Dwa - Photoreporter on Gizer by TommyVerdatre

Propagandist, Force Sensitive Emergent, Assassin
Age of Rebellion

Threshold 11
Current 0
Threshold 13
Current 0
Ranged 0
Melee 0

Placeholder Image




Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) 0
Athletics (Br) 0
Charm (Pr) X 0
Coercion (Will) 0
Computers (Int) 0
Cool (Pr) 0
Coordination (Ag) X 0 □□
Deception (Cun) X 3
Discipline (Will) 0
Leadership (Pr) X 0
Mechanics (Int) 0
Medicine (Int) 0
Negotiation (Cun) X 2
Perception (Cun) X 3
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) 0
Piloting: Space (Ag) 0
Resilience (Br) 0
Skulduggery (Cun) X 1
Stealth (Ag) X 4 □□□
Streetwise (Cun) 0
Survival (Cun) 0
Vigilance (Will) 0
Brawl (Br) 0
Gunnery (Ag) 0
Lightsaber (Br) 0
Melee (Br) X 0
Ranged: Light (Ag) X 2
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) X 0
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) X 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) 0
Knowledge: Lore (Int) X 0
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) X 1
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) 0
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) X 0
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) X 1


Twenty-five and counting
Ranged: Light
Pierce 4, Accurate 2, Stun Setting, Set Trigger


Weapons & Armor

"Twenty-five and counting" X-30 Lancer [Enc 1, HP 3/3, DMG 8, Pierce 4, Accurate 2, Long, Crit 4] :
- 5DMG base, Stun Setting, Pierce 2, Accurate 1
-> Blaster Actuating Module [1 HP], +1 Dmg, Add ■ to Ranged light checks. 2x +1 DMG Mods, 2x +1 Pierce Mods.
-> Custom Grip [1 HP], Remove ■ for owner, Add ■ ■ for other people using it. 1x +1 Accurate Mod.
-> Set Trigger [1 HP] : Add 1 Success and 1 Threat to the first combat check each encounter. 1x Add 1 addtional success Mod.

Sakiyan Shadowsuit [Enc 1, Soak 1, HP 1/1]
- Base : 1 Soak, □ □ on Stealth checks
-> Reflec Shadowskin [1 HP] : Add 1 Adv. to Stealth checks. 1x Stalker (T) Mod, 2x Add ■ to Perception checks Mods.

Personal Gear

3-MAL Secure Comlink [Enc 0]
Banal Apparel [Enc 0]
Concealed Recorder [Enc 0]
Fingerprint Masque [Enc 0] (At Gizer Customs)
Tracker's Goggles [Enc 0]
Subminiature Holocam [Enc 0]
Ascension Pistol [Enc 1]
Datapad [Enc 1]

Carrying gear:
Utility Belt [+1 Enc]
Backpack [+4 Enc]

Assets & Resources

3-MAL Comlink : Medium (Planetary) Range. Add ■ to any checks made to intercept and unscramble the signal. Monitoring a standard clear frequency on a civilized world adds □ □ to Knowledge checks related to current events or conditions at the GM's discretion.

Banal Apparel : Upgrade the difficulty of any checks made to identify the wearer once.

Concealed Recorder : ■■ to Perception checks to notice the character is wearing a recorder

Fingerprint Masque : Can fool basic fingerprints reading with an Easy Cool or Deception check. More advanced scanner require Average, Hard, or opposed social skill vs target's Computers. Daunting Perception to notice fingerpint masque on the fingers.

Subminiature Holocam (in Tracker's goggles) : Allows user to take still images and record holos unobtrusively.

Tracker's goggles : Removes up to ■■ added to all Perception, Vigilance, and combat skill checks due to darkness, smoke, or other environmental effects that obscure vision. +□ to Perception

Ascension Pistol : As an action, make an Average Ranged (Light) check to fire the grappling hook onto an object at Medium range. Subsquent action to reel the cord in. Average Athletics to carry another person.

Datapad : allows access to the Holonet.

