Special Features
Cloaking device:
Activating the cloaking device on a Vengeance
requires the pilot to spend an action.
Once activated, the cloaking device makes the
Vengeance almost impossible to detect, requiring
anyone attempting to spot it to make
a Daunting ( 4 purple)Perception or Vigilance
check. Once detected, any attacks made
against the Vengeance while the cloaking device
remains active count its silhouette as 0.
Using the cloaking device does come with
some severe side effects for the Vengeance.
While the cloaking device is active, the Vengeance has its speed reduced to a minimum of 1. Additionally,
the Vengeance's crew cannot use active
scanners, comms, or weapons while the cloak
is active. The pilot can turn off the cloaking
device by spending a maneuver.