Prime position |
2 |
RoTS, 21 |
When this character or ally in short range takes cover, he increases Soak against ranged attacks by 1 per rank of Prime Positions until he leaves that cover. |
Tactical advance |
1 |
RoTS, 21 |
The character may suffer 2 Strain to make the Tactical Advance incidental. Until the end of the character's turn, the character and allies within Short range may leave cover and continue to receive its benefits. |
Field commander |
1 |
RoTS, 21 |
Take the Field Commander action; make a 2p (◆◆) Leadership check. A number of allies equal to Presence may immediately suffer 1 strain to perform one free maneuver. |
Improved field commander |
1 |
RoTS, 21 |
The Field Commander action affects allies equal to double Presence, and may spend Triumph to allow allies to suffer 1 Strain to make an action instead. |
Dedication |
3 |
RoTS, 21 |
+1 to Agility, +1 Agility, +1 Intellect |
Command |
2 |
RoTS, 21 |
Add 1 □ per rank of Command to all Leadership checks. Affected Targets add 1 Boost to Dicipline checks for 24 hours. |
Toughened |
3 |
RoTS, 21 |
Gain +2 Wound Threshold. |
Grit |
3 |
RoTS, 21 |
Gain +1 Strain Threshold |
Physical Training |
2 |
AoR, 154 |
The character adds 1 □ per rank of Physical Training to his Athletics and Resilience checks |
Scrap 'Em |
1 |
RoTS, 21 |
After making a successful combat check, the character may suffer 2 strain to perform the Scrap 'Em incidental. The character selects a number of allies no greater than their ranks in leadership. Those allies add □ to their combat checks against the character's target until the start of the character's next turn. |
Clanker Killer |
2 |
RoTS, 21 |
Before rolling a combat check that targets a droid, remove 1 □ up to the characters ranks in Clanker Killer from the pool and add an equal number of Success or Advantage to the result. |
Improved Scrap 'Em |
1 |
RoTS, 21 |
When the character takes the Scrap 'Em incidental they affect a number of allies no greater than twice their ranks in leadership, and affected allies add □□ to their combat checks (instead of □) |
Quick Draw |
1 |
EoTE, 141 |
Once per round on the character's turn, he may draw or holster an easily accessible weapon as an incidental, not a maneuver. This talent also reduces the amount of time to draw or stow that usually requires more than one maneuver to properly prepare or stow, by one maneuver. Granted by integrated holsters mod |
Deadly Accuracy (gunnery) |
1 |
EoTE, pg 134 |
Each time the character gains a rank of Deadly Accuracy, he must choose one combat skill. The character may add his basic training ranks in that combat skill as additional damage to one hit of a successful attack made with that skill with a non-starship/vehicle weapons. He cannot choose the same combat skill twice. |
Armor Master |
1 |
EoTE, pg 132 |
When wearing armor, the character increases his total soak value by 1. |
Improved Armor Master |
1 |
EoTE, pg 132 |
When wearing armor of soak value of 2 or higher, the character increases his defense by 1. |
For The Republic |
1 |
RoTS, 21 |
Once per encounter when an ally is incapacitated or killed, the character may perform the For the Republic! incidental. The character makes a 4p (◆◆◆◆) Daunting leadership check. If the check succeeds, the ally is not incapacitated or killed until the end of the following round, instead. If the character's wounds or strain are reduced below their threshold before the end of the next round, they are not incapacitated. |
Commanding Presence |
2 |
RoTS, 21 |
The character removes ■ per rank of Commanding Presence from his Leadership and Cool checks. |
Ingrained Loyalty |
1 |
CoTR, 22 |
When the character makes a Leadership check targeting one or more clones and no other characters, they may change the result of one Challenge Die to any nonblank face. |
Steely Nerves |
1 |
CoTR, 22 |
The character may spend one Destiny Point to ignore the effects of ongoing Critical Injuries on any Presence or Willpower related checks until the end of the encounter. He still suffers from the injury itself. |
At Any Cost |
1 |
CoTR, 22 |
The Character may suffer a Critical Injury to force a Mass Combat check to be rerolled. At the GM's discretion the character may, be required to sacrifice an, item, vehicle, or individual of personal significance instead. |
Natural Trooper |
1 |
RoTS, 40 |
Once per game session, the character may reroll anyone Gunnery or Ranged [Heavy] check. |
Enduring |
1 |
+1 soak |
Enduring Presence |
1 |
Once Per session, the character may upgrade the ability of a mass combat check (if they are the acting force commander or difficulty of the check if being acted upon.) Even if the character is not present or is incapable of communicating with troops. |
Lateral Thinking |
1 |
RoTS, 40 |
Once per encounter after an enemy succeeds on a check targeting the character. The character may spend one Destiny Point to force the enemy to reroll the check. If the enemy is a droid, the character does not spend a Destiny Point to use this talent |