Shadow by William1010

Force and Destiny

Threshold 14
Current 0
Threshold 22
Current 0
Ranged 2
Melee 2

Placeholder Image




Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) 0
Athletics (Br) 0
Charm (Pr) 0
Coercion (Will) 0
Computers (Int) 0
Cool (Pr) 0
Coordination (Ag) 0
Deception (Cun) 0
Discipline (Will) X 4
Leadership (Pr) 0
Mechanics (Int) 0
Medicine (Int) X 0
Negotiation (Pr) 0
Perception (Cun) X 2
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) X 0
Piloting: Space (Ag) X 0
Resilience (Br) X 0
Skulduggery (Cun) 0
Stealth (Ag) X 3
Streetwise (Cun) 0
Survival (Cun) X 4
Vigilance (Will) X 2
Brawl (Br) 0
Gunnery (Ag) 1
Lightsaber (Br) 0
Melee (Br) X 1
Ranged: Light (Ag) 0
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) X 4
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) X 0
Knowledge: Lore (Int) X 0
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) 0
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) 0
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) X 0


Nightsister energy bow, Enhanced Exciter, custom grip, Electronic sighting system, built in blaster sight, summon item
Ranged: Heavy
Pierce 7, Unwieldy 3, Vicious 2, remove 1 setback, Accurate 2, superior performance 1 boost,aim as an incidental at short range, remove 1 setback from called shots
Explorer knife
Vicious 1, 1 boost to survival checks
Agiel (Ashla Staff) 5 HP lightweight frame, Shock pulse emitter, Stun pulse, 4 amulet of power, ichor blade, improved intuitive improvements 1 boost
Stun 9 active quality, disorient 1, Defensive 1, Pierce 2, cortosis, poison reservoir(fully modded) poison 3 uses 4 purple check on fail 5 wounds +1 strain per threat 8 strain if i hit successfully


Weapons & Armor

Nightsister Energy bow HP 5 (summon item)
Enhanced exciter 2 HP (fully modded)
Custom grip 1 hp (modded)
Electronic sighting system 1hp (modded)
built in blaster sight 1hp

Segmented armor (custom crafted)
9 hp (Voice modulator)
soak 3 defense 2 enc 1, 1 adv to negotiation checks
-optical camouflage system 2hp (fully modded)
(2 upgrades to stealth, +1 stealth,master of shadows)
-Reflective adaptive skin 2 hp
+1 stealth 5 boost
-Enhanced optic suite 1 hp
+1 vigilance
-Stealth field Generator 2 hp
upgrade diff of all opposed perception checks once to spot the wearer
4 setback to opposed perception check
-Biofeedback system +4 strain
rapid recovery

mag boot attachment on my boots

Personal Gear

military pack
electro snare
earbud commlink
Gravity utility belt
CN-21 camo paint
1 stimpacks
Breath Mask

healing accelerant invigorating 4, hidden purpose 2
Protective amulet invigorating 2
Fetish of fear 3 growing power 3 draining 5 diff fear check and suffer 3 strain.
1 shield amulet

3 doses of poison in ashla staff extra potency x2, draining x4
4 amulets of power inlayed into ashal staff

belt pouch 1- 2 water of life
belt pouch 2- 2 stimulant recover 8 strain, 4 wounds,does this same thing on round 2
Belt pouch 3- 1 healing potions with long lasting, 1 nullstick
belt pouch 4- 2 stimpacks

2 stimulant foul taste
2 stimulant recover 8 strain, 4 wounds,does this same thing on round 2
1 poison
1 protective amulet cumbersome

3 stimpacks
2 recon remotes
data pad
extra reload

Crafting load out
My armor
tools 1 success 2 upgrades and 2 advantages to discipline and survival
protective amulet invigorating 2
healing accelerate invigorating 4
Ashla staff
verpine headband dont pass out from exceeding strain threshold
verpine bond gauntlet 1 boost to alchemy checks
Explorer's Knife boost to survival checks

Assets & Resources

Back on base
Synoptic Teacher (Xenology)
Synoptic Teacher (Cool)
Blow gun 3 HP , limited ammo 5, stun setting
Ouro Blade
Scanner goggles

-Alchemy work station (Specialist tool discipline 1 sucess)
Supreme craftsmanship 1 upgrade
Safety features 1 advantage
-Mortar and Pestle (precision instrument discipline)
Supreme craftsmanship 1 upgrade
Safety features 1 advantage

-Survival work station (Specialist tool discipline 1 success)
Supreme craftsmanship 1 upgrade
Safety features 1 advantage
-Low tech tools (precision instrument discipline)
Supreme craftsmanship 1 upgrade
Safety features 1 advantage

