CC-0777, "Chance" by Bryan912

Clone Soldier
Clone Officer, Clone Trooper, Clone Commander
Edge of the Empire

Threshold 19
Current 0
Threshold 16
Current 0
Ranged 2
Melee 2

Placeholder Image




Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) 0
Athletics (Br) X 1 +2b
Charm (Pr) 0 +1u+1b if targeting clones
Coercion (Will) 0 +1b if targeting clones
Computers (Int) 0
Cool (Pr) X 2 -1 k
Coordination (Ag) 0
Deception (Cun) 0 +1u+1b if targeting clones
Discipline (Will) X 2 +1b
Leadership (Pr) X 5 -5k+1v+2b+2u+2b if targeting clones
Mechanics (Int) 0
Medicine (Int) X 1 +1b, 1v on successful checks
Negotiation (Pr) 0 +1b if targeting clones
Perception (Cun) X 2 +1 skill
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) 0
Piloting: Space (Ag) 0
Resilience (Br) X 1 +2b
Skulduggery (Cun) 0
Stealth (Ag) 1
Streetwise (Cun) 0
Survival (Cun) 0
Vigilance (Will) X 3 +2Skill
Brawl (Br) X 1
Gunnery (Ag) X 4
Lightsaber (Br) 0
Melee (Br) 0
Ranged: Light (Ag) X 1
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) X 1
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) 0
Knowledge: Lore (Int) 0
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) X 1
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) 0
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) X 3
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) 0


Blaster Rifle
Ranged: Heavy
Exceptional Performance, Reverse Engineered, Stun Setting
Crafted Grenade
Ranged: Light
Blast 6, Limited Ammo 1
Custom Heavy Energy Rifle
Accurate 3, Blast 9, Combat Tested, Exceptional Performance, Reverse engineered, Pierce 1, -1k
Retractable Fighting Blade


Weapons & Armor

*Blaster Rifle 0/5 hp
Weapon has been Reverse Engineered, and given Exceptional Performance, See notes, no longer carried.

*Crafted Grenade, basic template

*Crafted Heavy Energy Rifle 5/6 hp
Weapon has been crafted, and given Exceptional Performance, Reverse Engineered. See notes.

-Amplifying Chamber, Dmg +1, and all 5 Blast quality +1 mods installed,See notes
-Custom Grip, Accurate mod installed,See notes
-Augmented Spin Barrel, +1 accurate, +1 pierce quality, 2 Dmg+1 mods all installed. See notes.
-Telescopic Optical Sight, See notes.
- Combat Tested, See Notes. all mods applied.

*Katarn-Class Commando Armor HP 4/4
Armor has been Reverse Engineered
Armor has been Given Exceptional Performance, See notes

-Integrated Holsters, Innate Quality Quick Draw, 3x holster 1 weapon of enc 3 or lower, 2x ■ to perception checks to find weapons holstered in armor mods all installed. See Notes

-Ceremonial Adornment. See Notes
all mods applied

-Squad Tactical Systems. See Notes
all mods applied

-Boot Blade. See Notes, all mods applied, second pierce mod failed.

Personal Gear

Physician's Kit.
Stimpack x2.
Extra Reload.
"Survivalist" Mess Kit.
Field Rations.
Fire Paste x2.
"Quickflash" Burning Gel- Carried.
Ribbon Rack.
Symbol of Command Rewarded from Alesia mission.
Surveyor's Bag.
Storage Unit for Military Modular Backpack Frame.
Integrated Holsters-attached.
Telescopic Optical Sight-attached.
Weapon Harness.
Precision Leadership Tool, See Notes.
TacNet Tactical Data Network Datapad.
Blaster rifle no longer carried, swapped for Heavy Energy Rifle.