CR 1:
CR 1:

Critical Injuries & Conditions

Cunning 4, Deception 3, In the Know 1
!roll [pppadd]

Cunning 4, Negotiation 2
!roll [ppaadd]

Cunning 4, Perception 3, Uncanny Senses 1
!roll [pppabdd]

Cunning 4, Skulduggery 1
Lockpicking Tools
!roll [paaadd]

Agility 4, Stealth 4, Sleight of Mind 1, Stalker 1+1 Shadowskin, Shadowsuit 2 Boosts, Shadowskin Advantage. 2 Setbacks to Perception
!roll [ppppbbbbbdd][a]

**Twenty-five and counting**
- Agility 4, R(Light) 2
- DMG 8, Crit 4, Pierce 4, Accurate 2, Set trigger (2 successes and 1 threat on 1st check of encounter). Stun Setting. Long Range.
- Quick Draw, Quick Strike 1, Lethal Blows 2
- Aim x2
!roll [ppaabbbbbdd][sst]

**Ascension Pistol**
Ranged (Light)
!roll [ppaadd]

**Fingerprint Masque**
!roll [pppaddd]


Name Rank Book & Page Description
In the Know (passive) 1 DA p.31 Remove ■ up to ranks from checks to get information from people or disseminate news. Minion NPCs do not realize the character's allegiance in interviews.
Grit (passive) 2 DA p.31 Gain +1 Strain Threshold per rank.
Well Rounded (passive) 1 DA p.31 (Coordination, Ranged Light) Choose any 2 skills. They become career skills.
Stalker (passive) 2 EotE p.59 Add □ per rank to Stealth and Coordination checks. (1+1 equipment)
Dodge (active) 1 EotE p.59 When targeted by a combat check, may perform a Dodge incidental to suffer a number of strain equal to rank to upgrade the difficulty of that check by that number.
Indistinguishable (passive) 1 AoR p.293 Upgrade difficulty of checks to identify characters once per rank.
Uncanny Senses (passive) 1 AoR p.293 Add 1 □ per rank of Uncanny senses to all Perception checks.
Bad Press (active) DA p.31 Once per session, choose an organization and make a Hard Deception check. On success, members of this organization reduce their WT by 1, plus 1 per 3 successes until the end of the session.
Positive Spin (passive) 1 DA p.31 When any character's Duty would increase, it increases by an additional 1 (5) per rank.
Toughened (passive) 1 DA p.31 Gain +2 Wound Threshold.
Cutting Question (active) DA p.31 Once per encounter, when making a Coercion check, may use Deception instead.
Confidence (passive) 1 DA p.31 May decrease difficulty of Discipline checks to avoid fear by 1 per rank of Confidence.
Dedication (passive) 1 DA p.31 Gain +1 to a characteristic. This cannot bring a characteristic above 6 (+1 Agility).
Sleight of Mind (passive) 1 AoR p.293 Add 1 □ to all Stealth checks unless the target is immune to force powers.
Quick Draw (active) EotE p.59 Once per round, draw or holster a weapon or accessible item as an incidental.
Quick Strike (passive) 1 EotE p.59 Add boost per rank to combat checks against targets that have not yet acted this encounter.
Lethal Blows (passive) 2 EotE p.59 Add +10 per rank to any Critical Injury result inflicted on opponents.


'Dwa' means 'One', in the language of the Jawas, but Dwa was never alone. As the son of the shaman of his tribe, Dwa lived a peaceful life with his clan of the desert planet of Kiryn, for many years. He built a family, bartered with Jawas and others, and was known as one of the kinder of his clan.

One day a Rebel pilot landed close by, and befriended the clan by offering the carcass of his destroyed starship. His name was Jack Pics, and he became quite close with Dwa and his family, his wife Firi and his daughters Cas and Heti. A few weeks later, a group of white soldiers came, weapons at the ready, looking for the human.

When his friends died, Dwa was more scared than he ever knew possible.

When the shaman, his mother, died, he cries and wailed, as he scrambled to try and hide his family.

When Firi died, he froze, mouth open, his whole body shaking.

When Jack stood between Dwa's daughters and the white soldiers, he wanted to jump as well, but couldn't. His body wouldn't let him.

The man fell. The screams of Cas and Heti echoed in the caves.

Dwa is now alone, as his name suggests. He joined the ranks of Jack's group, to make sure others know what these white soldiers did. And kill them himself if it comes to that. He did it in that cave, he can do it again.


***Motivation : Living Memory***
Dwa carries the death of his entire clan, and more specifically of his family. He has found within himself the drive to avenge their deaths by exposing to others the cruelty of the Empire, especially against innocents and surrendering enemies.


***Duty : Sabotage (120)***
Dwa uses his discretion, his wits and his insight to publicize as much as he can the terrible deeds of the Empire. He regularly goes on the field to record Imperial troops to collects evidence. He then establishes video, audio and written material to spread awareness on the Empire's acts, rumours on their corruption and discrimination, and promote the Rebellion's successes and ideals.

***Positive Spin 1***


Dwa is 52 years old. A typical Jawa in size, the traumatic experience he went through has steered him away from his people's behaviours. He does not have the same pungent body odor of his kind, and doesn't interact with them unless necessary.

