Toughened (7) |
1 |
Grit (3) |
1 |
Durable (3) |
1 |
Choose to reduce critical rolls by Ranks in Durable (30) |
Hard Headed (2) |
1 |
The character may perform the Hard Headed action. On any turn in which the character is staggered or disoriented, he may perform the Hard Headed action (this action may be specifically performed even though he is normally barred fro performing actions when staggered). He makes a Daunting (4 Difficulty Dice) Discipline check. If he succeeds, he is no longer staggered or disoriented. The 4 Difficulty of this check decreases by one per additional rank of Hard Headed (1), to a minimum of Easy. |
Head Butt |
1 |
Perform Headbutt Incidental to take 2 wounds and knockdown + Disorient target until the end of the next round |
Improved Hard Headed |
1 |
On next turn after being incapacitated due to exceeding his strain threshold, take the Hard Headed Action to recover from being incapacitated. If successful, decrease strain to one below strain threshold. Difficulty 5 reduced by 1/rank of Hard Headed (3). |
Dedication |
1 |
+1 Brawn |
Unstoppable |
1 |
If Critical Injury is less than 1, take no Critical Injury |
Toughened (Improved) |
1 |
Once per session may heal wounds equal to Ranks in Toughened (5) |
Heroic Fortitude |
1 |
Spend 1 Destiny Point to ignore crit effects on Brawn/Agility until end of encounter |
Enduring (2) |
1 |
+2 Soak |
Feral Strength (2) |
1 |
+2 Damage to Melee/Brawl attacks |
Lethal Blows |
1 |
+10 to Crit rolls |
Natural Brawler |
1 |
1/Session reroll Brawl or Melee |
Defensive Stance |
1 |
1/round perform Defensive Stance Maneuver to suffer strain and upgrade difficulty of all melee up to ranks in Defense Stance (1) |
Conditioned (2) |
1 |
Remove 1 Setback from Athletics/Coordination checks & reduce falling damage/strain by 1 |
Physical Training |
1 |
+2 Boost to Athletics/Resilience checks |
Encouraging Words |
1 |
After ally fails check, my take 1 Strain to assist that ally as out-of-turn incidental |
Bodyguard (2) |
1 |
1/round Bodyguard Maneuver to uprade all attacks vs one engaged ally by ranks in Bodyguard (2) until the beginning of the next turn |
Bodyguard (Improved) |
1 |
1/Session, when Bodyguarding an ally, choose to suffer hit against ally. |
Master Instructor |
1 |
1/round, suffer 2 Strain to allow ally to use ranks in Discipline |
Natural Instructor |
1 |
1/Session, re-roll Discipline or Leadership checks |
That's How It's Done |
1 |
Upon a successful skill check, the character may suffer 1 strain. If so, a number of allies within a short range equal to the character's Willpower add an automatic Advantage when making the same skill check until the start of the character's next turn. The range at which That's How It's Done can affect allies increases by one band per rank of That's How It's Done beyond the first. |