CT-4321; Countdown by cmndrhurricane

Sharpshooter, commando, gunner, clone officer
Age of Rebellion

Threshold 28
Current 2
Threshold 19
Current 0
Ranged 3
Melee 2

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Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) X 0
Athletics (Br) X 3 3
Charm (Pr) 0
Coercion (Will) 0
Computers (Int) 0
Cool (Pr) X 3
Coordination (Ag) 1
Deception (Cun) 0
Discipline (Will) X 3
Leadership (Pr) X 2 2
Mechanics (Int) X 1
Medicine (Int) X 0
Negotiation (Pr) 0
Perception (Cun) X 2
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) X 2
Piloting: Space (Ag) X 2
Resilience (Br) X 1 3
Skulduggery (Cun) 0
Stealth (Ag) 3
Streetwise (Cun) 0
Survival (Cun) X 3
Vigilance (Will) X 1
Brawl (Br) X 2
Gunnery (Ag) X 3
Lightsaber (Br) 0
Melee (Br) X 2
Ranged: Light (Ag) X 2
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) X 3
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) 0
Knowledge: Lore (Int) 0
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) X 1
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) 0
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) X 2
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) 0


Blaster pistol
Ranged: Light
M8 Combat Knife
Accurate 1, Pierce 1
1 + 4 + 4
Pierce 2, Vicious 1
1 + 4 + 4
grenade launcher
uses any grenade you have, loads 7
DLT-19 v2
Ranged: Heavy
autofire, stun setting, accurate 2, prepare, vicious 1, knockdown
10+3, pierce 2
cortosis, cumbersome 3, linked1, stun setting, unwieldly 3
Ranged: Heavy
accurate 1, vicious 1, stun setting, quickdraw
Kodashi Viper
Cumbersome 3, autofire, primer, stun setting
12, pierce 2
trench knife
accurate 2, survival tool, knockdown, vicious
3+4+4, pierce 1


Weapons & Armor

Kodashi Viper
Price 2000
Skill: Gunnery
hp: 4/5
Range:extreme Stun Range: long, Encumbrence 4, cumbersome 3
Primer; maneuver, gain Breach 1, vicious 3 for one shot. Empties mag, +1 damage on gun
Batnhas eye sight (integrated): +1 adv
telescopic sight, difficulty -1 on long+
custom grip: Remove 1 setback dice, add one boost
Electronic Sighting System, add one boost, aim as an incidental at short range
weaponsling: cumbersome -1, quickdraw
ESS, custom grip= 2 boost, day spending= 3, aim =4, aim2= 5

clone commando armor, hardpoints 3/4
reverse engineered (added 1 hardpoint)
soak 2, defense 1, encumberence 4, price 6500
vacuum sealed for 6 hours
resistant to heat, cold, toxins, radiation and other hazardous environments
Built-in general purpose scanner
Adds adv to Perception checks to detect movement or hidden enemies. and nightvision
- Military Modular Backpack for commando armor
- oxygen module, 12 hours
- storage unit, 3 enc
Reflec adaptive skin. stealth +1, +1 bonus
whipcord thrower, reduce climbing diff by 1
Squad tactical system, perception and vigilance get boost and +1 skill, but only in proxiity of Locke, Marcon, Gress or Sarrak'Thuul, Aranor
Kama, leadeship +2 boost 1 adv

Grenade Launcher, 1/3 Hardpoints Long range, Skill Gunnery, Limited Ammo 7, 2 Encumbrance, Cumbersome 3, Uses any grenade
weaponsling, quickdraw

trench knife, 0/2 hardpoints
encumbrance 1, price 17
survival tool adds 1 boost on survival checks
setback to repair

blaster pistol, hardpoints 1/3
encumbrance 1, price 400
blaster suppressor

JT-12C Jetpack, sil 1, speed 2, handling 0, strain 4

adverse enviromental gear soak 1
heavy clothing soak 1
padded armour saok 2
banal apparel with swoop-biker gang patch (from Ayy) 1 boost, 1 adbvantage to charm checks. can hold one small item

DC-H-Ay 0/4 hardpoints
encumbrance 3, price 595
Custom rifle from Hisst, similarities to a DC-17

DLT-19 2/3 hardpoints
encumbrance 4, cumbersome 3, prepare 1, price 4000, telescopic sight built in, difficulty -1 on long+
Custom rifle from Gress
SoroSuub "Bantha's Eye" Laser Sight, add one adv
accurate2, custom grip, ESS =4, dayspending= 5, aim=6, second aim=7

m8 combat knife, 0/1 hardpoints
encumbrance 1, price 150

vibroknife, 0/2 hardpoints
encumbrance 1, price 250

Personal Gear

body 9/9 encumberance
- Rifle, trenchknife, Pistol
- grenade launcher
- 2 stimpack in Rim Excursions Inc. Military Belt Pouch
- 2 stimpack in Rim Excursions Inc. Military Belt Pouch
- 2 restraining bolts
- 3 stim pack
- Recon Remote

loadbearing gear 1/3 encumberance
- Canteen

modular backpack 3/3 encumberance
- Entrenching tool
- 5 Ration
- history book, 1 adv on lore checks for republic history
- binders

