Was raised by a self exiled padawan on the planet tatooine.
Restore the Jedi: The character wants to see the Jedi Order restored and rebuilt, although what he knows of the Jedi may be limited or even inaccurate. He may want to be Jedi, or just want to see them return to being a presence in the galaxy.
Morality: 50 (2500 Credits)
Emotional Strength:
Justice-The character strives for just and deliberate actions in his life, and in his interactions with others. He attempts to make the objectively right choice every time. Knowing that justice is more likely to guarantee positive outcomes than sympathy or other emotional displays.
Emotional Weakness:
Cruelty: All too often, the cruel use justice to excuse their actions. If one stops himself from tempering justice with empathy and understanding, he can inflict great harm on others and feel justified doing it. Eventually, he can grow to revel in the suffering of others, even as he deludes himself into thinking he makes the "just" choice.
Tall Muscular, Standard Jedi-like Robes