Assets & Resources

Mission xp gains
Havoc Ensues- +25 xp
Betrayal- +30 xp
Scout and Clear- +25 xp
Alesia- +25 xp
Thunder and Rumble- +25 xp
Finding Vepam- +20 xp
Contingency Strike- +35 xp
Watering Hole- +25 xp
The Malastare Void I- +35 xp
The Malastare Void II- +25 xp
Operation Majestic Mynock- +20 xp
-48 hours +5 xp
The Grek Offensive- +25 xp
Pigs in Space- +25 xp
-48 hours +5 xp
-48 hours +5 xp
Death and Mourning- +25 xp
Drilling for Droids- +30 xp
-48 hours +5 xp
The 11th Hour- +25 xp
A Clanker's Coffin- +20 xp
Front-Line Fighters- +30 xp
Praevalidum Defensiones- +25 xp
GM Convoy Conundrums- +25 xp
GM For Whom The Bell Tolls +30 xp
For Whom The Bell Tolls Part 2 Electric Boogaloo +35

Xp expenditure: 860/860

Clone base 100 xp
30 xp Agility to 3
30 xp Intellect to 3
30 xp Presence to 3
10 xp Leadership rank 2

20 xp 2nd specialization, Clone Trooper
30xp 3rd Specialization, Clone Commander

Clone Officer
5 xp bought 1st rank in Prime positions talent
5 xp bought 1st rank in Command talent
5 xp bought 1st rank in Grit
5 xp bought 2nd rank in Grit
10 xp bought Tactical Advance talent
10 xp bought 1st rank in Clanker Killer talent
10 xp bought 2nd rank in Command
15 xp bought 2nd rank in Prime Positions talent
15xp bought 2nd rank in Toughened
20 xp bought Field Commander talent
20 xp bought Scrap 'Em
25 xp bought Improved Field Commander talent
25 xp bought 1st rank in Dedication talent, used to boost Agility to 4.
25 xp bought Improved Scrap 'Em
25 xp bought For The Republic!

Clone Trooper
5 xp bought 1st rank in Toughened talent
-5 duty, 5 xp bonus to buy 1st rank in Physical Training talent
5 xp bought 3rd rank in Grit
10 xp bought 2nd rank in Clanker Killer
15 xp bought 1st rank in Deadly Accuracy (Gunnery)
15 xp bought Armor Master
20 xp bought 3rd rank in Toughened
20 xp bought 1st rank in Enduring
25 xp bought Improved Armor Master
25 xp bought Natural Trooper
25 xp bought 3rd rank in Dedication
25 xp bought Lateral Thinking

Clone Commander
5 xp bought 1st rank in Commanding Presence
10 xp bought Ingrained Loyalty
15 xp bought 2nd rank in Commanding Presence
15 xp bought Enduring Presence
20 xp bought Steely Nerves
25 xp bought 2nd rank in Dedication, used to boost Agility to 5.
25 xp bought At Any Cost.

5 xp bought Vigilance rank 1
5 xp bought Gunnery rank 1
5 xp bought Discipline rank 1
5 xp bought Perception rank 1
5 xp bought Athletics rank 1
10 xp bought Stealth rank 1
10 xp bought Gunnery rank 2
15 xp bought Gunnery rank 3
20 xp bought Gunnery rank 4
10 xp bought Dicipline rank 2
10 xp bought Cool rank 2
15 xp bought Leadership rank 3
15 xp bought Knowledge Warfare rank 3
20 xp bought Leadership rank 4
25 xp bought Leadership rank 5

Credits expenditure- 34,578/34,600

500 cr base +9,000 cr boost from knight level +1,000 cr from -5 duty, +1,000 cr from Havoc Ensues.
+1,000 cr from Betrayal.
+1,000 cr from Scout and Clear.
+1,000 cr from Alesia.
+1,000 cr from Thunder and Rumble.
+1,100 cr from Finding Vepam.
+1,100 cr from Contingency Strike.
+1,100 cr from Watering Hole.
+1,100 cr from The Malastare Void I.
+1,100 cr from The Malastare Void II.
+1,100 cr from Operation Majestic Mynock.
+1,200 cr from The Grek Offensive
+1,200 cr from Death and Mourning
+1,200 cr from Drilling for Droids
+1,200 cr from The 11th Hour
+1,200 cr from A Clanker's Coffin
+1,300 cr from Front-Line Fighters
+1,300 cr from Praevalidum Defensiones
+1,000 cr from GM Convoy Conundrums
+1,000 cr from For Whom The Bell Tolls
+1300 cr from For Whom The Bell Tolls Part 2 Electric Boogaloo

