Dedication (Agility, Cunning) |
Survivalist, Skip Tracer |
Enduring |
1 |
Survivalist |
Gain +1 soak value. |
Good Cop |
2 |
Skip Tracer |
May spend 2 advantage from a Charm or Negotiation check to upgrade ability of a single ally's subsequent Social Interaction check against the target a number of times equal to ranks in Good Cop. |
Outdoorsman |
1 |
Survivalist |
The character removes a setback dice per rank of Outdoorsman from [their] checks to move through terrain or to manage terrain or environmental effects. Decrease overland travel times by 50% (this does not decrease with additional ranks of Outdoorsman). |
Stalker |
2 |
Survivalist |
Add 1 boost die per rank of Stalker to all Stealth and Coordination checks. |
Street Smarts |
1 |
Skip Tracer |
Remove 1 setback die per rank of Street Smarts from Streetwise or Knowledge (Underworld) checks. |
Street Smarts (Improved) |
Skip Tracer |
Once per session, the character may perform the Improved Street Smarts action. [They] make a Formidable Streetwise or Knowledge (Underworld) check, reducing the difficulty once per rank of Street Smarts. If successful, the GM must reveal one vital clue pertaining to a current mystery the character is attempting to solve. |
Swift |
Survivalist |
The character does not suffer the penalties for moving through difficult terrain (they move through it at normal speed, without spending additional maneuvers). |
Toughened |
3 |
Survivalist |
Gain +2 wound threshold. |
Confidence |
1 |
Battle Scar |
May decrease difficulty of Discipline checks to avoid fear by 1 rank per rank of Confidence. |
Expert Tracker |
1 |
Skip Tracer |
Remove 1 setback per rank of Expert Tracker from checks to find tracks or track targets. Decrease time to track a target by half. |
Rapid Recovery |
2 |
Skip Tracer |
When healing strain after an encounter heal 1 additional strain per rank of Rapid Recovery. |
Grit |
1 |
Survivalist |
Hunter |
1 |
Survivalist |
The character adds a boost dice per rank of Hunter to all skill checks when interacting with wild beasts and animals, including combat checks. The character adds +10 per rank of Hunter to all of [their] Critical Injury rolls against animals. |
Natural Outdoorsman |
Survivalist |
Once per game session, the character may reroll any one Resilience or Survival check. |