Supreme Full Throttle |
The character may push a ship or vehicle past its limits of speed. He may suffer one strain and perform the Full Throttle maneuver, attempting an Average Piloting check. With success, the ship's top speed increases by two for a number of rounds equal to Cunning. The ship still cannot perform actions or maneuvers it could not perform normally (e.g., actions that have a minimum speed requirement). |
Skilled Jockey |
3 |
The character removes a Setback die per rank of Skilled Jockey from his Piloting (Planetary) and Piloting (Space) checks. |
Improved Dead to Rights |
The character may spend one Destiny Point to add additional damage equal to his Agility rating to one hit of a successful attack made by ship or vehiclemounted weaponry. |
Galaxy Mapper |
2 |
The character removes Setback die per rank of Galaxy Mapper from his Astrogation checks. In addition, Astrogation checks take 50% less time (this does not increase with additional ranks of Galaxy Mapper). |
Grit |
8 |
Each rank of Grit increases a character's strain threshold by one. |
Tricky Target |
Any vehicle the character pilots counts as having a silhouette one lower than normal when being attacked, to a minimum of 0. |
Natural Pilot |
Once per game session, the character may reroll any one Piloting (Space) or Gunnery check. |
Defensive Driving |
3 |
Any vehicle the character pilots has its defense rating on all zones increased by one per rank of Defensive Driving. |
Master Pilot |
Once per round when piloting a starship (a ship piloted using the Piloting [Space] skill), the character may voluntarily suffer two strain to perform any action as a maneuver instead. |
Brilliant Evasion |
The Character may make the Brilliant Evasion action when piloting a vehicle or star ship. The character selects one opponent and makes an opposed Piloting (Planetary or Space) check. If he succeeds, the opponent's vehicle or starship cannot make any attacks against the character's vehicle for a number of rounds equal to the character's Agility. Brilliant Evasion can only be performed once per encounter. |
Dedication [Agility] [Agility] {Presence} |
3 |
Each rank permanently increases a single characteristic of the player's choice by one point. This cannot bring a characteristic above six. |
True Aim |
2 |
Once per round, before the character makes a ranged attack, he may perform a True Aim maneuver. By performing this maneuver, the character gains all the benefits for aiming and also upgrades his attack roll once per rank of True Aim. |
Debilitating Shot |
Upon making a successful attack with a starship or vehicle weapon, may spend 2 Advantage to reduce the maximum speed of the target by 1 (to a minimum of 1) until the end of the next round. If the starship or vehicle was traveling its maximum speed, it has its current speed reduced to the new maximum. |
Overwhelm Defenses |
Upon making an unsuccessful attack with a starship or vehicle weapon, the character may spend 2 Advantage per rank of Overwhelm Defenses. Reduce the defense rating in the defense zone targeted by the attack for the remainder of the encounter by 1 for every 2 Advantage spent |
Exhaust Port |
Before attacking a starship or vehicle, the character may spend 1 Destiny Point to ignore the effects of the Massive rule for the attack. |
Let's Ride |
Once per round on the character's turn, the character may mount or dismount from a vehicle or beast, or slide into the cockpit or weapon station aboard a starship, as an incidental instead of a maneuver. |
Gearhead |
2 |
The character removes Setback die per rank of Gearhead from his Mechanics checks. In addition, the credit cost to add mods to attachments decreases by 50% (this does not increase with additional ranks of Gearhead). |
Signature Vehicle |
The character chooses one starship or vehicle with a silhouette of 3 or lower that he owns. This starship or vehicle is the character's "Signature Vehicle." He upgrades the ability of all Mechanics checks made to work on the vehicle once. If the starship or vehicle is ever lost or destroyed, the character may apply Signature Vehicle to a new starship or vehicle that meets the requirements. The process of modifying and acclimating to the new vehicle may take some time at the GM's discretion. No two characters can have the same vehicle as their Signature Vehicle. |
Larger Project |
The character can choose a Signature Vehicle with a silhouette value 1 higher than normal per rank of Larger Project. |
Tuned Maneuvering Thrusters |
2 |
The character increases the handling of his Signature Vehicle by 1 per rank of Tuned Maneuvering Thrusters. |
Overstocked Ammo |
The character increases the value of the Limited Ammo quality of any weapons mounted on his Signature Vehicle by 1 per rank of Overstocked Ammo. |
Bolstered Armor |
The character increases the armor value of his Signature Vehicle by 1 per rank of Bolstered Armor. |
High-G Training |
3 |
When a starship or vehicle the character is currently piloting would suffer system strain (either voluntary or involuntary), the character may suffer a number of strain up to his ranks in High-G Training. If he does, the amount of system strain the starship or vehicle suffers is reduced by that amount (to a minimum of 0). |
Second Chances |
1 |
Once per encounter, after the character has rolled a skill check (but before resolving the result), he chooses a number of positive dice from his dice pool up to the number of his ranks in Second Chances and re-rolls them. The character must accept the second result. This talent cannot be used to re-roll any Force die. |
Situational Awareness |
1 |
When in a starship or vehicle with functional coms, allies within short range add a Boost die to their Perception and Vigilance checks. Allies within close range add 2 Boost die instead. This talent operates on planetary scale, not personal scale. |
Quick Strike |
2 |
The character adds a Boost die per rank of Quick Strike to his combat checks made against any target that has not yet acted in the encounter. |
Full Stop |
1 |
When piloting a ship or vehicle, the character may take the Full Stop maneuver to immediately reduce the speed of the ship or vehicle to zero. The ship or vehicle then suffers one point of system strain for every point of speed it had before stopping. |
Form on Me |
1 |
When the character performs the Gain the Advantage action (see AoR page 247), a number of allied vehicles equal to his ranks in Leadership and within close range also gain the benefits of the action on the target. These allied vehicles maintain the benefits until they leave close range with the character or the character loses the benefits of Gain the Advantage. |
Customized Cooling Unit |
1 |
The character increases the system strain threshold of his Signature Vehicle by 2 per rank of Customized Cooling Unit. |
Intense Presence |
1 |
The character may spend one Destiny Point to recover strain equal to his Presence rating. |
Command |
1 |
The character gains Boost die per rank of Command when making Leadership checks (or other checks to inspire, lead, or rally an audience). Inspired targets also add Boost die per rank to any subsequent Discipline checks they make over the next twenty-four hours (this does not increase with additional ranks of Command). |
Showboat |
1 |
Once per round while piloting a starship or vehicle, the character may suffer 2 strain to showboat during his next check. If the check succeeds, the character adds Triumph to the results. However, if the check fails, he adds Despair instead. The Triumph or Despair added this way do not include the Success or Failure that are usually a part of them, only the beneficial or negative effects of the symbol. |