secretary because she is constantly bugging her to find out if Corran is around. Mia really really wants to meet Corran Horn. His secretary also really wants Mia to meet Corran, but mainly so Mia will stop bothering her.

Trip to Ithor pt 1. Jumped into the middle of battle with ISD Revnant and New Republic forces. Joined to help NR. First space battle ever. Got shot down and forced to crash-land in Ithoran space port. Crashed into other ship to save the Nidus and friends. Angry at her failure in space combat. Will be practicing much more now. She and Kira had to deliver supplies to the refugees. Worried about the medical tent again. Feels Imperial guilt over the attack.

Colomex pt2 While trying to go on a date with Qiric, Master Kallias was shot. Mia beat some people up, got shot, Qiric killed someone with a lightsaber to protect her. Rakand cut the leg off the assassin who shot Kallias before Mia and Qiric discovered him. The smell caused Mia to vomit but she managed to prevent the two from coming to blows and get them to a safehouse. Mia has decided that she will never walk the path Rak seems to be. She is committed to being a peaceful warrior. Using violence only when absolutely possible and never more then is necessary. Mia also beat Ossa in a Force kung fu match. She really likes Ossa and has started training under her. The two mostly just spar in the woods with sticks and their hands & feet

Ithor 2. Went hiking with Kira in the woods and they got lost. Kira pushed them to keep hiking until dark. They got attacked by an animal. Mia defened them with her lightsaber, killed the creature. She is still bothered by the smell of burning flesh. Does not fully trust Kira's judgment now. Mia then got herself, Kira and Cilghal arrested with her lack of social skills. Has worked with Ossa during the past 2 months to learn to Influence others to help smooth through social situations.

Antar IV - Went with Clio and Qiric to find out more info about her parents. Found out her father had bombed people of Antar. Saw mother in a force vision. Qiric's parents had helped Mia's mother long ago while she was being hunted. They are now being hunted. When it became clear this was a dead end, Mia decided to contact her father. Mia's father promised to keep them safe. Mia kissed Qiric.

Mia is currently studying using the force to influence and sense the minds of others with Master Ezo. They currently do this during their daily sparing. Mia also trains under Valla learning the Dejm So style of light saber combat. Frequently seen with Master Jex Kiltan at academy obstacle course.

Recent training sessions with Valla and Useph have put Mia in the position of Padawan teacher over several acolytes. Mia has surprising risen to the challenge and served as a decent student teacher.

Karish Squad
Mia, Ohta, Kira, Rak, and Andu were deployed with Valla on a mission to rescue New Republic scouts trapped on a droid infested planet. They faced heavy resistance but were able to stop the droids from releasing a chemical attack on the planet. Mia was appointed as leader for Karish Squad (an ad hoc group of Jedi Padawans under NR military) for the mission. Not normally a leader, but did well at being a leader for the mission. Seeds of change planted. Will be beating herself up over mistakes made as a leader. Was a badass Jedi Knight riding down targets with a lightsaber from a speeder bike.

Mia is starting to grow into the role of being a battlefield leader. All be it slowly and with heavy self doubt thanks to some cheering up from the rest of the squad. Her and Rak are on their way to a better place and Mia finally made an open showing of her affection for Ohta. Mia is dealing with her self doubt from the mission by drowning herself in training. She will not fail again. There is no time for fun and games anymore. The galaxy is burning and some has to put it out.

Kas' crystal session - Mia has discovered that Kasmir has been lying and a spy from the Empire all along. Obviously she is pissed at him, but also the fact that he willingly came back to the Jedi Order to be punished when she gave him an out confuses her. Mia has very strong feelings for Kasmir and is currently avoiding both him and them by immersing herself in training.

Hanging Threads -

Corellia Racers - Ohta stopped by while Mia was working on the Nidus and asked to borrow the ship to go with Kira alone to race on Coronet. Mia got angry. Ohta told her he didn't think about Kira that way and kissed her. Mia was into it.

Mia currently is devoting 200% of her time to training in response to recent events. This may come of as worrying to some of her friends as she is probably speaking to them very little right now.

1/25/18 - Chardo died. Mia is sad. Mia lead a mission on the behalf of the New Republic to help so secure the CEO of Rothan Heavy and his family who they claimed wanted political asylum. They said they had been tipped off to a Moffs movements on this company after Kyle sent them some info related to his Dark Trooper hunt. Mia knows Varsin is involved with the Dark Trooper project as well and has allies high up in Imperial command. Kasmir kissed Mia right before the HALO drop was to be executed.

