Hugo Damask by Madkcat

Sapper, Scavenger, Entrepreneur, Analyst, Mechanic
Age of Rebellion

Threshold 15
Current 0
Threshold 10
Current 0
Ranged 0
Melee 0

Placeholder Image




Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) 0
Athletics (Br) X 1
Charm (Pr) 0
Coercion (Will) 0
Computers (Int) X 3
Cool (Pr) 0
Coordination (Ag) 0
Deception (Cun) 0
Discipline (Will) 0
Leadership (Pr) 0
Mechanics (Int) X 3
Medicine (Int) 0
Negotiation (Pr) 0
Perception (Cun) X 0
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) 0
Piloting: Space (Ag) X 0
Resilience (Br) 0
Skulduggery (Cun) 0
Stealth (Ag) 0
Streetwise (Cun) X 0
Survival (Cun) X 0
Vigilance (Will) X 0
Brawl (Br) 0
Gunnery (Ag) 0
Lightsaber (Br) 0
Melee (Br) 0
Ranged: Light (Ag) X 4
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) 0
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 1
Knowledge: Education (Int) X 2
Knowledge: Lore (Int) 0
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) 0
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) X 1
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) 0


LBR-9 Stun Rifle
Ranged: Light
Stun ONLY, Blast 15
Multi-goo Gun
Ranged: Light
Disorient 1, Ensnare 4, Knockdown
Corellian Dueling Pistols
Ranged: Light
Accurate 1, Limited Ammo 1, Pierce 1


Weapons & Armor

LBR-9 Stun Rifle - tinkered
Disorient 2, Stun Damage, Blast 15
Enc 6 HP 4/5

Beam Splitter (1 Replace Quality (Blast [Weapon Damage times one half]) Mod, 1 Decreases weapon's range by 1 Range Band(s) Mod)
H9 Pistol Grip (1 Weapon's skill changes to Ranged-Light Mod, Add ■ to any combat check made when firing one-handed., 1 Reduces weapon's range to Medium, if longer Mod)
Amplifying Chamber + blast 9 +1 damage
(Superior Weapon Quality)

Multi-goo Gun
Disorient 1, Ensnare 4, Knockdown
Enc 2 HP 0/1

Ion Grenade Damage 10, crit 5 blast range short
Blast 7, Disorient 5, Stun Damage (Droid Only), Limited Ammo 1

Riot Armor
- Utility Arm
-- b mechanics
-- 1 strain second maneuver

Saviour Space Utility Suit

Fabricators' Protective Gear(Imperial approved)

Reinforced Environment Gear
- Utility Arm
-- b mechanics
-- 1 strain second maneuver
- Passive Foliage Suit
Adds ⬛ to any Perception or Vigilance checks made to detect a character in appropriate environments who is wearing this armour

Mechanics Utility Suit(Viscacomm)

Personal Gear

Load-Bearing Gear
MKIII +packs
Surveyors Bag
Utility Belt
Military Belt Pouch
Kamperdine body glove

Combat Scanner (Allows user to see normally in dark conditions and can track motion, heat and metal, adds bb to any checks made to attempt to decode and understand transmissions from the combat scanner to other combat scanners)

Data Goggles (Warfare) (auto success)
Species Database (bb)
Ascension Pistol
Dataspikes x2
Hand grinder
Engineer's Hammer
Welding Rod
"Breaker" Heavy Hydrospanner
Magna-Lock Safe from Lafvir

Specialist Mechanics tool (advantage) enc 8
Specialist Mechanics tool (adv & succ) enc 7
Specialist tool bits and pieces 2.5 attempts

Assets & Resources

--- Used During briefings
Data Goggles (Core Worlds)
Data Goggles (Education)
Data Goggles (Lore)
Data Goggles (Outer Rim)
Data Goggles (Warfare)

R-88 Suppressor Riot Rifle
Ranged (Heavy) d8 Medium enc 4 crit 2 cost 2,000 hp 5
Blast 5, Disorient 3, Stun Damage

Duelling Pistol(x2)
Ranged (Light) d9 Short enc 2 crit 2 cost 750 hp 5
Accurate 1, Limited Ammo 1, Pierce 1

