CT-8767, alias "Gallant", has served in the GAR since the beginning of the clone wars. CT-8767 earned his nickname during the battle of geonosis itself, where he led a LAAT/i on a rescue mission to retrieve several injured jedi, distinguishing himself for the high value he put on preserving the lives of those around him.
Since then, Gallant has served with dinstinction in several campaigns during 22 BBY, earning commendations from Commander Voolith Monn and then distinguishing himself further during the battles of ryloth and malastre. During the brutal fighting at Malastare, Gallants squad was tasked with holding a vital chokepoint, and died almost to a man. Gallant and his remaining squadmates held the breach, and after the battle Gallant recieved a promotion to ARC trooper status. The deaths or injuries of his former squadmates have left a mark, however, and Gallant is privately dealing with considerable survivors guilt.
Now an ARC trooper, Gallant is resolved to serve with distinction aboard his first posting, an aquitiens-class light cruiser...
Previous commanders/campaigns:
- battle of Geonosis
- battle of Mulinist (Commander: Voolith Monn).
- battle of Ryloth (Commander: Mace Windu)
- battle of Malastare (Commander: Mace WIndu). Promotion to ARC trooper.
"Gallant" strives for promotion and glory upon the battlefield: to defeat the seperatists and restore the safety of the republic. In particular, he wishes to minimize the loss of life to everyone involved in the clone wars, though he will not hesistate to kill if the mission demands it.
Privately harbours more guilt and doubt than most clones, but conceals it. Wonders about his and his brothers role in the post-war republic.
Duty 5 - Combat Victory
CT-8767 has "Live to Serve" tattooed in arubesh at the base of his neck.
"Gallant" wears customised Phase II ARC trooper armor, and his standard issue knife has been replaced with a survival knife, a gift from shistaven Jedi Master Voolith Monn. He carries a modified DC15A carbine and frequently dual wields it with a DE-10 pistol.