Finnigan hates his name, a lot. Its a memory of a distant past thats lost to time now, a time where his family lived as part of their tribe, a happy time. Slavers took that entire tribe, brutally dealing with any who resisted and the rest where sold to criminals all across the galaxy.
The Crow is what he calls himself now. His mother, father, brother and himself all ended up the property of a Pantoran crime boss here on Torque, in Torque City. Min Iggson had begun his career running a smuggling racket. But quickly branched out into drugs, slaves and piracy. His exceptional personal skills and deep pockets allowed him to elude the local law for years. His empire grew to be sector wide and he lived the life of luxury.
Crow and his family where purchased as exotic entertainment, an unusual species with a flair for acrobatics, the entire family performed a death defying act involving stunts and risk taking. Crow was the knife thrower and tightrope walker, regularly risking life and limb to entertain Min's guests... until the Imperial decided they had had enough.
After the Pantorans illegal activities disrupted the Imperials one too many times they set up a sting. In a single night the ISB deconstructed Min's entire operations, they took him and any other aliens and put them to work in the Resettlement Camps, all his assets where seized, all his funds taken. Overnight he became nothing. Crow didn't care for that, he was happy to see the cruel Pantoran receive his comeuppance.
But the Imperials treatment of Crows family was another matter, this was what made Crow angry. When the Imperials raided Min's luxurious house all the "non human" servants where taken straight to these blasted camps for a different kind of slavery. His family, that had stuck together through the darkest of times when the slavers originally captured them, was now ripped asunder, torn from each other with no possible way to regroup. Crow was forcibly separated from his family by the Imperials, Crows parents and brother were each sent to different camps, or at least that's what Crow hopes happened.
Crow would find them, reunite them, and squash the Empire in the process. With that goal Crow had been preparing to break out of the camp, so far his plan was to make a break for the forests during the middle of the night then find a safe place to shelter and hide while he raided and scavenged. He had a few days food and all his clothing stuffed into a duffel bag. But best of all he even had a compact shovel, stolen from the Imps, to use for building a more robust survival shelter.
Except now the Imperials where fast forwarding his plan, It looked as though they planed to terminate this entire camp. it was time to leave now. Hopefully he could find an escape path out of the camp, possibly with a stolen vehicle, otherwise on foot. No matter what though he needed to escape. So duffel bag in hand, cloak around him, he was making his way through the camp towards what he hoped would be a safe exit.
With his pure determination to succeed Crow was certain he would be able to reunite his family.
Violent Conquest: Crow is determined to make the empire pay, they deserve to suffer the pain he feels, violence is his tool, winning is his goal.
10: Family. Crows family where put captured and put into labor camps at the same time as him, currently he is unaware of their whereabouts, but his Mother, Father and Brother are all out there somewhere and he feels Determined to rescue them any way he can.
Muscly and quick on his feet Crow is a fearsome sight. He is head strong and likely to do exactly what he wants when he wants, even if its the wrong thing. His determination is probably what leads to him being so able to "convince" people to talk, he asks questions and others answer quickly.
I love the horn structure of Savag Opress and the sneer on his face, but i would have a different skin colour if i could, probably red with the black.