Lilliana Del'Aria by RCollum

Hired Gun
Marauder / Enforcer / Modder
Edge of the Empire

Threshold 22
Current 0
Threshold 14
Current 0
Ranged 1
Melee 2

Placeholder Image




Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) 0
Athletics (Br) X 1 -2 SB
Charm (Pr) 0 -1 SB
Coercion (Will) X 1
Computers (Int) 0
Cool (Pr) 1
Coordination (Ag) 0
Deception (Cun) 0
Discipline (Will) X 2
Leadership (Pr) 0 -1 SB
Mechanics (Int) X 2
Medicine (Int) 0
Negotiation (Pr) 0
Perception (Cun) 0
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) X 1
Piloting: Space (Ag) X 0
Resilience (Br) X 0
Skulduggery (Cun) 0
Stealth (Ag) 0 -2 SB
Streetwise (Cun) X 4 -1 SB
Survival (Cun) X 1
Vigilance (Will) X 1
Brawl (Br) X 1
Gunnery (Ag) X 0
Lightsaber (Br) 0
Melee (Br) X 5
Ranged: Light (Ag) X 1
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) 0
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) 1
Knowledge: Lore (Int) 0
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) X 0 -1 SB
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) 0
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) 0


Vibroknife W/serrated edge
Enc 1, HP 1/2, Pierce 2, Vicious 2
Neuronic Whip
Disorient 4, Ensnare 1, Stun Damage, Accurate 1
5 (7)
Enc 1 HP 1/1 Defensive 2, Sunder, Pierce 1
Enc 2, HP 0/3, Defensive 1, Pierce 7, Accurate 2

10 (6)

Weapons & Armor

Brise Coeur: Vibrorapier
Enc 1, HP 0/3 (+1 from Tinkerer)
Balanced Hilt Attachment: (Accurate 1)
*Accurate +1 Mod installed
* -1 Encumbrance Mod installed
Mono-molecular Edge Attachment: (Reduce critical rating by 1)
*Two +2 pierce mod successfully install

Enc 1: HP 1/2
Serrated edge attachment (Vicious +1)

Neuronic Whip:
Enc 1, HP 0/1
Custom Grip (-1 SB to attacks)
* Accuracy 1 upgrade

Enc 1, HP 1/1

Type III "Berethron" Armor
Enc 2 (0), HP 1 0f 3
Custom Fit Attachment: (-1 SB to Stealth and Athletics
* Additional -1SB to athletics and stealth mod
Superior Attachment: (+1 soak, -1 ENC)

Personal Gear

Utility Belt: +1 Enc
Scanner Goggles
8 Stims
Thermal Cloak: Enc 2

Assets & Resources

Backpack +4 ENC
Portable Shelter ENC2

Medpack 2 ENC

Melee Weapons Maintenance Kit ENC 2
Heavy Armor Maintenance Kit ENC 2
Light Armor Maintenance Kit (as weapons kit but 2 boost for working on cloth/light armors only) ENC 2

Cloaking Coat: Soak 1; HP 1; Upgrade difficulty of all checks to detect and individual wearing cloaking coat using sensors or electronic forms of detection twice. Droids with INT lower then characters ranks of computers are affected the same way.

Therm-Ax ENC 4
Molecular stilettos (2) ENC 1 each
RS01 "Ripper" Powersword ENC 4
Vibrospear ENC 4
Thunderbolt ENC 2

Improved Vibromotor attachment.
Encripted Comms (Divine One DT Encounter)

Beast Contact info (Fight Club DT)
Milas Contact info (Fight Club DT)

Critical Injuries & Conditions

1 Arm (1 Setback to most things)

DT 1/4


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Frenzied Attack (1) 1 EotE CRB 135 When making a Brawl or Melee combat check, the character may suffer a number of strain, then upgrade the ability of his combat check by that number. The number cannot exceed her ranks in Frenzied Attack.
Feral Strength (2) 2 EotE CRB 135 The character deals +1 damage to one hit on all successful Brawl and Melee checks per rank of Feral Strength.
Toughened (4) 2 EotE CRB 145 Gain +2 wound threshold
Lethal Blows (2) 2 EotE CRB 138 Add +10 per rank of Lethal Blows to any critical injury result inflicted on opponents
Street Smarts 1 EotE CRB 144 Remove 1 SB from Streetwise or Knowledge Underworld checks
Intimidating 1 EotE CRB 137 Suffer Strain up to ranks of Intimidating to downgrade coercion checks an equal amount
Fearsome 1 Dangerous Covenants 32 When foe becomes engaged range may force fear with difficulty equal to ranks of fearsome
Stunning Blow 1 EotE CRB 144 Can do strain instead of wounds damage with melee attacks
Talk the Talk 1 Dangerous Covenants 33 Spend 1 destiny, substitute Streetwise or knowledge underworld for any knowledge skill check
Resolve 2 EotE CRB 142 Reduce strain damage by rank to minimum of 1
Tinkerer 2 EotE CRB 145 +1 HP to separate equipment per rank
Enduring 1 EotE CRB 135 +1 Soak
Kill with Kindness 1 Colonist faction Remove 1 SB from charm and leadership checks
Grit 1 Colonist Faction Gain +1 Strain threshold


