Whit by Chyrson

soresu defender, Armorer, Teacher
Force and Destiny

Threshold 14
Current 0
Threshold 14
Current 0
Ranged 2
Melee 3

Placeholder Image




Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) 0
Athletics (Br) X 1
Charm (Pr) 0
Coercion (Will) 0
Computers (Int) X 3
Cool (Pr) X 1
Coordination (Ag) 0
Deception (Cun) 0
Discipline (Will) X 3
Leadership (Pr) X 0
Mechanics (Int) X 3
Medicine (Int) X 1
Negotiation (Pr) 0
Perception (Cun) X 0
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) 0
Piloting: Space (Ag) 0
Resilience (Br) X 1
Skulduggery (Cun) 0
Stealth (Ag) 0
Streetwise (Cun) 0
Survival (Cun) 0
Vigilance (Will) X 1
Brawl (Br) X 1
Gunnery (Ag) 0
Lightsaber (Int) X 3
Melee (Br) X 0
Ranged: Light (Ag) 0
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) 0
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) X 0
Knowledge: Lore (Int) X 2
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) X 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) 0
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) 0
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) 0


ancient sword
defensive 1 (1 hard point)
+2 (5)
Cortosis shield
cortosis, cumbersum 3 densive 2 deflection 2
+0 (3)
Training saber
stun damage, 5 hard points
crossguard lightsaber (5hp)
Ilum crystal, vicious 1, (crit -1) breach 1, sunder, defensive 1, 3 setback to ID,


Weapons & Armor

padded armor
3 frag grenades

Personal Gear

datapad (hacked)
datapad (upgraded camera)
guard shoto hilt
tool kit
6 stim
20 rations
survaliance tagger
hypermatter reactor ignitor
water canteen
general purpose scanner

Assets & Resources

Map of ships ventilation systems

Critical Injuries & Conditions


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Parry (5) soresu defender when weilding a melee, or lightsaber weapon spend 3 strain to reduce damage from melee, lightsaber or brawl attack by 2+ranks in strain
Parry (5) soresu defender when weilding a melee, or lightsaber weapon spend 3 strain to reduce damage from melee, lightsaber or brawl attack by 2+ranks in strain
soresu technique (10) Soresu Defender may use inteligence instead of brawn for lightsaber
reflect (10) Soresu Defender when weilding a lightsaber weapon spend 3 strain to reduce damage from ranged attack by 2+ranks in strain
toughened (5) Soresu Defender +2 wound threshold
defensive stance (5) Soresu Defender once per round as a manuver, may take the defensive stance action, suffer strain up to ranks to upgrade all incoming attacks for 1 round
acute senses chadra-fan remove 2 setback from perception
Silloette 0
Improved parry soresu defender when parrying an attack that generates 3 setback or 1 despair, attack back with weapon
Gearhead (5) Armorer Remove 1 setback per rank, half cost to apply mods
Grit (10) armorer +1 strain threshold
tinkerer (5) armorer boost dice to making new things and installing mods, and setbacks
Move (basic)
Range (move)
control (throw)
Well rounded (5) Teacher become proficient in computers and medicine


