Abe Laquour by Darde

Makashi Duelist
Force and Destiny

Threshold 9
Current 8
Threshold 12
Current 6
Ranged 0
Melee 0




Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) 0
Athletics (Br) 0
Charm (Pr) X 1
Coercion (Will) X 1
Computers (Int) 0
Cool (Pr) X 1
Coordination (Ag) X 1
Deception (Cun) 0
Discipline (Will) 0
Leadership (Pr) 0
Mechanics (Int) 0
Medicine (Int) 0
Negotiation (Pr) 0
Perception (Cun) 0
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) 0
Piloting: Space (Ag) 0
Resilience (Br) 0
Skulduggery (Cun) 0
Stealth (Ag) 0
Streetwise (Cun) 0
Survival (Cun) 0
Vigilance (Will) X 1
Brawl (Br) 0
Gunnery (Ag) 0
Lightsaber (Pr) X 1
Melee (Br) 0
Ranged: Light (Ag) 0
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) 0
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) 0
Knowledge: Lore (Int) X 0
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) 0
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) 0
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) 1


Training Stick
Accurate 1, Disorient 1, Stun Damage | Add 3diff to a foe's Perception or Vigilance check to discern this weapon's true nature.
Refined Cortosis Gauntlet
Cortosis, Disorient 1, Knockdown, Stun Setting
Pierce 2, Vicious 1
WESTAR-35 blaster
Ranged: Light
Accurate I, Stun Setting


Weapons & Armor

Encumbrance: 2
Rarity: 3
Price: 35
Type: Melee (Bludgeoning)
Damage: 1
Damage Mod: +1
Range: Engaged
Critical: 5 advantages
Skill: Lightsaber
Qualities: Accurate 1, Disorient 1, StunDamage
Extra: Add 3difficulty to a character's Perception or Vigilance checks to discern this weapon's true nature.

Encumbrance: 3
Hard Points: 2
Rarity: 7
Price: 1,000
Type: Brawling
Categories: Bludgeoning Brawl
Damage: 1
Damage Mod: +1
Range: Engaged
Critical: 4 advantage
Skill: Brawl
Qualities: Cotosis, Disorient 1, Knockdown, Stun Setting
Features: When attacked by a lightsaber, 3 THREATs or 1 DESPAIR may be spent to cause the lightsaber to short out and deactivate after the combat check is revolved.
-When attacking an enemy armed with a lightsaber, 3 THREAT or 1 TRIUMPH may be spent to cause the lightsaber to short out and deactivate after the combat check is resolved.

Encumbrance: 1
Hard Points: 2
Rarity: 3
Price: 250
Type: Melee
Categories: Cutting Edge Melee, Powered Melee
Damage: 1
Damage Mod: +1
Range: Engaged
Critical: ωω
Skill: Melee
Qualities: Pierce 2, Vicious 1

WESTAR-35 blaster
Encumbrance: 3
Price 1,200
Rarity 8
Type: Ranged-Light
Damage 6
Range: Medium
Critical: 2
Qualities: Accurate 1, Stun Setting

Personal Gear

Utility Belt : +1 Encmb Thresh

Backpack : +4 Encmb Thresh

Earbud Comlink

(given to Talia) Wet Broken Database ((1) Encumb)

x1 Ration Pack :
{Actually just a small carton of wookie-cookies.}
x6 Ration Pack:
{Actual food}

Electro-Snare : -1 Encmb
Make a survival check to set.
Targets make an opposed Perception vs Survival check within engaged range to avoid being snared. If snared, target takes 10 stun damage, plus 2 dam per success on your initial Survival check.

Banal Apparel: Difficulty when being noticed. (Looks like a vest and pantaloons with a sort of rain-hoodie). 0 Encum
Heavy Clothing: +1 Soak, -1 Encum

Wooden Figurine: Conjured from wood that the Dathomirian nightsister used (alchemy).

