Born in the Rodian wilds, Gekk Guani quickly gained local notoriety as a skilled scout and guide initially in the swamps of her home planet, and later in off world ventures.
Freelance scouting for governments, mining companies, military operations, and trade organizations became a way of life for Gekk, and she lived comfortably in this career. Space tourism was a particularly booming industry, and Gekk often would lead wealthy patrons on xenosafari to planetscapes weird and wonderful.
On one such xenosafari, Gekk Guani found herself guiding a Hutt hunting party on the planet Vanqor. Members of Zorba Desilijic Tiure’s extended entourage, these Hutts excelled in the foul traits that have gained their species galaxial notoriety. Forcing Gekk to wear a dancer’s costume around camp, and perform Huttese burlesque for them when she was not actively guiding the Hutts was a bridge too far for Gekk Guani. After one particularly demeaning and degrading evening in the Hutt main tent, she planned bloody revenge, and the next day escorted the main portion of the Hutt party deep into a large cave. Unbeknownst to all but Gekk, the cave was home to a Gundark nest. From a safe vantage outside the entrance, she watched through electrobinoculars as the Hutt’s were bludgeoned, disemboweled, and eaten by a brood of Gundark pups.
Whereas Gekk made a hasty exit from Vanqor, the remaining members of the Hutt xenosafari swore revenge, and soon a large bounty was upon her head. Zorba the Hutt himself has declared her wanted alive or dead, and sent seasoned bounty hunters to find her. She has since had to keep a low profile, while subsisting as a scout-for-hire in the Outer Rim Territories and beyond.
Despite numerous close calls, and the ever-present threat of acquisition by bounty hunters, the dogged survivor Gekk Guani still finds that the memories of those Hutt death bellows bring a smile to her face.