Lilliana was born in the Hapes Cluster. Her reasons for leaving are her own but she traveled to the outer rim of the galaxy. She found herself on Oogway and with what credits he had she started an orphanage for the street children in Poci. She has struggled against the local criminal element who disliked that she was taking in their "recruits" and giving them the option of a different life then that of crime.
After living on Oogway for a time and trying to run an orphanage she found that the city was too far gone to change and the safety of the children was paramount. Using money she saved from arena fights she bought passage for herself and the kids offworld just before the attack...
Three years later she came back out of nostalgia to fine a changed world...


The weak - Charity

Sister Del'Aria has a soft spot for children and tries to help as many of the less fortunate kids of Poci.


Criminal - 5
Numerous assaults and a murder or two while protecting the common folk

Oath - 5
Following the teachings and tenants of the Lady of the Mists

Raza - 5????
Duty - 28 Colonist


Lilliana is tall for a human woman standing 5'9". She has jet black hair that is cut functionally short but rarely seen. Her green eyes sparkle with determination. Most would describe Lilliana as a attractive. A half mask covers the right half of her face hiding severe blaster burn scars. Her body has numerous scars from her many battles but those are also rarely seen. The reason for this is Lilliana wears the outfit of her order which is a nun's outfit of sorts. It has the typical black and white style but the cut, while covers most of her body, is done in a way that promotes freedom of movement and defense. The outfit is also less bulky and more form fitting and accentuating. Lilliana is never without her vibrosword on her side. Two curved toothed knives are sheathed under her robes in her tall boots. A silver disc with white specks hangs on a heavy chain around her neck. A thick metalic belt of linked balls is strung around her waist.

Other Notes

XP Gain
5 - Utopian Heist
5 - Christmas
5 - Wife's B-Day
10- Hired Help
5- 8 fights in the arena
5 - Tak 1/16
10 - Who Dat
5 - Man Man-Down Mission
5 - Channel moderating 1/20
5 - Tak Sorry 1/21
5 - KJV Thanks 4/18
5 - Orphanage Ruins RP 4/2
15 - Jamanji 5/8
5 - Mothers Day
100 - Gamesmaster Boost
10 - Twists and Turns 5/22
5 - 4 DT Missions completed 5/24
5 - Gamekeeper special bonus 5/27
20 - Hunt for Zod
10 Jamanji Part 2
10 - Fathers day gift from KJV on 6/21
10 - Raza DT bonus from DJ 6/22
7 - KJV 2d5 boost. 7/5/2020
5 - DT - 4 Completed 7/14
Total: 250

Gained XP Expenditure
5 - Brawl rank 1
20- Enforcer Specialization
5 - Street Smarts
5 - Intimidation
5 - fearsome
5 - Streetwise rank 1
10 - Streetwise rank 2
15 - Streetwise rank 3
20 - Streetwise rank 4
5 - Toughness (Marauder)
5 - Toughness (Enforcer)
10- Talk the Talk
10 - Stunning Blow
40 - Modder
5 - Resolve
5- Tinker
10 - Tinker
5 - Piloting Planetary rank 1
5 - Mechanics rank 1
15 - Enduring
5 - Survival 1 rank
5 - Athletics rank 1
10 - Discipline Rank 2
15 - Resolve from Modder Tree
10 - Mechanics to Rank 2
Total Spent: 240

Starting Skills:
Species Bonus
Cool 1 Rank
Knowledge Education 1 Rank
Marauder Bonus Skills
Coercion 1 rank
Discipline 1 rank
Vigilance 1 rank
Ranged light 1 rank
Melee 2 ranks

Species: 110
30 to bring Willpower to 3
30 to bring Brawn to 3
40 to bring Brawn to 4
10 Left over

Extra 100 XP +10 Leftover =110

Melee to 3 15xp
Melee to 4 20xp
Melee to 5 25 xp
Feral Strength 5xp
Lethal Blows 5xp
Frenzied Attack 5xp
Toughened 10xp
Lethal Blows 15 xp
Feral Strength 10xp

15 pt toughened a New Years gift

Record 5-5
The Lone Stranger and Pronto - Win - Tier 1 - 2 vs 2 (Raz Partner)
The Assassin - Win - Tier 2 - 1 vs 1
The Dusk Stalker - Loss - Tier 3 - 1 vs 1
Small Nexu - Win - Tier 1 - 1 vs 2
Nobody - Win - Tier 2 - 1 vs 1
Dr. Pain - Loss - Tier 3 - 1 vs 1
Dusk Stalker - Win - Tier 3 - 1 vs 1
Axe and Staff - Loss - Tier 3 - 1 vs 2
Rancor - Loss - Tier 3 - 1vs1
Kaar - Loss - Special fight

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