Do not suffer penalties for moving through water and hold breath for 8 (2xBrawn) rounds.
Critical Injuries & Conditions
Book & Page
Endless Vigil, p. 29
Remove ■ per rank of Conditioned from Athletics and Coordination checks. Reduce the damage and strain suffered from falling by 1 per rank of Conditioned.
Endless Vigil, p. 29
Gain +2 wound threshold.
Force Powers
Force Rating
The Force user can feel the Force flowing around everything, seeing what is and what will be.
The user may spend light/dark pips to gain vague hints of events to come up to a day into the his own, personal future.
When making a skill check to determine Initiative, the user may roll a Foresee Power check as part of the pool. He may spend light/dark pips to gain success on the check.
Sentinel: Gang Leader
Cultural: The Poor and Hungry
Experiencing the Force: Pragmatic Power
Heeding the Call: With Great Power...
Injustice: Poverty
Strength: Bravery
Weakness: Weariness
Kaa'to Di was born and raised on Nar Shaddaa, often left to his own devices growing up due to his family being poor and thus his parents were often working. Despite this, when his parents had passed early on in his life he felt great sadness. With nowhere else to turn, the young Nikto joined a gang to help him survive.
After several years in this gang, Kaa'to felt remorse for all the wrong he had done and decided to leave. Being pragmatic as he was, unfortunately for Kaa'to he knew that he had to do something on this moon to make money to survive. This led him to starting his own gang, but with a focus on helping not only themselves but others as well. In addition to leading a gang, Kaa'to would sometimes work as a bounty hunter against blatant criminals.
Unbeknownst to Kaa'to when he was younger, he was sensitive to the Force. This was revealed to him vaguely by a local drunkard, who in actuality was a former Jedi in hiding. This drunkard began to help the young Nikto understand the Force and what it meant to be sensitive to it. This was one of the main reasons Kaa'to felt remorse over his actions and ultimately left the original gang he joined.
Other Notes
Future Build Plans
Specializations: Seer (Mystic), Shadow
Signature Ability: My City
Dedication Bonuses: Brawn, Intellect
Well Rounded: Athletics, Ranged (Light)
Skill Focuses: Athletics, Computers, Coordination, Deception, Discipline, Knowledge (Lore), Knowledge (Underworld), Lightsaber, Perception, Ranged (Light), Stealth, Streetwise, Vigilance
Force Powers: Bind, Ebb/Flow, Enhance, Manipulate, Seek, Sense