Walden Albright by satkaz

Soresu Defender, Starfighter Ace
Force and Destiny

Threshold 12
Current 0
Threshold 12
Current 0
Ranged 1
Melee 1

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Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) X 1
Athletics (Br) 0
Charm (Pr) 0
Coercion (Will) 0
Computers (Int) 0
Cool (Pr) X 1
Coordination (Ag) 0
Deception (Cun) 0
Discipline (Will) X 2
Leadership (Pr) 1
Mechanics (Int) X 0
Medicine (Int) 0
Negotiation (Pr) 0
Perception (Cun) 0
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) 0
Piloting: Space (Ag) X 2
Resilience (Br) X 0
Skulduggery (Cun) 0
Stealth (Ag) 0
Streetwise (Cun) 0
Survival (Cun) 0
Vigilance (Will) X 1
Brawl (Br) X 0
Gunnery (Ag) X 2
Lightsaber (Int) X 2
Melee (Br) X 0
Ranged: Light (Ag) 0
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) 0
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) 0
Knowledge: Lore (Int) X 0
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) 0
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) 0
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) 0


Basic Lightsaber
Breach 1, Sunder, Accurate 1


Weapons & Armor

Armored Robes [Enc 2]
Lightsaber [Enc 1]
-Illum Crystal: Critical -1
-Custom Grip: removes Setback when Walden uses it, gives 2 Setback to everyone else using it, Accurate 1

Personal Gear

Jedi Utility Belt [Enc +1]
- Food Capsules (3days) [Enc 0]
- Emergency Medpack [Enc 1]
- Jedi Multi-Tool [Enc 2]
- A slim Glow Rod [Enc 1]
- Comlink [Enc 0]
- Aquata Breather [Enc 0]

Assets & Resources

Critical Injuries & Conditions


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Parry When hit by melee attack, suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by 2 plus ranks in Parry (2 ranks).
Soresu Technique Lightsaber check uses Intellect instead of Brawn.
Reflect When hit by ranged attack, suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by 2 plus ranks in Reflect (3 ranks).
Improved Parry When parrying a hit that generate Despair or 3 Threat, may hit attacker once with Lightsaber, Brawn, or Melee weapon (dealing base damage) after original attack resolves.
Improved Reflect When parrying a hit that generate Despair or 3 Threat, may hit one target in medium range with the same damage as the intial hit after original attack resolves.
Dedication Gain +1 to a Characteristic, can't take a characteristic above 6 (1 in Agility).
Defensive Stance Once per round, perform Defensive Stance maneuver, suffer strain equal to ranks in talent to upgrade difficulty of all melee attacks by an equal number.
Skilled Jockey Remove one Setback per rank of Skilled Jockey from all Piloting (Planetary/Space) checks the character makes (1 rank)
Confidence May decrease difficulty of Discipline checks to avoid fear by 1 per rank of Confidence (1 rank)

Force Powers

Force Rating
Can sense the Force interacting with the world around him.

May spend force points to sense all living things within short range (including sentient and non-sentient beings)

May spend force points to sense the current emotional state of one living target with whom he is engaged.
Upgrade Effect
Control: Upgrade Difficulty Commit force die. Once per round, when an attack targets the Force user, he upgrades the difficulty of the pool once.
Duration Sense's ongoing effect may be triggered one additional time per round.
Strength When using Sense's ongoing effects, upgrade the pool twice, rather than once.
Can dampen the effect of incoming force powers, dramatically diminishing their effects on himself and his allies.

Upgrade Effect


Born on Contrumm, Walden Albright seemed to have a relatively good life. As the son of a retired test pilot for the Republic, Walden would hear tales of his dad flying through space with all the latest designs, and would have likely have been headed towards being a pilot for the Republic military. But the Force had other plans.

Walden had an uncanny knack for noticing anybody, even if it didn’t seem like they would be noticed at all. His family and friends thought it was just luck on his side. But someone else knew better: Hanji Sellas. He was friendly to the town, but everyone thought of him as some hermit living in the hills. In truth, he was a Jedi Watchman and had discovered Walden’s use of Force Sense.

