Shalla was born and raised by two Cereans on their home planet of Cerea. Her adopted parents never talked much about where she came from so she took on that task herself. She found herself learning of her existence as a Dathomirian on a datapad and dived head first into researching Dathomir from there. She currently is currently trying to obtain the credits and resources to get to Dathomir to continue her research in hopes of learning more about her ancestors and hopefully by doing so-herself
Akin to secrets, but not always quite as dangerous, lost and hidden knowledge can be a powerful asset. Eons of conflict caused vast, storehouses of knowledge to be lost amid the rubble of destroyed cities, derelict ships, and abandoned space stations, Intrepid Explorers are the miners of that knowledge, bringing it back into the light of day for all to benefit from. Archaeologists are naturally inclined to search for knowledge, as are Fringers and Traders.
Magnitude 15 Family for 1000 Credits
Ties of kinship can exert an incredible pull on most beings, perhaps even serving as the main reason someone chooses the life of an Explorer--to get away from domineering parents or other powerful relatives. There are times, however, when an Explorer may be doing what he does for his family and not despite them. Perhaps a Fringer sees wandering the Rim as a way to return his family some kind of prominence after a terrible fall. Meanwhile, a Big-Game Hunter may follow in his father's footsteps, determined to exceed the old man's accomplishments. The lifelong search of this Archaeologist revolves around the ancient homelands of her people
Long gray-white hair, black markings on pale skin.