
Member since 2017-01-09

29 Creations

Recent Characters

J.J. Oolts

Pantoran Seeker

Force and Destiny

Vic Verno

Ewok Hired gun

Edge of the Empire


Ewok Seeker

Force and Destiny

Ur Jendree

Gran Consuler

Force and Destiny

Offo "The Mighty Mom of Space"

Herglic Hired Gun

Edge of the Empire

Eebra "The packrat"

Drall Spy

Age of Rebellion

Eebra J P'Pard

Drall Spy

Age of Rebellion

Barlo Arym (B.A.) Bercilak

Drall Guardian

Force and Destiny

Master Drez'n Bercilak

Drall Guardian

Force and Destiny


Herglic Hired gun

Edge of the Empire


Drall Guardian

Force and Destiny

Morl Oush'n-Do

Polis Massan Mystic

Force and Destiny

Drez'n Bercilak "The Green Knight of Corellia"

Drall Guardian

Force and Destiny

Jazp Griffo

Sullustan Ace

Age of Rebellion

Q7.5 Rt. (Q7 retrofit, nicknamed Arty)

Astromech Ace

Edge of the Empire


Tusken Soldier

Age of Rebellion

Jostrumm Jaz'Dluke Oolts

Pantoran Mystic

Edge of the Empire

Fenris Moz Grr'Hem

Shistavanen Seeker

Force and Destiny

The Black Worm

Selonian Guardian

Edge of the Empire

Fenris Moz Grr'Hem

Aqualish (Aquala) Seeker

Force and Destiny


Gand Seeker

Force and Destiny

1t-KN0-5 (Knows)

Droid Diplomat

Age of Rebellion

Jostrumm Jaz-Dluke Oolts, Cool Joe Blue, The Azure String Bean, JJ and the Kids, The Tundra Gunner, Cool Hand 'Dluke

Pantrorian Bounty Hunter

Age of Rebellion


Gand Seeker

Force and Destiny

Victor Jay Verno aka "Vic", "Vern", "The Boozer Bear", "Ladies Love Cool Jay", "Sick Vic", "Midget Wook"

Ewok Colonist

Edge of the Empire

Zyi "Shard" Ux

Omwati Sentinel

Edge of the Empire

Zyi "The Shard" Ux

Chiss Engineer

Edge of the Empire


Toydarian Sentinel

Force and Destiny

Yijz "Double gun and done" Vrem, aka "the bar slayer bug" aka "Mr. Make it a double" aka "The Barfly Bandit"

Gand Smuggler

Edge of the Empire

Recent Vehicles