Sonia Del'tores by MegaGeek2468

Edge of the Empire

Threshold 14
Current 0
Threshold 17
Current 0
Ranged 0
Melee 0

Placeholder Image




Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) 0
Athletics (Br) 0
Charm (Pr) X 3
Coercion (Will) X 1
Computers (Int) 0
Cool (Pr) X 3
Coordination (Ag) X 1
Deception (Cun) X 2
Discipline (Will) 0
Leadership (Pr) X 1
Mechanics (Int) 0
Medicine (Int) 0
Negotiation (Pr) X 1
Perception (Cun) X 1
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) 0
Piloting: Space (Ag) X 2
Resilience (Br) 0
Skulduggery (Cun) X 1
Stealth (Ag) 0
Streetwise (Cun) X 2
Survival (Cun) 0
Vigilance (Will) X 2
Brawl (Br) 0
Gunnery (Ag) 0
Lightsaber (Br) 0
Melee (Br) 0
Ranged: Light (Ag) X 3
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) 0
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) 0
Knowledge: Lore (Int) 0
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) X 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) X 1
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) 0
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) 0


H-7 'Equalizer' Blaster Pistol
Ranged: Light
Stun Setting, Superior; Add S to combat checks, remove S from combat checks, automatic 1 Adv to combat checks
Raider Arms Model-1 'Nova Viper' Blaster Pistol
Ranged: Light
Accurate 2, Pierce 2, Stun Setting; Automatic 1A to attacks
Holdout Blaster
Ranged: Light
Automatic 1S1T to first attack of each encounter; Stun Setting


Weapons & Armor

H-7 'Equalizer' Blaster Pistol: 1200cr, Enc 2, HP 0/3
- Blaster Actuating Module: 500cr
- Custom Grip: 500cr
- Paired Weapon: 150cr

Raider Arms Model-1 'Nova Viper' Blaster Pistol: 4500cr, Enc 2, HP 0/2
- Laser Sight: 500cr
- Paired Weapon: 150cr

Holdout Blaster: 200cr, Enc 1, HP 1/1
- Set Trigger: 450cr

Personal Gear

Smuggler's Trenchcoat: 1650cr, Enc 0/3

Comlink (handheld): 25cr, Enc 0
Concealed Recorder: 175cr
Concealment Holster: 40cr, Enc 0
Disguise Kit: 100cr
Extra Reloads: 25cr, Enc 1
False Credentials: 800cr
Lockpicking Tools: 50cr, Enc 1
Sabacc Deck: 40cr
6x Stimpacks: 150cr
Utility Belt: 25cr

Assets & Resources

Left on ship:

Noble Regalia: 700cr, Enc 1
Weapon Maintenance Kit (Blasters): 450cr, Enc 2

Critical Injuries & Conditions


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Tundra Dwellers Remove 1 setback dice imposed by cold environmental conditions
Grit 5 FC p.31 +5 ST
Toughened 1 FC p.31 +2 WT
Dedication FC p.31 +1 Agility, Cunning, Presence
Quick Draw FC p.31 Once per round draw/holster weapon/accessible item as incidental
Improved Quick Draw FC p.31 May perform Quick Draw twice per round
Quick Strike 2 FC p.31 BB on combat checks against targets who have not yet acted
Rapid Reaction 2 FC p.31 Suffer a number of strain to add an equal number of S to initiative. Cannot exceed ranks
Lethal Blows 2 FC p.31 +10 per rank to Critical Injuries on opponents
Call 'Em FC p.31 Do not add ■ to combat checks due to Aim
Dodge 1 FC p.31 Incidental: When attacked, may perform Dodge to suffer number of strain no greater than ranks, then upgrade difficulty of check by that number
Sorry About the Mess FC p.31 Decrease Critical Rating of weapon by 1 (min. 1) against targets that have not yet acted
Confidence 1 FC p.31 Decrease difficulty of Discipline checks to avoid fear by 1 per rank
Guns Blazing FC p.31 Incidental: 2 Strain to avoid increasing difficulty of Ranged (Light) check to attack with two weapons
Spitfire FC p.31 After successful combined check with two Ranged (Light) weapons, additional hits can be allocated to other targets within range
Natural Marksman FC p.31 Once per session, may reroll 1 Ranged (Light) or Ranged (Heavy) check
Deadly Accuracy: Ranged (Light) FC p.31 Add damage equal to ranks in Ranged (Light) to one hit of successful attack made using it
Smooth Talker 3 (Charm) FC p.27 When making Charm checks with that skill, spend Triumph to gain additional Success equal to ranks
Inspiring Rhetoric FC p.27 Action: Average Leadership check, each Success causes 1 ally in short range to recover 1 strain. Spend 1 Advantage to cause 1 affected ally to recover 1 additional strain
Kill With Kindness 2 FC p.27 Remove ■ per rank from Charm/Leadership checks
Improved Inspiring Rhetoric FC p.27 Each ally affected by Inspiring Rhetoric gains B on skill checks for rounds equal to ranks in Leadership
Congenial 2 FC p.27 May suffer a number of strain to downgrade difficulty of Charm/Negotiation checks, or upgrade difficulty when targeted by them, by an equal number. Strain suffered this way cannot exceed ranks
Plausible Deniability 1 FC p.27 Remove ■ per rank from Coercion/Deception checks
Disarming Smile 2 FC p.27 Action: succeed at opposed Charm check to lower all defenses of target by ranks until end of encounter
Works Like a Charm FC p.27 Once per session, make one skill check using Presence rather than characteristic linked to skill
Intense Presence FC p.27 Spend 1 DP to recover strain equal to Presence
Natural Charmer FC p.27 Once per session, may reroll 1 Charm/Deception check
Convincing Demeanour 1 FC p.29 Remove ■ per rank from Deception/Skulduggery checks
Second Chances 2 FC p.29 Once per encounter, choose number of positive dice equal to ranks in Second Chances and reroll them
Up the Ante 1 FC p.29 When gambling, win 10% more credits per rank
Double or Nothing FC p.29 Suffer 2 strain to perform Double or Nothing incidental: increase difficulty of next check by one; after canceling opposing symbols, double remaining Advantage
Natural Negotiator FC p.29 Once per session, may reroll 1 Cool/Negotiation check
Improved Double or Nothing FC p.29 When performing Double or Nothing, after canceling opposing symbols, also double remaining Success
Natural Rogue FC p.29 Once per session, may reroll 1 Skulduggery/Stealth check
Supreme Double or Nothing FC p.29 When performing Double or Nothing , also double number of Triumph and Despair