Workshop manual AT-ED
Field dressing kit

Critical Injuries & Conditions

Healed Juggles the Tanky
Navicomputer Failure
Component Hit


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Toughened AoR 158 +2 Wounds
Contraption AoR 144 Hard Mechanics Check to solve a current problem. Triumph. the tools can be recovered to be reused later.
Durable AoR 146 -10 Critical Injury result to a minimum of 1
Strong Arm AoR 157 Can throw 1 range band further
Improvised Detonation DC 32 Hard Mechanics check action to build an explosive. damage and blast =(INT+MECH) +2/Triumph
Improvised Position FO 31 Hard Mechanics 12 hours building holds group/vehicles. Vehicle<4Shil. 4 cover (setbacks) 2 advantages or triumph +2 ranged defense
Dedication AoR 141 +1 Int
Utinni Half searching for stuff
Tinkerer +1 hp stun rifle
Sound Investments +100cr
Rapid Recovery +1 additional strain Recovery per rank in Rapid Recovery.
Rapid Recovery +1 additional strain Recovery per rank in Rapid Recovery.
Sound Investments +100cr
Master Demolitionist Increase Range of Explosions
Utility Belt Destiny Flip to acquire an item
Master Grenadier Decrease cost to blast by 1
Bought Info When required to make a Knowledge skill check, the character can instead make a Bought Info action. He spends a number of credits equal to 50 times the difficulty of the check and counts as succeeding on the check with one uncanceled s . At the GM's discretion, the character may not be able to use this ability if the information sought is particularly hard to find, or if the character is in a situation where he could not purchase information (such as marooned on a planet with no access to the HoloNet).
Sound Investments +100cr
Researcher The character removes ⬛ per rank of Researcher from his Knowledge checks. Researching takes 50% less time (this does not decrease with additional ranks of Researcher).
Valuable Facts Once per encounter, the character may take a Valuable Facts action, making an Average (dd) Knowledge check (the GM and player should determine which Knowledge skill is most applicable in the given situation). If successful, the character may add tri to any one check made by an allied character during the encounter. The subsequent check should relate in some way to the facts the character learned, or the player should come up with an explanation for why the information the character learned is instrumental in the success of the ally’s check.
Researcher The character removes ⬛ per rank of Researcher from his Knowledge checks. Researching takes 50% less time (this does not decrease with additional ranks of Researcher).
Researcher [Improved] When the character makes a successful Knowledge check to gain information, he and his allies gain automatic a per rank of Researcher to checks they make to act on that knowledge until the end of his next turn.
Technical Aptitude For each rank, the character reduces the amount of time needed to complete computer-related tasks by 25%.
Greased Palms Before making a social interaction check, the character may perform a Greased Palms maneuver and spend up to 50 credits per rank of Greased palms. For every 50 credits spent, the character upgrades the ability of the skill check once. How the money accomplishes this can be up to the player and GM, but could take the form of bribes, buying gifts, or even purchasing information that gives the character an advantage in the ensuing interaction.
Know-It-All Once per session, the character may, as if he had spent a Destiny Point, perfectly recall one important fact he previously learned. If the character’s controlling player does not remember the specifics of the fact the player wishes to have the character recall, the Game Master should remind him of the relevant facts (provided the character has actually encountered the information).
Codebreaker The character removes ⬛ per rank of Codebreaker from his attempts to break codes or decrypt communications. In addition, the character decreases the difficulty of his Computers or Intellect checks made to break codes or decrypt communications by one (this does not increase with additional ranks of Codebreaker).
Exceed Specification When making a check using an item, may add ⬛. The GM may spend tt on the check to damage the item one step or Despair to damage the item beyond usability
Construction Specialist The character removes ⬛ per rank of Construction Specialist from checks made to construct bases, defense works, positions, fortifications, tunnels, bunkers, and similar combat engineering projects
Known Schematic 1 Once per game session. the character may spend a maneuver to make a Hard (ddd) Education check. Success means the character is familiar with a building or capital ship's design. He now knows the location of critical components or facilities within the ship or vehicle, as well as his own location. He can also plan unconventional routes around obstacles. Additional s. a, or x results can reveal other useful information at the GM's discretion.
Knowledge Specialization 1 When the character first acquires this talent, he may choose one Knowledge skill. When making checks with that skill, he may spend x to gain additional s equal to his ranks in Knowledge Specialization.
Thorough Assesment 1 Once per session, the character may make a Hard (ddd) Knowledge check (the GM and player should determine which Knowledge skill is most applicable in the given situation) to perform the Thorough Assessment action. If he succeeds, the character may add (b) ⬛ to one check that another character who could reasonably benefit from this information makes before the end of the encounter. For every s beyond the first, he may add (b) ⬛ to one additional check this way. He cannot allocate more than (b) ⬛ to any single check this way. At the end of the encounter, any unused (b) ⬛ are lost.
Natural Programmer 1 Once per game session. the character may reroll any one Computers or Astrogation check.
Stroke of Genius 1 Once per game session, the character can choose to make one skill check using Intellect, rather than the characteristic linked to that skill. When he does this, he must explain how, in this particular instance, his intelligence is helping him overcome this challenge.
Improved Exceed Specification 1 When making use of Exceed Specification, upgrade the ability instead of adding a boost.
Sound Investments 1 +100cr
Toughened 1 +2 Wounds
Intense Focus 1 Man. Strain Upgrade
Fine Tuning 1 +1 System Strain / Rank Healing when repairing System Strain
Gearhead 1 Remove ⬛ / Rank from all Mechanics checks. In addition, the credit cost to add mods to attachments is halved. This does not increase with multiple ranks of Gearhead.
Bad Motivator 1 Once per game session, the character may take an action to make a Hard (ddd) Mechanics check If successful. a device Lhal presents an obstacle to the character spontaneously fails due to the character's involvement.
Dedication 1 +1 cunning
Supreme Exceed Specification 1 If Exceed Specification generates a triumph, damage one step and add an additional proficiency dice. If generates a despair add a challenge
Enduring 1 +1 soak
Solid repairs 1 Better repair
Redundant Systems 1 Once per session, action. Easy mechanics to harvest from one device to repair a similar device
Natural Tinkerer 1 Reroll mechanics
Dedication 1 +1 Cunning
Weak Foundation 1 Session action ddd warfare. Success 2 automatic advantage or 1 success to fixed target
Dedication 1 +1 Agility
Sound Investments 1 + 100 cr


