Technician - Mechanic (Base Spec) - (Talents : 80/220xp)
■ ■ □ □ - (xp) - Gearhead - Toughened - Fine Tuning - Solid Repairs
□ ■ □ □ - (xp) - Redundant Systems - Solid Repairs
□ ■ □ □ - (xp) - Solid Repairs - Enduring - Bad Motivator
□ ■ ■ □ - (xp) - Contraption - Solid Repairs - Fine Tuning
□ □ □ □ - (xp) - Natural Tinkerer - Hold Together - Dedication
Force Sensitive Outcast (20xp) - (Talents : 45xp)
□ □ □ ■ - (xp) - Uncanny Senses
□ □ □ ■ - (xp) - Secret of the Force
□ □ ■ ■ - (xp) - Renegade of the Force - Parry
□ □ □ □ - (xp) - Toughened - Sense Danger - Touch of Fate - Balance
□ □ □ □ - (xp) - Force Rating - Dedication