3 Stimpacks Use as a maneuver to heal 4 wounds on a living creature. Consumed on use.
Comlink Allows communication between other characters with comlinks.
Heavy Robes Soak 1; already included in soak value.
Physician's Kit Allows you to heal living creatures by using the Medicine skill.
Assets & Resources
Critical Injuries & Conditions
Force Powers
Force Rating
You can heal yourself and others with the Force.
Spend 1 Force point Ω to heal 3 wounds on yourself or one engaged living
creature. A creature can only be healed by this power once per encounter
If you spent no dark side results ∏ on the Heal power check, the
target also recovers strain equal to the wounds recovered.
Spend 1 Force point Ω to
increase the range of your
Heal power to short
You can move small objects slowly with the Force.
Spend 1 Force point Ω to move an object about the size of a backpack or
smaller from within short range of you to within short range of you.
Belandi Feearr was a member of a Mirialan religious order on a Mirialan
colony world in the Outer Rim, dwelling in a temple complex that dominated
her home city and serving as a healer in the community. Belandi was a
member of a movement within her order that called itself the Pacifists,
preaching peace and mercy above all other virtues (as opposed to the
Benedictors, the Revelers, and the Contemplators, among others, who each
held their own interpretations of the Creed).
When the Empire claimed control of her home planet, Belandi joined the
rest of the Pacifists in counseling non-interference with the political ebb
and flow of the galaxy. The Benedictors objected, staged a protest of the
new Imperial governor, and were exterminated by stormtroopers. It was the
beginning of a long period of oppression and division among the followers
of the Creed, some of whom continued to preach political non-involvement
and others who objected to the Empire’s policy. Those who objected
vanished one by one. Some were publicly arrested or killed. Others simply
disappeared, with no explanation.
After almost two years of Imperial rule, Belandi was called upon to heal the
chief of the local security forces: the governor’s enforcer, the one responsible
for the death or disappearance of many of Belandi’s colleagues and friends.
The woman was dying of an infected wound, a stubborn ailment easily mended
by Belandi’s arts but resistant to more traditional therapies. Belandi could
have easily saved the woman’s life. Instead, she let her die.
Wanted for murder on her home world and racked with guilt over her
decision, Belandi was smuggled off the planet by Hethan Romund, an old
friend of her order who had several times visited her temple’s libraries.
Belandi became a recluse, meditating on the past and vowing to never again
give in to fear, hatred, or revenge.
Now, Romund herself is in trouble, and it is time for Belandi to leave her
isolation and repay the favor...