Shaadraa attempted to cut a deal with the Empire to keep her family from being enslaved, however her morals got th better of her and she double crossed the Empire and set her people free. She was caught in the meantime. She was rescued by RC0101 and ran into the Imperial officer who she betrayed and now has her sister and is requiring Shaadraa to pay back her debt to free her sister.
Mother heads village, didnt know about the deal. She is a wookie grounded im the honor her family has always had as cheiftens of their village. Unknown to Shaadraa, her mother Veendraa had a plan to evacuate their entire village into he forest floor below where she doubted the empire would follow. The two havnt spoken since....
Leendraa (the sister) was caught up as a completely innocent pawn... being an overly trusting being, she still refuses to accept that her older sister could do amything to betray their village. A truth she will have to learn.
Imperial Officer Lome, a man in hus early thirties, he is driven by his thirst for power. Standing two meeters, he is a man of average height, though his presence makes him apear larger than one would expect. The voice he speaks in is low and hoarse. He Has set out on a mission to bring in the Wookies that got away, using whatever he can to get the job done. Including using holovids of a siblings torture to get Shaadraa to comply with his orders
Emancipation - Will attempt to free anyone who is enslaved or indentured.
Blackmail 15 - Sister held for ransom.
Female, 7'5" and 75 years old. Slim for a Wookiee with a brown coat, a scar prevents hair from growing above her heart as she takes in the galaxy with her hard yet soulful eyes.