Assets & Resources

Critical Injuries & Conditions


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Resist Disarm 1 (5xp) Suffer 2 strain to avoid being disarmed or have weapon damaged or destroyed.
Makashi Technique 1 (10xp) [Presence] When making a check using the Lightsaber skill, the character may use Presence instead of Brawn.
Feint 1 (15xp) Spend 1 Triumph or 3 Advantage generated on a missed melee attack to upgrade difficulty of opponent's next attack targeting character by ranks in Feint.

Force Powers

Force Rating
[Narrative] Force Pronounce
Abe did this out of pure spite because, otherwise, he would've been unable to even pronounce his name! And people might tease him for being less capable than someone else. This would be the worst fate Abe could imagine living with.
Upgrade Effect
Abe's unique ability that allows him to pronounce things like 'p' and 'b'
Also enables him to have an Australian accent apparently. Noice.
Foresee Basic Power
Upgrade Effect
The user can spend 1 (Light|Dark) to gain vague hints of events to come, up to a day in his own, personal future.
{The Force user can feel the Force flowing around everything, seeing what is and what will be.}
1 Spend 1 (Light|Dark) to pick out specific details equal to Strength upgrades purchased
[As I interpret this, it means I can ask one clarifying question per upgrade [current 1]]
Conjure Basic Power
The Force user calls forth a spectral object to their hand. which lasts for a short time.
Upgrade Effect
1 The user may spend 1 (Light|Dark) to create a facsimile of a Brawl or Melee weapon anywhere within engaged range. At the end of the user's next turn, this item dissipates. At the GM's discretion, the user can instead conjure a simple tool and other useful low-tech item with an encumbrance no greater than 1.


Master Termilius is generally exploitative towards Abe. Abe, however, goes along with it all because he so badly wants to become a Jedi.
He doesn't agree with all of Master Termilius's practices, but he's willing to endure them if it means he can one day be a Jedi (Realpolitik?) and do things the way that HE thinks they ought to be done.


1. What are your character's core moral beliefs?
Abe has spent just about all of his life training to be a Jedi. His life goal is to become a Jedi and he is proud to be a part of the Order, although, to be fair, the Order is all that he's ever known.
-While he's not a STRICT pacifist, Abe does not like the idea of killing a person and will avoid doing so, especially to those who are more defenseless. In Abe's worldview, killing is more justifiable if the opponent fought valiantly in even combat but lost, that way they die with honor.
Honor, especially in battle, is a core belief of Abe's.

2. Abe does not remember much of his family, he was taken by the Jedi Order at around 3 years old. He somewhat remembers what his parents look like and he's *pretty sure* he had an older sibling, be they a brother or sister, Abe can't remember.
Without realizing it, he's actually been suppressing the memory of his family in his mind. Although his relationship with them was actually quite good, he falsely remembers his childhood as being 'generally bad'. The reason he unconsciously thinks this is because Abe already knows he will never see them again and he's not sure he would remember them even if he did see them, so he unwittingly just forgot everything about them and designated his family as an "other" in his mind.


4. (Subject to change)
When it is not inappropriate to do so (like for ceremonial events, etc.) Abe rolls the sleeves of his robe up as far as possible and fastens them into place with pins, so as to let his wings breathe.
When it isn't necessary to look presentable, Abe wears tight-fitting clothes in a vest-like shape (no sleeves) that fit close to his body. His trousers are also rolled up above the ankles and tucked in, like a pair of sweatpants. The color palette is beige and white (and looks a lot like Rey's clothes, but maybe a bit plainer).

5. Abe's biggest goal is to become a Jedi and travel the stars, serving justice, like the Greats do. He assumes he'll be given other duties on his way to becoming a Jedi, but he wholeheartedly wants to be a Jedi.

Abe and Myaon went down into the depths of Coruscant while they were Youngling students and did... something bad. They don't talk about it publicly anymore out of guilt and fear of persecution.