Debt (10) - Sonia loves the finer things in life, so much so that she regularly finds herself in debt. But she can't help having an eye for a good wine...or a fast starship.


Other Notes


Cool 1 - Pantoran
Coordination - Smuggler
Deception - Smuggler
Piloting (Space) - Smuggler
Vigilance - Smuggler
Cool 2 - Gunslinger
Ranged (Light) 1 - Gunslinger


Agility 3 - 30XP
Cunning 3 - 30XP
Intellect 3 - 30XP
Willpower 2 - 20XP


Charm 1 - 5XP
Charm 2 - 10XP
Charm 3 - 15XP
Coercion 1 - 5XP
Cool 3 - 15XP
Deception 2 - 10XP
Knowledge (Underworld) 1 - 5XP
Perception 1 - 5XP
Piloting (Space) 2 - 10XP
Ranged (Light) 2 - 10XP
Ranged (Light) 3 - 15XP
Streetwise 1 - 5XP
Streetwise 2 - 10XP
Skulduggery 1 - 5XP
Vigilance 2 - 10XP


Grit 1 - 5XP
Quick Strike 1 - 5XP
Rapid Reaction 1 - 5XP
Quick Draw - 5XP
Lethal Blows 1 - 10XP
Grit 2 - 10XP
Quick Strike 2 - 10XP
Improved Quick Draw - 10XP
Toughened 1 - 15XP
Call 'Em - 15XP
Dodge 1 - 15XP
Sorry About the Mess - 15XP
Confidence 1 - 20XP
Lethal Blows 2 - 20XP
Guns Blazing - 20XP
Rapid Reaction 2 - 20XP
Dedication (Agility) - 25XP
Spitfire - 25XP
Natural Marksman - 25XP
Deadly Accuracy (Ranged Light) - 25XP


Charmer - 20XP
Smooth Talker (Charm) 1 - 5XP
Inspiring Rhetoric - 5XP
Kill With Kindness 1 - 5XP
Grit 3 - 5XP
Kill With Kindness 2 - 10XP
Improved Inspiring Rhetoric - 10XP
Congenial 1 - 10XP
Plausible Deniability 1 - 10XP
Disarming Smile 1 - 15XP
Works Like a Charm - 15XP
Disarming Smile 2 - 15XP
Grit 4 - 15XP
Smooth Talker 2 - 20XP
Congenial 2 - 20XP
Intense Presence - 20XP
Natural Charmer - 25XP
Dedication (Presence) - 25XP


Gambler - 20XP
Convincing Demeanour 1 - 5XP
Grit 5 - 10XP
Second Chances 1 - 15XP
Up the Ante 1 - 20XP
Double or Nothing - 25XP
Smooth Talker 3 - 25XP
Natural Negotiator - 25XP
Improved Double or Nothing - 25XP
Second Chances 2 - 20XP
Natural Rogue - 15XP
Supreme Double or Nothing - 10XP
Dedication (Cunning) - 10XP

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