The Searching Insurgent: Once they make the decision to oppose the terror and atrocities of the Empire, many individuals go looking for a way to contact and join up with the Rebellion. As badly as the Alliance needs people, though, it's not necessarily easy to find Alliance members to talk to about signing on. The vastly superior forces and assets of the Empire make it very dangerous for anyone to openly support the Alliance, as many planets and people discovered in the immediate aftermath of the Declaration of Rebellion. Imperial Intelligence and related agencies—not to mention countless bounty hunters—are constantly searching for any and all beings connected to the Rebellion, so secrecy is paramount to survival.
Redemption: The Player Character seeks to atone for past sins or mistakes by serving in the Alliance. He may have served in the Empire: he may have been a criminal, bounty hunter, or followed some other pursuit that caused him to take actions he now regrets. Helping the Rebellion may be a way to regain his self-worth.
Space Superiority: As the Combat Victory-driven PC feels about troop conflicts, so this Player Character feels about ship-to-ship combat and naval engagements. To him, the war will ultimately be decided in the stars, and what the Alliance lacks in sheer numbers, it more than makes up for in the quality and tenacity of its pilots. Every single space battle is an opportunity to show the rest of the galaxy that the Alliance not only can win the war, but is destined to do so.