HALO dropping into the CEO's mansion on Hope Island the team lost Chardo to walker fire when he got separated. The made their way into the mansion and then things go bloody. They fought their way to the CEO in his panic room and learned the New Republic had sent them there to kidnap him. They convinced Bradley they could help him and protect his family. Taking his personal yacht, Mia was able to pilot them to safety. In hyperspace they discovered the Grand Moff Lorne had been trying to presure Bradly into giving him the remaining control of RHI. Mia slept with Kasmir for reasons she is still trying to muddle out, but she is maybe kinda possibly in love.

They did not bring Bradley to the NR.

After losing one of her closest friends Mia has struggled with keeping control of her emotions. Her normal hot temper has been getting out of hand a lot lately and this has become especially obvious when she is training. Mia has learned to walk the razors edge of losing control by practicing with Rak during their frequent sparring matches. She has not yet mastered this by any means.

During a meeting with Castel following Hope Island, Mia learned a number of shocking things about the current political state of the Empire. She warned Mia that a storm was coming and that is she wanted to learn more all she had to due was listen to the people of the Empire. Mia spent three weeks on a nearby planet and discovered great dissent among the people towards the Pellaeon lead government and after a call with her dad realized that a great political change was on the horizon for the Empire. This left her deeply shaken.

Castel also warned Mia that she was moving to fast and could get them both killed. She would help Mia with Varsin but it would not be free. Mia needed to pay her 2000 credits as a down payment with the real price to come after. As a former Imperial agent Castel is more concerned with being reinstated then paid.

Mia asked Kira for help with selling her guns to pay Cas. Clio loaned her 2000 credits after seeing Mia worried about money. They went to Coruscant and Mia was able to visit the sector of the under city Chardo saved to earn his crystal. Mia had been sending them money under Chardo's name to keep him alive in a small way. She came clean to the leader of the village about this with help from Clio and Kira. Lots of crying was had. Kira and Clio confronted Mia about what she needed 2000 credits for. Clio yelled at Mia for not telling her the money was to pay for a spy. Mia apologized and came clean about what was happening back at home. With help from Kira and Clio she realized she had been trying to take to much on by herself and needed to let her friends share the burden.

Ohta met Mia's dad and brought back her model ship of the Falcon. He told her that he would always been there to help and they were a team like Chewie and Han. They had sex in the cockpit of the Nidus, pretty sure Han and Chewie never did that.

Mia was awoken in the middle of the night by a call from Corran Horn's sectary. She excitedly told Mia he was here. Then the bell to her quarters rang. Mia meet her hero for the first time in her underwear and tank top. Great start. Corran tested her and Ohta in an asteroid field specifically designed for them. He was impressed with their results and teamwork but noticed their usage of the dark side. He did not admonish or lecture them for this, instated he understood that in combat every single action can mean life or death. That drawing on the dark side happens and can save lives, but it becomes a slippery slope. Corran understood this from personal experience and told Mia and Ohta that when you being to slip, it will be your friends who stop you from falling. This was some real shit Mia took to heart. Then they had sex in the ready room, after they went on a real mission to protect a convey from droid attack. Mia got 9 kills in front of Corran. All in all Corran Horn did not disappoint. How many people can say that about meeting their heroes?

Also Corran asked Mia to from a fighter squadron from people available at the academy. Thus Specter Squadron was born. Mia now thinks she is Corran's padawan. She is not.

Taking lesson learned to heart Mia has decided to bring some other people into her Imperial project in a limited capacity. She has asked Ludd to speak with Bradly and help him regain control of his company.

Mia was sent with Clio, Ittal and Rook to help a friend of Tobee Bym on a backwater planet. They investigate a small village on the planet, the only one there. They encountered weird force shit that messed with time. Seeing visions of the villages doom. They were able to trace this to seven shrines set up around the village that worked as a protective field from a great evil in a temple up north. They worked together to shatter the stone at the center of town an uncover a jounral. Mia channeled the force through her kyber crystal and saber to accomplish this.

They discovered that a young force sensitive boy way back when had tried to purify the great evil plaguing the planet by sacrificing himself. While this has kept the spirit at bay for a long time, the child was not strong enough to hold him alone. A further sacrifice was required. Mia knelt infront of the throne inside the temple and offered her lightsaber, giving her crystal as a sacrifice to purify the temple.

Mia is now a Jedi Knight. She was knight by Corran Horn, Ossaki Ezo, Cilghal and Valla Feldoria. Osaa gave her a new belt for the lightsaber she no longer has, she called her padawan and told Mia that she was so very proud of her, something she never heard from her dad, Cilghal told her she had a responsibility to pass on what she learned now, Valla told her that she has grown a lot in a short time, but Mia will always be the military bart she was when she first stepped foot on Yavin and that was a good thing then Corran had a flyby composed of X-Wings and TIE fighters done at the end of the ceremony. It was awesome. Mia is taking her new responsibilities very seriously.

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