Myryja by Flamiel

Arkanian Offshoot
Force and Destiny

Threshold 11
Current 0
Threshold 12
Current 0
Ranged 0
Melee 0

Placeholder Image




Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) 0
Athletics (Br) 0
Charm (Pr) 0
Coercion (Will) 0
Computers (Int) 1
Cool (Pr) X 1
Coordination (Ag) 0
Deception (Cun) 0
Discipline (Will) X 1
Leadership (Pr) 0
Mechanics (Int) X 1
Medicine (Int) 0
Negotiation (Pr) 0
Perception (Cun) 0
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) 0
Piloting: Space (Ag) 0
Resilience (Br) X 1
Skulduggery (Cun) 0
Stealth (Ag) 0
Streetwise (Cun) 0
Survival (Cun) 0
Vigilance (Will) X 1
Brawl (Br) X 0
Gunnery (Ag) 0
Lightsaber (Br) X 1
Melee (Br) X 1
Ranged: Light (Ag) 0
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) 0
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) 0
Knowledge: Lore (Int) 0
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) X 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) 0
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) 0
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) 0


Fusion Cutter
Breach 1, Burn 3, Sunder, Vicious 3
Light Blaster Pistol
Ranged: Light


Weapons & Armor

Fusion Cutter
Light Blaster Pistol
Concealing Robes: (Add ■ to checks to notice or recognize an individual wearing concealing robes.)

Personal Gear

Dataspike: (Adds □□ to any Computers check made to slice computers, Adds □ to any attempt to locate the use of a data breaker in a computer system )

Assets & Resources

Critical Injuries & Conditions


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Inventor When constructing new items or modifying attachments, add BOOST or remove SETBACK per rank of Inventor.
Gearhead Remove SETBACK per rank of Gearhead from Mechanics checks. Halve the credit cost to add mods to attachments.

Force Powers

Force Rating
When making a skill check, may do an Ebb or Flow power check. May not activate multiple times.
Upgrade Effect
Basic Ebb: Spend FP and 1 strain to inflict 1 strain on all engaged chars. Flow: Spend FP to heal 1 strain.


Myryja was bred in captivity. Not a creature at a zoo, but monitored and studied no less. Arkanians love to experiment with genetic combinations and mutations. In Myryja's case, they had mixed the genes of an Arkanian with the genetic material taken from a Human Jedi Master, although the Arkanians were not aware of his connection to the Force. Had they been, they might have drawn a connection between Myryja and the headaches observing scientists around her often suffered. The scientists were much too engrossed in measuring her prodigal intellectual skills. At age 4, she couldn't sleep one night, and so disassembled the computer, datapads, and the hapless service droid in her room. At age 7, she was writing her own custom software and twice successfully hacked into the scientists' own monitoring devices. By age 10, she had assembled a functional astromech droid from spare parts.

She also was devious. This took longer for the scientists to discover, as her experimental malware was excellently disguised and programmed with a self-deleting protocols in the event of discovery. Once her secret was known, however, opportunity for exploitation was too obvious, and tempting, for them to ignore.

At age 13, after thorough training and social grooming on manipulative techniques, Myryja took her first "consulting" job for a local merchant. This was just a trial run, a proof-of-concept for her Arkanian handlers. No one looked twice at the sweet, young, innocent girl, except to perhaps marvel at her blue eyes. She was easily trusted to repair the disabled droid (her rate was so cheap!), after all, what could be feared from such a pretty one? The droid was repaired as expertly as any machine shop, and the owner was quite pleased...and oblivious to the clandestine surveillance and remote command devices that had also been installed.

The unqualified success of her first mission emboldened her handlers to contract her out to increasingly more powerful, lucrative,...and dangerous clientele. Planet administrators, governors, royalty, even Senators, were unwitting victims of industrial and political espionage; unwitting, until their sensitive information showed up in a blackmail letter.

But no one ever asked Myryja what *she* wanted, or if *she* was happy. She had no credits to her name, no family, no advocate -- no one cared about her. She was trapped in this lifestyle, with no means or prospect of escape. Not that it was all bad. Her handlers provided luxury accommodations to her and treated her well enough (after all, she was their golden goose). Myryja's only solace came in working with whatever technology she could get her hands on, and her handlers were happy to facilitate, as it only honed her skills more for their nefarious purposes. Besides, most of the people Myryja victimized were awful and corrupt, so she couldn't really feel bad for them.

There was one planet that Myryja was always fond of visiting, for on it was an older woman with whom she had become well acquainted. This human woman, Rahdika, lived in the same high rise as many of Myryja's "clients". Rahdika noticed Myryja when she was only 15, and made a point to engage her, not for her outer appearance or her reputation as a genius tech, but for something else she sensed hidden deep inside her. What started as brief visits for tea, became longer sessions of introspection, meditation, and guidance. Rahdika sensed the strength of the Force in Myryja, and gradually she helped Myryja harness it and focus it. Myryja's power of the mind extended beyond just her innate intelligence, but could be extended outward, affecting other beings. Myryja found that her natural strength, already improved by the Arkanian meddling, could be enhanced even further through the Force. Of course, Rahdika didn't know that one of Myryja's thoughts was whether this would allow her sufficient strength to snap the necks of her handlers....

When Myryja turned 20, she had reached...full her physical development, and some of her clients noticed. Myryja was already used to charming her clients with her pretty looks and disarming smiles, while she installed hidden malware in their computer systems. But now some of her clients were responding differently, leering at her and invading her personal space in very uncomfortable manners. That, it turned out, was the tip of a malevolent iceberg.

On her last trip to a Senator's office, she stumbled onto correspondence between him and her Arkanian handlers. They were discussing more business deals about her (not remarkable), but as she read further she was horrified to discover that the parameters of her "services" were about to change drastically. No longer were her intellectual gifts desired, but rather her physical "gifts", and her handlers were already negotiating the finer details of their fee! Without a doubt, she was no more than a resource, to be exploited to its fullest for as long as possible.

Myryja knew that it was time to run. She would die before she let some sleazy slimeball put his hands on her. But where could she go? She decided that discretion was no longer a priority for her in this situation. With great urgency, she ransacked his office, stealing 25 credits he had carelessly left exposed. Grabbing the only tools and equipment she could carry with her, she hastily exited before he could arrive back, and went on the run. In a back alleyway, she used a medical scalpel to dig the Arkanian tracking device out of her leg. She took pleasure in the pain. It was the pain of liberty, of freedom. The device found a new home in a passerby's satchel, but where could her home be?


If she's going to make it on her own, she'll need credits,,,and probably someone she can trust to watch her back. That means a job; preferably one that has her moving around a lot. She's desperate enough that just about anything will do, as long as she has her freedom.


Myryja is 5'6", with a slender frame. At a glance, her physiology appears human, except perhaps for the nearly glowing whiteness of her hair. Beautiful, by Human and Arkanian standards, Myryja's bright white hair highlights her vividly radiant blue eyes. But there can be a coldness behind those eyes. Try to take advantage of her, and you will regret it.

The character takes anger, and instead of suppressing it, uses it to fuel work. Pushing harder allows him to advocate for those who can't do so for themselves. For Myryja, who has felt the sting of enslavement and objectification, she has a soft spot for those in similar circumstances.

The drive to achieve her goals can cause Myryja to set aside any concepts of compassion, unless she happens to identify personally with the subject. In life there are casualties; whether Myryja is the source of it is of little consequence: it was going to happen anyway.


Other Notes

XP award sibyl-dungeon 7/27: 10
Canceled Successes in current session:

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