Abe is afraid of what would happen if his family saw him and he couldn't recognize them, but they could recognize him. After all, how would he even be able to know for sure that the people who say they're his parents actually are?
Abe is generally afraid of being stuck in training forever or in 'Padawan Purgatory,' where he'll never get a real chance to shine or to have any real responsibility. As such, he's always very eager to push forward and make progress in his training. He gets anxious when it seems like there's no forward momentum.
As a single, tangible moment, Abe most fears that Master Termilius will exclaim to Abe "You'll NEVER become a real Jedi." And REALLY TRULY mean it. Sure, Master Termilius has said that several times before, but Abe knows he was just saying that to scare him straight. Abe is specifically afraid that his master will *really mean it* and will take steps to ensure he doesn't become a Jedi. One time, after a particularly rough day of training, Abe had a nightmare involving his master saying that. From that point on, he's worked extra hard to make sure it never happens for real.

8. Abe wants to be a Jedi. He doesn't really care about the Jedi code that much and he thinks some of those rules are dumb (in fact Abe is a little bit morally grey). But he knows that as long as he *pretends* to care about the Order's beliefs and values, that'll get him in their good graces and, when he's a Jedi, he'll be able to do what he wants.

9. Abe makes a point of appearing respectable and disciplined for the fully-fledged adult Jedi and he works very hard to keep his control in front of them. He wants to make a good impression on them so that he can also become a Jedi.
Among the other Younglings and Padawans (as well as anyone who isn't a member of significant rank in the Jedi Order), Abe lets loose his casual self and shows his brash, loud, highly opinionated personality.

10. The knee-jerk response would be: 'to become a powerful Jedi', but if he sat and thought about it for a good 2 minutes, he'd probably wish for greater stability across the Galaxy with a Republic that everyone can feel proud to be a part of. Wishful thinking, but it'd also be wishful thinking to think that a wish could just *come true* like magic.


An ambitious character sets a lofty goal for himself and then strives to accomplish it. The harder the task, the more willing the character is to take it on, and the greater the triumph when he finally succeeds.
Source(s): Force and Destiny Core Rulebook, Page 50

An ambitious character is only as selfless as his goals. Those who strive For worldly pleasures, whether power, wealth, or personal comforts, can quickly find their ambition turning to simple greed.
Source(s): Force and Destiny Core Rulebook, Page 50

Morality Originally = 50
Session #3: [-3]

Session #4: [-3]

Session #5 [+5]

Session #6 [-1]

Session #7 [0]

Session #8 [+5]

Total Morality: 53


Abe's birthday is the 7th of Telona
(For reference, Order66 is on the 6th of Telona)

Bird type:
Magpie? (black n white color scheme looks kinda slick)
Spotted Pardalotte? (cool spots on head and feathers add texture)
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker? (cool red scalp) OR
Redheaded Woodpecker? (whole head from the neck up is just a cool red)

Top of head should sorta feather upwards, like a cardinal. It'd make him look more serious.
He should look like something that could feasibly produce an Australian accent. (so probably not an owl. owls are quieter and subdued (then again, TF2 sniper owl hat)).

Other Notes

Abe hasn't seen many droids before and he thinks they are scary, ESPECIALLY the little ones *shudder*.

Abe won't usually TRY to kill anyone (who is innocent). If someone is a genuine threat, he'd rather beat them into submission and coerce them into running away OR to just incapacitate the person and push them out of the way. Murder doesn't feel very good.

Abe has a rather strong sense of honor. He'd like to beat his opponents on even-fighting ground and generally won't try to sabotage others to tip things in his favor (unless things were already significantly tipped against him. Then he'll make it "fair"). He prefers self-improvement to be able to become victorious.

His pseudonym is
___ T H E __ R A I N B O W __ R O O S T E R ___

Got an extra point in Xenology for free when Roca took us all to the zoo on Glee Anselm

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