Critical Injuries & Conditions

1 for healing potion
1 stimulant
5 water of life
1 poison

Schematics (Survival based)
2 shield
2 simple projectile weapon
2 bladed weapon
2 light armor

Blue print
1 protective amulet
4 healing accelerant
3 amulet of power
2 fetish of fear
2 shield amulet

Random crafted shit
3 shields
2 blowguns
2 swords
2 light armors
1 healing accelerant
Protective Amulet 1 encumbrence hidden purpose x2
bladed weapon 1 enc, accurate 1, +2 damage, 2 HP


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Quick draw once per round draw or holster an accessible weapon or item as an incidental.
Quick strike add 1 boost per rank to attacks against targets who haven't yet acted this encounter.
Hunters quarry as an action make a 3 purple survival check upgrade the ability of all combat checks against that target once till the end of my next turn.
Improved hunters quarry 2 strain perform hunters quarry as a maneuver rather than an action
Toughened +2 wound threshold per rank
Lethal Blows add +10 per rank of lethal blows to any critical inflicted on opponent
Summon Item as a maneuver the character can summon or dismiss a ritually prepared item
Ichor blade cortosis, pierce 2, reduce crit by 1 to a melee or brawl weapon
improved ichor blade also gain defensive 1 and increase damage by 2
Ichor Transfusion once per encounter, may perform the ichor transference maneuver. to heal a number of strain by suffering that number of wounds +1. The character may also heal any number of wounds by suffering that number +1.
witchcraft force
Grit x2 +1 strain threshold per rank
Blooded 1 boost per rank to checks to resist or recover from poison, venom, or toxins. Reduce duration of ongoing poisons by 1 round to a minimum of 1 round.
Transmogrify when making a crafting check may add force pips equal to force rating. Spend 1 pip to add 1 success 2 pips to add 2 advantages.
Ichor Reserve once per session as a maneuver, the character may suffer 2 strain to increase force rating by 1 until end of encounter.

Force Powers

Force Rating
The force user can sense the force interacting with the world around him
Spend 1 pip to sense all living things within short range
Spend 1 pip to sense the current emotional state of an engaged target
Upgrade Effect
Upgrade difficulty commit 1 force die. Once per round, when an attack targets the user he upgrades the difficulty of the pool once.
Sense thoughts spend 1 pip. The force user can sense the current thoughts of one living target with whom he is engaged with.
upgrade ability commit 1 pip. Once per round, when the force user makes a combat check, he upgrades the ability of that check once.
Duration sense's ongoing effects may be triggered one additional time per round.
Strength when using sense's ongoing effects upgrade the pool twice, instead of once
The force user calls fourth a spectral item to their hand that lasts for a short time.

The user may spend 1 pip to create a facsimile of a brawl or melee weapon anywhere within engaged range. At the end of the users next turn the item dissipates. At the GM's discretion the user can instead conjure a simple tool and other useful low tech items with encumbrance no greater than 1.
Upgrade Effect
Magnitude x2 spend 1 pip to increase the maximum encumbrance of the item that can be conjured by 2 per magnitude upgrade purchased. (If using the mastery upgrade, thid upgrade increases the Sil of the summoned creature by an amount equal to the number of magnitude upgrades purchased, instead)
Duration x2 commit 1 to sustain 1 conjuration per duration upgrade while it remains at medium range.
Number x2 Spend 2 pips to create additional identical Conjurations equal to ranks in number upgrades purchased
Mastery spend 3 pips to summon a facsimile of a creature of Sil 1 or smaller instead of an object. This creature is bound to the users will, and mindlessly follows the characters commands until the end of the force users next turn. If the user has the corpse of the fallen creature being conjured to imbue with false life, this facsimile lasts until the end of the encounter instead, but the user gains 7 conflict for doing so. The force user may spend a maneuver to direct their facsimile, allowing it to perform an action and a maneuver.


Celeste was a life long slave up until a couple years ago. She was rescued by a group of adventurers. Among this group of her rescuers was a Nightsister. She was taken in by this Nightsister and taught by her for the next couple of years. Eventually there was a mission her Mentor went on and never returned from. That was about a year ago. In this past year she had been serving as a mercenary until coming upon this unit that was going against the separatists. She decided long term employment was good, as was the cause they represented. She also found there were others that studied what they called the "Force" she knew it as the twin spirits. She counts herself among the Jedi she just refers to the force a bit differently than most Jedi do.

Ancient Paceian


Shadow has seen some of the worst conditions the Galaxy has to offer. Injustice takes on many forms. As long as there is someone more powerful or armies with more numbers they will always try to force themselves on others. She has a live and let live type of mentality. Recently she experienced overwhelming forces of droids fighting against organics. This to is an injustice to her due to Organic life being far more important than some machines. As long as there are people who are forcing their will over others she will be there to show them the errs of their ways.

