Dwa, Male Jawa, 1/2/2/3/2/1, WT 8+Br, ST 8+Wi
Jawas start the game with one rank in Negotiation or Skulduggery. May not train Negotiation or Skulduggery (Negotiation) above rank 2 at creation. Jawas may use Cunning with the Negotiation skill. Initial 120 XP
20 Duty for +15 XP/+1000 Credits
Agility 3, Intelligence 3, Cunning 4, Willpower 3 (130/135 XP)
+10 XP Recruit spec not taken, +15 XP SFL Boost, Heroic : +150 XP, + 9000 Credits from Heroic Start
(Total at creation 310 XP, 10000 Credits)
Free ranks : Deception 1, Negotiation 1, Knowledge (Outer Rim) 1, Knowledge (Xenology) 1 // Deception 2, Perception 1
Skills (110 XP spent)
▪ Deception 3, Perception 2/3, Skulduggery 1, Stealth 1/2/3/4,
▪ Ranged (Light) 1/2
Propagandist Talent Tree (120 XP spent)
· 5: ■ ■ □ ■ Grit / Positive Spin / Cutting Question
10: ■ □ □ □ In the Know
15: ■ ■ □ □ Bad Press / Well Rounded
20: ■ ■ □ □ Toughened / Confidence
25: □ ■ □ □ Dedication (Agility)
Force Sensitive Emergent Talent Tree (20 + 20 = 40 XP spent)
· 5: □ ■ ■ □ Uncanny Senses / Indistinguishable
10: □ □ ■ □ Sleight of Mind
15: □ □ □ □
20: □ □ □ □
25: □ □ □ □
Assassin Talent Tree (40 + 55 = 95 XP spent)
· 5: ■ ■ ■ ■ Grit / Lethal Blows / Stalker / Dodge
10: □ □ ■ ■ Quick Draw / Quick Strike
15: □ □ ■ □ Lethal Blows
20: □ □ □ □
25: □ □ □ □
Missions :
....▪ Operation Club Mate (GM) : +20 xp, +10 Duty, +300 Credits, 12h. (330 XP / 10 Duty / 425 Credits).
..1▪ Operation Life Source : +20 xp, +25 Duty (20+5 report), +300 Credits, 24h. (350 XP / 35 Duty / 725 Credits). 2 Stormtroopers killed.
....▪ Operation Strawberry Milk (GM) : +15 xp, +15 Duty, +300 Credits, 12h. (365 XP / 50 Duty / 1025 Credits).
..2▪ Operation Ruby Cyclone : +20 xp, +10 Duty, +300 Credits, 24h. (390 XP / 60 Duty / 1325 Credits). 0 Stormtroopers killed.
..3▪ Operation Red Ananasi : +20 xp, +25 Duty (20+5 report), +300 Credits, 24h. (410 XP / 85 Duty / 1025 Credits). 4 Stormtroopers killed.
..4▪ Operation Large Withdrawals : +20 xp, +15 Duty, +400 Credits, 24h. (435 XP / 100 Duty / 1425 Credits). 0 Stormtroopers killed. ► CR 1 :
..5▪ Operation One Man's Trash : +15 xp, +10 Duty, +400 Credits, 24h. (450 XP / 110 Duty / 1675 Credits). 0 Stormtroopers killed.
..6▪ Operation Deadly Silence: +20 xp, +10 Duty, +400 Credits, 24h. (475 XP / 120 Duty / 2075 Credits). 0 Stormtroopers killed.
168h Downtime. 144h spent for 10xp.
24h left.
Bought :
■ X-30 Lancer : 1000 Credits
- - > Blaster Actuating Module + mods : 900 Credits
- - > Custom Grip + mod : 600 Credits
- - > Set Trigger + mod : 550 Credits
■ Sakiyan Shadowsuit : 2500 Credits
- - > Reflec Shadowskin + mods : 1500 Credits
■ 'Rider' Ascension Pistol : 275 Credits
■ Backpack + Utility Belt : 75 Credits
■ Tracker's Goggles : 600 Credits
■ Lockpick Set : 50 Credits
■ Fingerprint Masque : 1000 Credits
■ Concealed Redcorder : 175 Credits
■ 3-MAL Comlink : 250 Credits
■ Subminiature Holocam : 300 Credits
■ Datapad + Banal Apparel : 100 Credits
■ Bribe Lentic : 150 Credits
■ Gizer1st expansion : 2000 Credits
■ Audio Curtain (Operation Red Ananasi) = 600 Credits
■ Lockpick Set