Katarn- Class Commando Armor- 6,500 cr
Blaster Rifle- 900 cr
Amplifying Chamber Attachment & 6 mods- 950 cr
Custom Grip Attachment & 1 mod- 600 cr
Physician's Kit- 400 cr
Stimpacks x 2- 50 cr
Extra Reload- 25 cr
"Survivalist" Mess Kit- 10 cr
PED Personal Distress Beacon- 50 cr
Field Rations- 10 cr
Fire Paste x 2- 6 cr
Canteen- 7 cr
Datapad- 75 cr
"Quickflash" Burning Gel- 150 cr
Ribbon Rack- 15 cr
Utility Belt- 25 cr
Military Belt Pouch- 10 cr
BPEA-1A Cascader- 1710 cr
Surveyor's Bag- 50 cr
Storage Unit for Military Modular Backpack Frame- 25 cr
Integrated Holsters- 300 cr
Integrated Holsters Mods- 50 cr
Telescopic Optical Sight- 250 cr
Weapon Harness- 500 cr
comm scrambler- 1000 cr
Augmented Spin Barrel- CR reward
Augmented Spin Barrel Mods- 50 cr
Precision Leadership Tool- 75 cr
Precision Leadership Tool- 75 cr
Precision Leadership Tool- 75 cr
Precision Leadership Tool- 150 cr
Exoglove- 1800cr negotiated.
TacNet Tactical Data Network- 1000 cr
Crafted Grenade- 35 cr
Heavy Energy Rifle- 500 cr
Heavy Energy Rifle- 500 cr
Heavy Energy Rifle- 500 cr
Heavy Energy Rifle- 500 cr
Heavy Energy Rifle- 500 cr
Heavy Energy Rifle- 500 cr
Heavy Energy Rifle- 500 cr
Heavy Energy Rifle- 500 cr
Ceremonial Adornment Attachment- 2250 cr
Squad Tactical Systems Attachment- 2000 cr
^ all mods- 200 cr
Boot Blade Attachment- 100 cr
^ all mods- 400 cr
Combat Tested Attachment- 50 cr
Implant Armor-7500 cr
Baradium Charge- 750 cr
Droid Brain Detonator- 1000 cr
Contribution Rewards
Rank 1-
1x AT-TE- destroyed
1x Augmented Spin Barrel