As a former slave herself she hates slavery and everything it stands for. Given the chance she would remove every slaver within the galaxy. Slavery is the one thing that would cause her to loose her cool in a situation and usually in a violent manner. She not only abhors slavery but the governments and societies that allow slavery to flourish.


Morality-89 Conflict
The character takes anger and instead of suppressing it, uses it to fuel work. Pushing harder allows her to advocate for those who can't do so for themselves.

The quest for justice can turn the character away from concepts of pity or remorse. The PC is concerned only with laws or a personal code, no matter the situation or mitigating factors.

Duty- Placard Hunter (260)
Celeste seeks out the most skilled and famous combatants on the battlefield, and takes them out head on. She sees this Duty as a means of testing herself against the best of the best.

Destiny points left from last mission
Alchemy boosts pool from research records


Maybe 100 pounds or less
Her clothing is made in such a manner to not give away her sex nor age. She is short and always has her breath mask and field goggles with a voice modular on to help hide her appearance. The breath mask has been decorated and is used to hide her face as well as a hood built into her armor. When seen without armor she has multiple scars from a whip over her body and a single scar on her cheek from a whip.

Other game data
Shadow has a book (yes actual paper and pen) all writing in the book is done in Ancient Paceian.
The location of the 5 children along with a description and their ages/birth from the Rights and Rites IV.

Other Notes

120 character creation exp
30 exp on path to power FR2
90 exp on characteristics
career skills 2 range heavy, 1 survival, 1 vigilance, 1 discipline
species skills gunnery, stealth
took the 10 exp for reduced duty, the 15 duty on the sheet is from the game session before i respec'ed

180 exp on skills
500 on sense
120 on conjure
55 on executioner
20 exp spent on Nightsister spec
5 exp summon item
5 exp on witchcraft
10 exp on ichor blade
15 exp on improved ichor blade
20 on ichor transfusion
5 on grit
25 exp on ichor reserve
40 on alchemist spec
35 on alchemist

Nightsister energy bow with enhanced exciter attachment 4,300
Explorers knife 100
military pack 60
Electro snare 50
Breath mask 25
Armored robes 4,500
Micro rocket armor mounting 800
Anti armor micro rocket 300
utility belt 25
cn-21 camo paint 20
250 credits on data goggles sold to durin for 250
500 credits on custom grip
500 credits on electronic sighting system
600 credits Ouro blade
175 credits flechette micro rocket
25 credits on saddlebags
100 on riding tack
500 on gravity belt
2812 on armored drop suit
built in blaster sight 150
ashla staff 1175
optical camo attachment 3145
750 credits verpine headband and gauntlet
400 on poison reservoir
40 on 4 belt pouches
8470 on crafting
650 lightweight frame
2068 for reflective adaptive skin
1000 enhanced optics suite
1810 stealth field generator
1500 on balanced hilt
669 to Corra for biofeedback
50 wizard pouch
225 on mods
total 33,947 credits spent

exchanged 24 hours for +5 duty
exchanged 24 hours for +5 duty
exchange 24 hours for +5 duty
exchange 48 hours for +5 exp
35 hour crafting
144 hours for 15 exp

17OCT2019- 20 exp/15 duty/1000cr/25 hours
18OCT2019 25 exp/10 duty/1000cr/24hours
19OCT2019 25 exp/15 duty/1000cr/24hours
20OCT2019 30exp/15duty/1000cr/24hours
22OCt2019 25exp/15duty/1100cr/0downtime cause +5 duty
30Oct2019 30exp/20duty/1100cr/24hours
01Nov2019 20exp/10duty/1100cr/24hours
01Nov2019 20exp/15duty/1100cr/24hour
02Nov2019 30exp/15dury/1100cr/24hr
03Nov2019 35exp/20duty/1100/24hr
03Nov2019 15exp/15duty/1100/24hr
04Nov2019 5 exp
04Nov/25exp/15duty/1200cr/24hr- frostbite
06Nov 25exp/15duty/1200cr/24hr
07Nov 25exp/15duty/1200cr/24hr-
07Nov 20exp/10duty/1200cr/24hr
09Nov 20exp/15duty/1200cr/24hr
09Nov 15exp/10duty/1200cr/24hr
13Nov 20exp/15duty/1200cr/24hr

100 credits from bastion for healing potion
6525 credits for selling my armor
300 healing accelerant sold to Philo
326 rockets
63 flechette
8,156 sold ADS
1581 balanced hilt

Traded with Cora and received custom crafted segmented armor from her

CR1- Narghlach, Synoptic Teacher (Xenology)
CR2- Synoptic Teacher (Cool)

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