Sapper Talent Tree
· 5: ■ ■ □ □ Construction Specialist / Toughen
10: ■ ■ □ □ Known Schematic / Contraption
15: ■ ■ □ □ Grit / Durable
20: ■ ■ ■ ■ Utility Belt / Strong Arm / Improvised Detonation / Master Grenadier
25: ■ ■ ■ ■ Weak Foundation / Dedication / Improvised Position / Master Demolitionist

Scavenger Talent Tree
· 5: □ □ ■ □ Utinni!
10: □ □ ■ □ Tinkerer
15: □ ■ ■ □ Jury Rigged / Exceed Specification
20: □ ■ ■ □ Supreme Exceed Specification / Improved Exceed Specification
25: ■ ■ ■ ■ Utility Belt / Dedication / Contraption

Entrepreneur Talent Tree
· 5: ■ □ ■ □ Sound Investments / Rapid Recovery
10: ■ □ ■ □ Rapid Recovery / Sound Investments
15: ■ □ ■ ■ Greased Palms / Bought Info / Sound Investments
20: ■ ■ □ □ Sound Investments / Toughened
25: □ ■ ■ □ Intense Focus / Dedication

Analyst Talent Tree
· 5: ■ □ ■ □ Researcher / Codebreaker
10: ■ ■ □ □ Valuable Facts / Researcher
15: □ ■ □ □ Improved Researcher
20: □ ■ ■ ■ Know-it-All / Know. Spec / Natural Programmer
25: □ □ ■ ■ Thorough Assessment / Stroke of Genius

Mechanic Talent Tree
· 5: ■ □ ■ □ Gearhead / Fine Tuning
10: ■ □ ■ □ Redundant Systems / Gearhead
15: ■ ■ ■ ■ Solid Repairs / Enduring / Bad Motivator
20: ■ □ □ □ Contraption
25: ■ □ □ □ Natural Tinkerer


Growth: Wisdom / Experience
He will stand by whomever has the greatest experience, to try and learn something new.
Ambition: Expertise - Hugo has found the gap between himself and those more proficient is great and growing. However, he chooses to strive towards excellence in his role as a CyberWarefare Agent within SFL. (Computers, Mechanics | Codebreaker)



Intelligence: Hugo is a bookworm that realizes that knowledge is power. Every Victory may hinge on knowing as much about the Empire as possible, every defeat may have foundation in not having studied your opponent for weakness' that might have been apparent. He is driven to gather intelligence during a mission, and share potentially useful(and trivial) data as opporunity allows. There are few things he finds more entrancing than long colums of sheets and data, and finds excitement in locating that missing comma.

4 Ranks Sound Investments

695 hrs

CR 1 Synoptic Teacher
CR 1 Utility Arm
CR 2 Pioneer Squad Tool Kit
CR 2 Com-Scan
CR 3 Hologoggles
CR 3 Superior Weapon Attachment
CR 4 Cerebral Stabilizer
CR 4 Lasan Chronicles of the Three


Strike 1 - No more prisoners

Custom toolkit purchased

Slicing gear 2enc 4 500cr
Electronic Lock Breaker r 1enc 5 1000
BlackOps/Outlaw Data Breaker r 1enc 6 1000
Ealewon A-212 Tracing Console 12enc 6 3000
Beast call 1enc 3 100
Verpine Bond Gauntlets 1enc 6 250
Credit Cleaner 12enc 7 2500
Microaxial Starmapper Handheld Navicomputer 1enc 8 3500

Other Notes

6 int
3 ranks
Intense focus
Natural Tinkerer

Custom toolkit (Add boost to any skill check made to maintain or repair an item, Computer, weapon, vehicle or starship, if tools were not made for the user add a ⬛ instead)
Specialist Mechanics tool (adv & succ) enc 7

Utility arm (adds two boosts)
Hydrospanner(auto advantage)
Hand grinder(fabrication auto advantage)

Engineer's Hammer(Tool: Using an engineer's hammer adds ⬛⬛ to any checks made to build or demolish structures)
Multigoo gun (This tool gains an automatic a on Mechanics checks to repair droids, vehicles or starships)
Welding Rod (Adds an automatic s to Mechanics checks to repair droids, vehicles and starships. GM may spend y to inflict a critical injury on the user)
"Breaker" Heavy Hydrospanner(Tool: Using a Breaker adds an automatic a to Mechanics checks)

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