Rank 2-
2x Arquitens Class Light Cruisers. The Myrmidon, and Argonaut

Rank 3-
Cybernetic arms +1 agility
Cybernetic legs +1 brawn

Rank 4-

Critical Injuries & Conditions


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Prime position 2 RoTS, 21 When this character or ally in short range takes cover, he increases Soak against ranged attacks by 1 per rank of Prime Positions until he leaves that cover.
Tactical advance 1 RoTS, 21 The character may suffer 2 Strain to make the Tactical Advance incidental. Until the end of the character's turn, the character and allies within Short range may leave cover and continue to receive its benefits.
Field commander 1 RoTS, 21 Take the Field Commander action; make a 2p (◆◆) Leadership check. A number of allies equal to Presence may immediately suffer 1 strain to perform one free maneuver.
Improved field commander 1 RoTS, 21 The Field Commander action affects allies equal to double Presence, and may spend Triumph to allow allies to suffer 1 Strain to make an action instead.
Dedication 3 RoTS, 21 +1 to Agility, +1 Agility, +1 Intellect
Command 2 RoTS, 21 Add 1 □ per rank of Command to all Leadership checks. Affected Targets add 1 Boost to Dicipline checks for 24 hours.
Toughened 3 RoTS, 21 Gain +2 Wound Threshold.
Grit 3 RoTS, 21 Gain +1 Strain Threshold
Physical Training 2 AoR, 154 The character adds 1 □ per rank of Physical Training to his Athletics and Resilience checks
Scrap 'Em 1 RoTS, 21 After making a successful combat check, the character may suffer 2 strain to perform the Scrap 'Em incidental. The character selects a number of allies no greater than their ranks in leadership. Those allies add □ to their combat checks against the character's target until the start of the character's next turn.
Clanker Killer 2 RoTS, 21 Before rolling a combat check that targets a droid, remove 1 □ up to the characters ranks in Clanker Killer from the pool and add an equal number of Success or Advantage to the result.
Improved Scrap 'Em 1 RoTS, 21 When the character takes the Scrap 'Em incidental they affect a number of allies no greater than twice their ranks in leadership, and affected allies add □□ to their combat checks (instead of □)
Quick Draw 1 EoTE, 141 Once per round on the character's turn, he may draw or holster an easily accessible weapon as an incidental, not a maneuver. This talent also reduces the amount of time to draw or stow that usually requires more than one maneuver to properly prepare or stow, by one maneuver. Granted by integrated holsters mod
Deadly Accuracy (gunnery) 1 EoTE, pg 134 Each time the character gains a rank of Deadly Accuracy, he must choose one combat skill. The character may add his basic training ranks in that combat skill as additional damage to one hit of a successful attack made with that skill with a non-starship/vehicle weapons. He cannot choose the same combat skill twice.
Armor Master 1 EoTE, pg 132 When wearing armor, the character increases his total soak value by 1.
Improved Armor Master 1 EoTE, pg 132 When wearing armor of soak value of 2 or higher, the character increases his defense by 1.
For The Republic 1 RoTS, 21 Once per encounter when an ally is incapacitated or killed, the character may perform the For the Republic! incidental. The character makes a 4p (◆◆◆◆) Daunting leadership check. If the check succeeds, the ally is not incapacitated or killed until the end of the following round, instead. If the character's wounds or strain are reduced below their threshold before the end of the next round, they are not incapacitated.
Commanding Presence 2 RoTS, 21 The character removes ■ per rank of Commanding Presence from his Leadership and Cool checks.
Ingrained Loyalty 1 CoTR, 22 When the character makes a Leadership check targeting one or more clones and no other characters, they may change the result of one Challenge Die to any nonblank face.
Steely Nerves 1 CoTR, 22 The character may spend one Destiny Point to ignore the effects of ongoing Critical Injuries on any Presence or Willpower related checks until the end of the encounter. He still suffers from the injury itself.
At Any Cost 1 CoTR, 22 The Character may suffer a Critical Injury to force a Mass Combat check to be rerolled. At the GM's discretion the character may, be required to sacrifice an, item, vehicle, or individual of personal significance instead.
Natural Trooper 1 RoTS, 40 Once per game session, the character may reroll anyone Gunnery or Ranged [Heavy] check.
Enduring 1 +1 soak
Enduring Presence 1 Once Per session, the character may upgrade the ability of a mass combat check (if they are the acting force commander or difficulty of the check if being acted upon.) Even if the character is not present or is incapable of communicating with troops.
Lateral Thinking 1 RoTS, 40 Once per encounter after an enemy succeeds on a check targeting the character. The character may spend one Destiny Point to force the enemy to reroll the check. If the enemy is a droid, the character does not spend a Destiny Point to use this talent


Justified Avengers, The Failed Leader-

Upon CC-0777's first deployment in the battle of Geonosis with his squad of brothers he would find the brutal realities of war quite different than the simulations he and pod had trained for. Doing his best to follow his orders, and keep his brothers alive they would be given suicide orders by their Jedi general in the chaos of that first battle. Their orders were to rush the droid lines in mass across the open desert plains with little to no cover. The purpose of their charge would be to try and take control of a Trade Federation docked command pod that had not yet left the planet's surface. During the mad charge he would watch as one by one his brothers fell beside him. A random scattering of blaster bolts tearing though their armor, cutting them down by sheer volume of fire.

Seeing this her would end up ordering his remaining brothers to hit the ground and return fire, trying to get them to present the smallest target possible. However the weight of droids fire was just too great in his area. His remaining brothers guns would slowly fall silent as the minutes dragged on into an eternity. Eventually though he would realize he was the only one still returning fire, and upon realizing this he found himself too overwhelmed to continue following his orders. His brothers deaths were needless, and he had been completely unable to help them with the training he had received as a squad leader. Somehow through sheer luck, and a half melted DC 15 blaster he managed to survive though his mental breakdown until the end of the engagement.

After the battle he would find the remnants of what used to be his squad, and, take their backup ID tags to carry with his own. He began to develop a loathing for the separatists, and resented them for causing this war. He vowed on that day to see victory for the republic, and to restore the galaxy to peace once again. This was all caused by the separatists avarice starting this conflict. He had failed to live up to his brothers expectations, and vowed to learn from this painful lesson so his brothers would never needlessly lose their lives again. He would become a better commander; one that could adapt to overcome his higher up's lack of tactics.


