Physical Training |
2 | |
The character adds a boost dice per rank of Physical Training to their Athletics and Resilience checks. |
Clanker Killer |
1 | |
Before rolling a combat check that targets a droid (including a droid vehicle or a vehicle piloted by a droid), the character may remove boost dice up to their ranks in Clanker Killer from the pool, and add an equal number of success or advantage results (in any combination) to the results |
Deadly Accuracy |
1 | |
Each time the character gains a rank of Deadly Accuracy, they must choose one combat skill. The character may add their ranks in that combat skill as additional damage to one hit of successful attacks made with that skill using a personal-scale weapon. They cannot choose the same combat skill twice. |
Well Rounded |
1 | |
The character chooses any two skills. They permanently become career skills. |
Sniper Shot |
1 | |
Once per round before making a non-thrown ranged attack, the character may perform a maneuver to attempt a Sniper Shot. Sniper Shot increases the maximum range of their ranged weapon up to one range band per rank. For each rank beyond the normal maximum of the weapon, upgrade the difficulty of the check by one (this is in addition to the increased difficulty of the shot due to longer range). |
Armor Master |
1 | |
While wearing armor, the character increases their total soak value by one. |
Rapid Reaction |
2 | |
The character may suffer a number of strain to add an equal number of success results to any Vigilance or Cool check to determine Initiative order. The number may not exceed [their] ranks in Rapid Reaction. |
True Aim |
2 | |
Once per round, before the character makes a ranged attack, [they] may perform a True Aim maneuver. By performing this maneuver, the character gains all the benefits for aiming and also upgrades [their] attack roll once per rank of True Aim. |
Lethal Blows |
2 | |
The character adds +10 per rank of Lethal Blows to any Critical Injury rolls inflicted on opponents. |
Crippling Blow |
1 | |
The character may voluntarily increase the difficulty of a combat check by one to deal a crippling blow. If [they] succeed and deals damage to the target's wound threshold, the target suffers one strain whenever [they] move for the remainder of the encounter. |
Toughened |
1 | |
The character increases [their] wound threshold by two per rank of Toughened. |