One evening, as he was walking back to his house from playing in the hills, Walden noticed something was wrong. There were several figures that didn’t seem to be friendly to him. As he looked around, he saw a couple of people wearing armor and brandishing blades and blaster rifles. He ran, and they followed. Eventually, Walden was cornered and would have died right on the spot if it wasn’t for Hanji suddenly appearing and cutting down the aggressors with a lightsaber.

Eventually, Walden would learn of his aggressors: Mandalorians. It seems that they were preparing for a massive strike into the Republic, and they would send raids to Republic planets to both test defenses and have their troops gain some experience in a live-fire situation. Unfortunately, Walden’s town was one of the hardest hit targets.

When Walden arrived, the town was in shambles. Many that had lived there died in the fighting, including Walden’s family and his friends. Hanji, perhaps feeling a sense of guilt for not doing more, decided at that point to take Walden not only as a member of the Jedi Order, but has his own personal apprentice.

Now, Walden has been training as a Padawan and has been declared ready to find a crystal of his own.

- - -

After Walden obtained his crystal, he served with his Master on peacekeeping and law enforcement missions across the galaxy. Sellas' familiarity with people of all kinds and the various problems in said missions kept Walden's skill with the lightsaber and his use of Force Sense strong.

With Tiberius' help and Master Sellas' teachings, Walden eventually accepted that what happened in his village was unfortunate, but shouldn't chain him down. With the Mandalorian Wars breaking out and the Republic's attention focused on the war, Walden and Master Sellas focused even more on keeping the peace.

One such story was the unintentional pacification of a pirate group over Serranos. During that mission, Walden and Hanji were trying to go past a pirate blockade with the help of famed smuggler Nory Imiya and his daughter, Kisa, when pirates whom Nory had angered recognized his voice and boarded the ship. Despite resistance, all of them had been captured. Kisa and Walden worked together to bust out of their cell, get Nory and Hanji free despite injuries, call up Republic reinforcements, and cut the power on the ship. Escaping with Nory's freighter, Walden would eventually take over the controls of the freighter while Kisa took control of a turret. Despite flying this kind of ship the first time, Walden and Kisa would take some kills with the guns and buy enough time for the Republic to send a fleet and take care of the pirates.

Needless to say, Walden was recommended he take starfighter training, and Master Sellas from then on preferred public transportation.


Oath: Departed

Even after all these years, he still remembers his childhood friend's promise: to bring peace to the galaxy. His missions in law enforcement and peacekeeping have only served to further that.

His father's words to be kind, have respect, and to be prepared have also aided Walden greatly, even if the "prepared" part isn't followed upon too much.


Strength: Bravery
Weakness: Recklessness

Walden Albright is willing to put himself on the line for others, partly due to a drive to make sure others don’t get injured on his watch. His experience in Soresu helps with defending himself and his party. On the other hand, he can get carried away while carrying out his duties, rushing things without thinking them through. On more than once occasion, that has caused some difficulties in missions.


Other Notes

Master Sellas: http://swsheets.com/c/k4z61ys2p-jedi-master-han

Grabbed the extra +10 experience.

Discovered at the age of 10, would be 12 at the caves, so 27 at timeskip.

Beginning (120 XP):

3 in Intelligence and Presence - 60 XP

Parry - 5 XP
Soresu Technique - 10 XP
Reflect - 10 XP
Improved Parry - 15 XP

Sense Basic - 5 XP
Sense Control - 10 XP
Suppress Basic - 5 XP

- - -

Planned route for 150 XP.

Soresu Defender + Starfighter Ace

Defensive Stance: 5 XP
Parry - 5 XP
Reflect - 20 XP
Reflect - 20 XP
Improved Reflect - 25 XP
Dedication - 25 XP, take Agility

Take Starfighter Ace - 30 XP
Improve Sense Duration and Strength - 20 XP

- - -
Current experience expenditures:

1 rank in Piloting (Space) - 10 XP
1 rank in Gunnery - 5 XP
1 rank in Lightsaber - 10 XP
1 rank in Astrogation - 5 XP
Take Skilled Jockey - 5 XP
1 rank in Gunnery - 10 XP
Take Confidence - 10 XP

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