Like most Gungans, Bii was born in Otoh Gunga on Naboo. And like other Gungans, he spent much of his early life swimming around the great domed city, but he also spent a great amount of time on the surface. Often, he would venture out on his own, facing the wilds of the swamplands, exploring ancient ruins, and hunting beasts.
Rather than punish Bii-Mii for his reckless behavior, the king and counsel requested that he become a scout. So the Gungan did. By the time the Republic had fallen and the Empire's first decade had come and passed, Bii had become a captain of his own scouting party. But tension grew among the Humans and the Gungans.
The amphibious species were being alienated on their own planet. Many were being encouraged to transplant themselves to a colony established by the Empire. At first Bii-Mii refused, but a few years later the Empire demilitarized the Gungans, and Bii had nothing left. Reluctantly, he packed his things and took and Imperial Shuttle to Onganta 7.
He quickly found out that the Colony was little more than a thinly veiled slave camp. But by the time he realized his mistake, it was too late. Like the others, he was trapped. But Bii made the best out of a bad situation. He quickly established himself a crack hunter.
The empire made note and put him to work. Now, when he's not taking Imperial officers on safari hunts, he's capturing prey for Imperial experiments or for said officers to dine upon.
But a slow and terrible desperation is now growing within Bii-Mii. It's the kind of a desperation he's seen predators get when an apex has them cornered. And soon his desperation will turn to fear and ferocity. May the Force help any who get in his way.
Ground Supriority: 10
All his life, Bii has been on the ground or in the seas; he does best when his boots are on the ground. Naturally, that's where he does his best work.
Tall, athletic, yet still thin. Violet eyes and alive skin. Bii keeps his ears bound in a leather strap. His tendrils and ears are covered in bronze piercings. Signs of a rites of passage as leader of the hunting parties on Naboo.