Motivation- Oath to The Republic:

Grown to be a loyal soldier of the Republic Chance believes wholeheartedly in the ideals of the Republic. He is fighting to preserve this way of life for trillions of beings across hundreds of worlds. He was born to protect the Republic and its citizens, and he will fight those who threaten to destroy it's ideology with all his might.


Current Rank: Battalion Commander
Duty- Personnel: CR 4, 02
After the events of his first deployment Chance would come to put immense value on his own and his brothers lives. He would do everything in his power to save a brother, unless it would mean sacrificing more brothers for the sake of one. Though his sentiments do expand to civilians and non clone military personnel, his priority is his brother's safety first.

Duty Gains:
Havoc Ensues +15
Betrayal +15
Scout and Clear +15
Alesia +20
Thunder and Rumble +15
Find Vepam +20
Contingency Strike +15
Watering Hole +15
The Malastare Void I +16
The Malastare Void II +16
Operation Majestic Mynock +20
-24 hours +5 duty
-24 hours +5 duty
-24 hours +5 duty
-24 hours +5 duty
The Grek Offensive +15
Pigs in Space +10
Death and Mourning +15
Drilling for Droids +15
The 11th Hour +20
-24 hours +5 duty
A Clanker's Coffin +15
-24 hours +5 duty
Front-Line Fighters +15
-24 hours +5 duty
Praevalidum Defensiones +15
-24 hours +5 duty
GM Convoy Conundrums +10
GM For Whom The Bell Tolls +15
For Whom The Bell Tolls Part 2 Electric Boogaloo +20
-24 hours +5 duty
-24 hours +5 duty
-24 hours +5 duty


Chance was initially created to be a clone commander. Though after his first deployment he has take part of, and completed Advanced Reconnaissance Trooper training. As such he has learned to carry additional kit to prepare for a wide variety of situations. His trusty DC 15 carbine has seen him through many engagements and he has come to grow attached to it. Its surface is marred with small notches from successful missions, and the butt is marked with tallied marks indicative of the number of brothers he has personally saved from harm. He saved up his credits to purchase a set of clone commando armor for himself, preferring its protective features over standard armor and the extra utility over Arc trooper armor. He has painted it and customized it to reflect on the colors of his original legion before he was transferred and moved into the 7th Systems Army. He also has several mementos on him from fallen brothers that he carries with him to remember them by.

Other Notes

Downtime Gains& Losses:
+24 From Havoc Ensues
+24 From Betrayal
+24 From Scout and Clear
+24 From Alesia
+24 From Thunder and Rumble
+24 From Find Vepam
+24 From Contingency Strike
+24 From Watering Hole
+24 From The Malastare Void I
+24 From The Malastare Void II
+24 From Operation Majestic Mynock
-1 hr crafting Precision Leadership Tool
-1 hr crafting Precision Leadership Tool
-1 hr crafting Precision Leadership Tool
-1 hr crafting Precision Leadership Tool
-1 hr crafting Grenade
-2 hr crafting Heavy Energy Rifle
-1 hr crafting Heavy Energy Rifle
-1 hr crafting Heavy Energy Rifle
-12 hr crafting Heavy Energy Rifle
-12 hr crafting Heavy Energy Rifle
-12 hr crafting Heavy Energy Rifle
-12 hr crafting Heavy Energy Rifle
-1 hr crafting Heavy Energy Rifle
-24 hours +5 duty
-24 hours +5 duty
-24 hours +5 duty
-24 hours +5 duty
-48 hours +5 xp
+24 hours The Grek Offensive
+24 hours Pigs in Space
-48 hours +5 xp
-48 hours +5 xp
+24 hours Death and Mourning
+24 hours Drilling for Droids
-48 hours +5 xp
+24 hours The 11th Hour
-24 hours +5 duty
+24 hours A Clanker's Coffin
-24 hours +5 duty
+24 hours Front-Line Fighters
-24 hours +5 duty
+24 hours Praevalidum Defensiones
-24 hours +5 duty
+24 hours Convoy Conundrums
+24 hours For Whom The Bell Tolls
+24 hours For Whom The Bell Tolls Part 2 Electric Boogaloo
-24 hours +5 duty
-24 hours +5 duty
-24 hours +5 duty

Downtime Bank- 14 hours

Kamino Training- 1 rank of Physical Training talent


Amplifying Chamber Attachment: Adds the Blast 4 item quality. Adds
1 ■ to all Mechanics checks to maintain or repair this
Weapon. 1 dmg +1 mod, 5 blast +1 mods

Custom Grip Attachment: 1 Remove 1 ■ from all attack checks when using this weapon Mod.
Anyone other than owner adds ■■ to combat checks using this weapon. 1 Accurate quality mod.

