Zrizz’orash’zussa (7th SA Operative) by Jeremy5710

Age of Rebellion

Threshold 13
Current 0
Threshold 15
Current 0
Ranged 0
Melee 0

Placeholder Image




Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) 0
Athletics (Br) 0
Charm (Pr) X 1
Coercion (Will) X 1
Computers (Int) 0
Cool (Pr) 3
Coordination (Ag) X 0
Deception (Cun) X 2
Discipline (Will) 0
Leadership (Pr) X 1
Mechanics (Int) 0
Medicine (Int) X 0
Negotiation (Pr) X 1
Perception (Cun) X 3
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) 0
Piloting: Space (Ag) 0
Resilience (Br) 0
Skulduggery (Cun) 0
Stealth (Ag) 0
Streetwise (Cun) 0
Survival (Cun) 0
Vigilance (Will) 0
Brawl (Br) 0
Gunnery (Ag) 0
Lightsaber (Br) 0
Melee (Br) 0
Ranged: Light (Ag) 0
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) 0
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) X 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) 0
Knowledge: Lore (Int) X 0
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) X 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) 0
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) 0
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) X 0


Sap Gloves
Concussive 1
Ranged: Light
Stun, Suppressed


Weapons & Armor

-Banal apparel
(1 upgrade to identify wearer)

-CS-14 Ghost Blaster Pistol (Issued w/ suppressor)

-Sap Gloves

Personal Gear

-Slicer Gear
-Lockpick Set
-Earbud Comlink (ddd perception to spot)
-Concealment holster ((k) to spot weapon)
-Affide Crystal
-Cortex Bomb
-Agents Bag (+6 enc, 3x 2 Enc. Hidden storage, Self destruct system,+6 damage and range to short mods, 3 diff. upgrade mods to spot, subminiature Holocam)

"Everybody Talks" Enhanced Interrogation Multitool (Coercion)
-Supreme Craftsmanship
-Safety Features
-1 Enc

Cascader (upgrade on socials)

Assets & Resources

3x Skirtopanol

Critical Injuries & Conditions


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Nobody’s Fool 3 Interrogator/Advocate May upgrade the difficulty ofincoming Charm, Coercion, or Deception Checks once per rank.
Good Cop 1 Interrogator Spend (aa) from a charm or negotiation check to upgrade an ally’s subsequent social check a number of times equal to ranks.
Know their Weakness Interrogator Make (ddd) perception check against one target within short range. To downgrade the difficulty one per rank for the remainder of the encounter.
Improved Know their Weakness Interrogator Effects may extend within short range equal to ranks in presence
Made you Talk Interrogator Opposed social check against a captured NPC. Add b for every two strain inflicted this encounter, if successful PCs gain a bonus based on NPC type
Dedication Interrogator +1 cunning
Exhaustive Questioning Interrogator Whenever a character makes a successful social skill check against a captured enemy in short range, may reduce their strain threshold by 2 for the remainder of the session, and can spend advantage to inflict one strains
Intimidating 2 Interrogator May suffer stain up to ranks in intimidating to downgrade the difficulty of coercion checks or increase the difficulty of incoming coercion checks.
Bad Cop 1 Interrogator May spend (aa) from coercion or deception to upgrade the ability of a single ally’s subsequent social check against the target a number of times equal to ranks.
Resist Questioning Interrogator When targeted by an opposed social check, may take an incidental to add a setback. If it fails May spend despair to provide false info.
Confidence 1 Advocate Decrease diff of fear by 1.
Grit 1 Advocate ST +1


Republic intelligence Asset Codename: Quiz

Born on the moon of Thule at the Chiss colony, where he studied Psychology. Traveled the universe searching for a job where he could better use his abilities, became an interrogator for the Coruscant Underworld Police, specializes in “enhanced interrogation.” Was discharged for killing a suspect in the interrogation room. Recruited at the outbreak of the clone wars to join an elite task force specializing in hunting down seperatist blacksites and enemy HVTs. Zorashz worked alongside Reaver and Chaos during the Battle of Jabiim. Recently transferred into 7th SA at personal request from Chaos.
Very few know his real name, he goes by his Codename: Quiz. Zorashz if you’re a friend, currently he can count those on one hand.

Cold, calculating, somewhat brutal. Always gets an answer. Overzealous in his interrogations, and believes them to be a necessary method of warfare.


Make Them Talk: All people have secrets, and all secrets are useful in the right hands. To learn these secrets you can charm, lie, eavesdrop, negotiate, or if all else fails force it out of them. But the goal is always to learn the secret.


Interrogation Resistance: Even the most skilled operative can be captured and subjected to interrogation. PCs with this duty specialize in ensuring that they and their fellow agents have the physical and mental fortitude to endure interrogation. They work to ensure information critical to the Republic is compartmentalized and secure so that agents who are unable to resist questioning don’t compromise the entire republic.

CR: 0


Silver hair, Red eyes, Pale blue skin. Often mistaken for a pantoran. Very cold demeanor, true believer in the republic’s cause. Zealous. Possibly even dangerous. Will do anything to get information from his mark. Not remorseful in the slightest about his methods. Were he not an interrogator himself, he would likely not pass a psych evaluation. However he does actually care about his teammates. He just hides it extremely well.

Other Notes

48 R&R


+260xp (race/heroic)
+65xp (earned)
+40xp (GM)
+10xp (R/R)

- 30 brawn
- 70 willpower
- 30 interrogator spec
- 25 intimidating
- 5 nobody’s fool
- 10 bad cop
- 10 good cop
- 15 resist questioning
- 40 improved and basic know their weakness
- 25 exhaustive questioning
- 25 made you talk
- 25 dedication
- 15 perception
- 35 cool

—- credits —-

+9500 (starting)
+4000 (earned/GM)

- 1620 cascader
- 4400 spy kit
- 50 sap gloves
- 1200 cortex bomb
- 750 coercion tools

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