He generally wears thick clothing with a hood, mimicking traditional Jawa robes. He practiced Basic for years, and is now relatively fluent in it. He can hold conversations without too much trouble.

Other Notes

Dwa, Male Jawa, 1/2/2/3/2/1, WT 8+Br, ST 8+Wi

Jawas start the game with one rank in Negotiation or Skulduggery. May not train Negotiation or Skulduggery (Negotiation) above rank 2 at creation. Jawas may use Cunning with the Negotiation skill. Initial 120 XP

20 Duty for +15 XP/+1000 Credits
Agility 3, Intelligence 3, Cunning 4, Willpower 3 (130/135 XP)
+10 XP Recruit spec not taken, +15 XP SFL Boost, Heroic : +150 XP, + 9000 Credits from Heroic Start
(Total at creation 310 XP, 10000 Credits)

Free ranks : Deception 1, Negotiation 1, Knowledge (Outer Rim) 1, Knowledge (Xenology) 1 // Deception 2, Perception 1

Skills (110 XP spent)
▪ Deception 3, Perception 2/3, Skulduggery 1, Stealth 1/2/3/4,
▪ Ranged (Light) 1/2

Propagandist Talent Tree (120 XP spent)
· 5: ■ ■ □ ■ Grit / Positive Spin / Cutting Question
10: ■ □ □ □ In the Know
15: ■ ■ □ □ Bad Press / Well Rounded
20: ■ ■ □ □ Toughened / Confidence
25: □ ■ □ □ Dedication (Agility)

Force Sensitive Emergent Talent Tree (20 + 20 = 40 XP spent)
· 5: □ ■ ■ □ Uncanny Senses / Indistinguishable
10: □ □ ■ □ Sleight of Mind
15: □ □ □ □
20: □ □ □ □
25: □ □ □ □

Assassin Talent Tree (40 + 55 = 95 XP spent)
· 5: ■ ■ ■ ■ Grit / Lethal Blows / Stalker / Dodge
10: □ □ ■ ■ Quick Draw / Quick Strike
15: □ □ ■ □ Lethal Blows
20: □ □ □ □
25: □ □ □ □

Missions :
....▪ Operation Club Mate (GM) : +20 xp, +10 Duty, +300 Credits, 12h. (330 XP / 10 Duty / 425 Credits).
..1▪ Operation Life Source : +20 xp, +25 Duty (20+5 report), +300 Credits, 24h. (350 XP / 35 Duty / 725 Credits). 2 Stormtroopers killed.
....▪ Operation Strawberry Milk (GM) : +15 xp, +15 Duty, +300 Credits, 12h. (365 XP / 50 Duty / 1025 Credits).
..2▪ Operation Ruby Cyclone : +20 xp, +10 Duty, +300 Credits, 24h. (390 XP / 60 Duty / 1325 Credits). 0 Stormtroopers killed.
..3▪ Operation Red Ananasi : +20 xp, +25 Duty (20+5 report), +300 Credits, 24h. (410 XP / 85 Duty / 1025 Credits). 4 Stormtroopers killed.
..4▪ Operation Large Withdrawals : +20 xp, +15 Duty, +400 Credits, 24h. (435 XP / 100 Duty / 1425 Credits). 0 Stormtroopers killed. ► CR 1 :
..5▪ Operation One Man's Trash : +15 xp, +10 Duty, +400 Credits, 24h. (450 XP / 110 Duty / 1675 Credits). 0 Stormtroopers killed.
..6▪ Operation Deadly Silence: +20 xp, +10 Duty, +400 Credits, 24h. (475 XP / 120 Duty / 2075 Credits). 0 Stormtroopers killed.

168h Downtime. 144h spent for 10xp.
24h left.

Bought :
■ X-30 Lancer : 1000 Credits
- - > Blaster Actuating Module + mods : 900 Credits
- - > Custom Grip + mod : 600 Credits
- - > Set Trigger + mod : 550 Credits
■ Sakiyan Shadowsuit : 2500 Credits
- - > Reflec Shadowskin + mods : 1500 Credits
■ 'Rider' Ascension Pistol : 275 Credits
■ Backpack + Utility Belt : 75 Credits
■ Tracker's Goggles : 600 Credits
■ Lockpick Set : 50 Credits
■ Fingerprint Masque : 1000 Credits
■ Concealed Redcorder : 175 Credits
■ 3-MAL Comlink : 250 Credits
■ Subminiature Holocam : 300 Credits
■ Datapad + Banal Apparel : 100 Credits
■ Bribe Lentic : 150 Credits
■ Gizer1st expansion : 2000 Credits

■ Audio Curtain (Operation Red Ananasi) = 600 Credits
■ Lockpick Set

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