Augmented Spin Barrel: Increase weapon Dmg by 1. Adds ■ to all Mechanics check when performing maintenance on this weapon.

Integrated Holster Attachment: Increases encumbrance threshold by 4. The character may holster up to two weapons of encumbrance 3 or lower in the armor. While holstered, these weapons do not count toward the character’s encumbrance value.

Ceremonial Adornment: Removes ■■ from Social skill checks due to wearing armor in socially inappropriate situations. Adds ■ to Coordination checks. Remove setback from Coordination checks mod applied.

Squad Tactical Systems: Wearer adds □ to all Perception and Vigilance checks while within medium range of one or more allies also using armor with this attachment. Includes integrated comlink. +1 Vigilance, and +1 Perception mods applied.

Boot Blade: Provides the wearer with a retractable fighting blade with the following profile. Melee/ Dmg+1/ Critical 3/ Range: Engaged. -1 Crit rating, +1 Vicious, and +1 pierce mods applied.

Combat Tested: Owner adds □ to Discipline checks. +1 b to resist fear checks mod applied.

Tools and Crafting:

Precision Leadership Tool: Enhanced with Exceptional Performance, Remove ■■ from all Leadership checks when using this item., Compact 2: Add ■■ to checks to find this item on the wearer's person, Safety Features: Add automatic Adv to Leadership checks. Lightweight 4: Reduce Encumbrance of item down from 5 to 1.

TacNet Tactical Data Network-
A character can access and utilize the TacNet by making an 2p (◆◆) Average Computers check If the check is successful, the character using the TacNet removes ■ from all Leadership checks he makes until the end of the encounter. In addition the character may spend 2 Advantage or Triumph to add □ to all Leadership checks he makes until the end of the encounter while using the TacNet to direct his comrades.

Heavy Energy Rifle- Basic Template with the following crafting results 2 adv, Customizable/ 2 adv, Increase Range/ 2 adv, Exceptional Performance/ 2 adv, 2x Lightweight/ 3 adv, Destructive/ 3 adv, Efficient Construction/4 adv Accurate/ 10 adv, 5x Vicious/ 1 Tri, Lethal.
28/28 adv, 1/1 Tri spent. 1 hour downtime, 500 credits paid

Katarn-class Commando Armor
Defense 1 | Soak 2 | Price [R] 6,500 | Enc 4 | HP 4 | Rarity 7

Reverse Engineered- Armor was granted +1 HP.

Exceptional Performance- The character wrings extraordinary performance from the item being worked upon. If
a mod or attachment on the armor generates □ or removes ■ on a check. It instead generates □□ or removes ■■ instead.

• Insulated Bodysuit: Add 2 □□ to Resilience checks to resist environmental effects. Removes up to 2 ■■ added to checks due to environmental effects.

• Vacuum Sealed: Allows user to ignore the effects of vacuum, toxic or poisonous atmospheric environments for up to 6 hours.

• Integrated Scanners: The user benefits from a General-Purpose Scanner and an Enhanced Optics Suite. Removes up to 2 ■■ added to Perception, Vigilance and combat skill checks due to darkness, smoke, or other environmental effects that obscure vision and adds □ to perception checks made to detect movement or hidden enemies. Enhanced Optical Suite has been modded at no cost for the +1 vigilance mod.

• Communications Suite: The user benefits from a 3-MAL Secure Comlink. This comlink transmits up to medium range on the planetary scale. Encryption adds 1 ■ to any check made to intercept and unscramble the signal. Monitoring a standard clear frequency on civilized worlds can add 2 □□ to Knowledge checks related to current events or conditions at the GM's discretion

• Modular Backpack: Increases the users encumbrance threshold by 6. The user benefits from a Modular Backpack Frame with one unit of the user’s choice. Can hold one additional unit beyond the first. (Installed unit, storage unit)

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