Whit never knew his home or his parents, he grew up in the temple, no memories of home, and that never really bothered him, he knew this is where he was meant to be. He was never very skilled in outward applications of The Force, he could barely make a pebble move, he never had a vision, the only area he excelled compared to his peers seemed to be in combat training, though due to the war this was seen as an asset. So he focused on what he was good at, he'd skip his other lessons and focus on his lightsaber training, he would borrow datacrons of different combat styles and practice them all, while he has only managed to master the Soresu technique he has a basic understanding of the Ataru, Nimian, Marikashi, and shi-cho techniques, and continues to practice them as well as hand to hand combat, though since Order 66 he has had to practice from memory. Where other times he would likely have stayed in the temple longer due to his willingness to ignore his non-combat he was picked as a padawan at a young age by his Master an older woman named Brennan Marr, who while she was a skilled combatant was much more talented in other areas of the force, they weren't together long as Master and Padawan but Whit knew Brennan before he was taken as her padawan and trusted the woman instincually. On their first mission together was when the emperor executed order 66, she defended him as he ran back to the ship to call for help, while on the ship he received the last order his Master would ever give him, she told him to run and return to the temple. He did so, as he reached orbit he received the message not to return to the temple, not knowing where to go he shot for the outer rim to give himself time to think. He ended up going to Dantooine since it was one of the few planets he remembered from his studies knowing at one point it had housed a temple and at the time he just needed to do something and not drift aimlessly, he trecked into the ruins of the temple hoping for guidance. He spent only a few days on the planet before the empire attacked it as well, probably coming here for the same reason he did, he wasn't about to run this time though, he picked up his saber and made his way for the nearest town. On the way he came across a patrol of troopers, without much thought he charged them, and even struck a few down before one got a lucky shot, damaging his arm and making it difficult to fight, he took down the remaining troopers barely. He got to his ship, got as many people on as he could, then left. He dropped the villagers off on a nearby planet and make hid way to the outter rim and found a planet on the edge of wild space, sold his ship for a small apartment over a shop which he turned into a mechanic shop. The planet was small and primarily a farming town, exporting their crops to nearby systems, he was accepted pretty quick since he was the only skilled mechanic on the planet, and made a few friends. He used his free time working on various side projects, weapons and armor primarily which he had smuggled to rebellion causes.He also spent time with a datacron he'd found on dantooine, which primarily contained information on lightsaber combat styles as well as blueprints to sabers he hadn't seen before. He would leave regularly to practice these combat styles in the wilds, and while he studied the blueprints he didn't build any instead he had another idea, he built a set of prototype blaster pistols that theoretically would use a Khyber crystal as a power source. He decided to try to test it out one day and headed into the wilds, this time with his sword, training saber, and shield since he wouldn't be able to use his lightsaber if there was trouble. He removed the crystal from his saber examining it's shape and purple hue remembering the day not so long ago when Master Brennen took him to Dantooine to retrieve the crystal their first trip together. He closed his eyes listening to the crystals song, knowing that with this crystal he could one day be strong enough to protect everyone. He installed the crystal into the blaster he'd brought with him, lined up a shot with a target more then 2km away far outside the range of your average blaster, and a tough shot for even a sniper, he aimed, took a deep breath and pulled the trigger. The blaster fired, and hit the target, unfortunately the shot did damage to the blaster. Opening it up he found his kyber crystal shattered and the internal mechanisms burned beyond repair. He broke down in despair in that moment having realised what he'd lost. He stayed out in the wilds for a week in despair before he returned to town. He returned to town still in a bit of a haze when he neared his shop he realised that not only had the empire come to the planet in a much larger force then before but that there were troopers at his front door, ransacking the place. He realised they probably found his datacron, the adrenaline snapping him out of his funk he made his way to the space port and hid in a ship owned by one of his friends in one of it's smuggling compartments. He kept moving from planet to planet from that point on till he heard the rumor of the Krayt Pearl on Tantooine, realising that it would make a better power source then the crystal had he could maybe finish his pistol, so he made his way to Nar Shutta.


There is no emotion, there is peace.
There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
There is no passion, there is serenity.
There is no chaos, there is harmony.
There is no death, there is the Force.


morality 89
emotional strength: bravery
emotional weakness: recklessness


7718 credits worth of parts

Other Notes

brawn from 1-3 (30)
Armorer Specilization tree (20xp)

personal info:
get to 3: (priority)
Athletics (25)
medicine (25)
lore (15)
resilience (25)
talent: Dedication (soresu defender)
Get to 4:
lightsaber (20)
Mechanics (20)
computers (20)
Medicine (20)
Lore (20)
Talents: Dedication and force rating (armourer)

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