Carshotta Brea was a lower level bureaucrat on the planet Shili around the fall of the Old Republic/establishment of the Empire. She was an outspoken critic of Palpatine and his New Order, as were several of her contemporaries. During the waning years of the Republic, this wasn't much of an issue for her. However, with the establishment of the Empire, Carshotta quickly found herself in legal trouble for her outspoken criticism and disdain. It wasn't long before she was arrested on charges of sedition and sent to the penal colony on Kessel.
It was on Kessel that Carshotta learned the basics of Medicine from Kassar Forge. Kassar was a teacher who volunteered to go to Kessel under a Galactic Republic program to educate inmates on how to re-enter society upon release. Carshotta had become disillusioned with politics and wanted to make a difference, thus her study in the field of Medicine.
Her skills as a Doctor became useful to the Imperial overseers, who had her transferred to another facility that needed a Doctor. This facility was rimward of Kessel, though Carshotta never learned the name of the system, as it was classified. She only knew that she worked aboard a facility called Sentinel Base. She was stationed there for several months, until one day, she and a number of other slaves and prisoners were rounded up onto a ship and transported to the nearest penal colony on the desert planet of Tatooine.
Currently, Carshotta is one of two acting medical personnel overseeing the care of the prisoners incarcerated in said penal colony, which was overseen personally by Teemo the Hutt.
Status- specifically, clearing her name