Grenade launcher is currently loaded with
- Stun grenade
- Stun grenade, disorient, +1
Damage, Knockdown, Crit rating 5
- frag, 9 damage, crit 4, fire 2 at 3 adv
- Iongrenade: Medium Range, 9 Damage, encumbrance 2
- Glue grenade, dmg 8, crit 5, blast 6, ensnare 1
- Glue grenade, dmg 9, crit 4, blast 6, ensnare 1, knockdown
- frag grenade

Assets & Resources

- extra reload
- emergency oxygen supply (enc 1, 30 minutes),
- M8 combat knife
- Vibroknife
- Fraggrenade Medium Range 9
- Frag grenade - Medium Range, Crit 3, Damage +1
-- Frag grenade - Medium Range, Crit 3, Damage +1
- Iongrenade, medium range

- 3 Firepaste
- Datapad

- Jetpack
- vibropickaxe
- neurotoxin

- Weapon maintenance kit
- 6 Doses of marcan herb
- Concealment Holster
- blaster energy dampener
- set trigger
- 2 enviromental adaptation kit
- Secondary Ion Blaster
- breath mask
- concealed climbing cord
- goo charge, with tripwire or timed trigger, all in engaged get entangle 4, encumberance 1, requires two actions no roll to set up

- Magnaguard electrostaff damaged 1

- poncho/cloak going over the armor
- custom tailored, fancy naval military dressuniform, exceptionel quality
- assortment of civilian clothes
shirts, jeans, sneakers, leather jacket, swimshorts
- forged ID: Buck Formid from Corellia. Corellia shipyard worker
- banal apparel
-banal apparel, a suit, business casual
- comlink
-a dewback stuffed animal, V-wing toy from Marcon, toy from Hisst can't remember what, LAAT + Countdown, Rune, Marcon, Aranor and b1 toys from Aranor
- a 2 liter cask of general Loathsomes whiskey, gift fom Gress
- Marksman-H Combat Training Remote dodge roll, rppp

Critical Injuries & Conditions


Name Rank Book & Page Description
sniper shot 2 sharpshooter Before making a nonthrown ranged attack, may perform a Sniper Shot maneuver to increase the weapon's range by 1 range band per rank in Sniper Shot. Upgrade the difficulty of the attack by 1 per range band increase.
True aim 4 sharp, gunner Once per round, may perform a True Aim maneuver to gain benefits of aiming and upgrade combat check once per rank of True Aim.
Deadly accuracy 2 sharp When acquired, choose 1 combat skill. Add damage equal to ranks in that skill to one hit of successful attack made using that skill. (ranged heavy and melee)
Lethal blows: 2 sharp add +10 per rank to critical injury on hostile opponent
toughened 7 +2 wound treshold per rank
physical training: 3 Character creation race, commando Add boost-die per rank to athletics and resiliance checks
Durable 4 commando, gunner May reduce any critical injury by 10 per rank, to a minimum of 1
Armor master 1 commando when wearing armor adds 1 soak per rank
Dedication 4 add characteristic point (1 brawl, 1 Agility, 1 presence, 1 cunning)
Heroic fortitude 1 commando may spend 1 destiny point to ignore effects on crits on agility or brawn checks until the end of the encounter
grit 6 +1 strain treshold per rank
crippling blow 1 sharp increase difficulty of a combat check by one. if it does damage target suffers one strain every time it moves
targeted blow 1 sharp after succesful attack, spend a destiny point to increase damage equal to agility to one hit
natural marksman 1 sharp once per session may reroll a ranged light or heavy attack
expert tracker 1 sharp remove setback from tracking. cuts tracking time in half
improved armor master 1 commando when wearing armor with soak of atleast 2, increase defense by 1
Debilitating shot 1 gunner succesful attack with vehicle weapon, spend 2 adv to reduce target max speed by 1 until end of next round
brace 2 gunner spend a maneuver to remove one setback per rank on next action caused by enviromental circumstances
Enduring 2 gunner +1 soak
unstoppable 1 commando if a crit is 1 or rdeuced to 1, don't take the crit
juryrigged 2 gunner give 1 weapon or armor 1 permanent improvement (armor +1 ranged defense, crit decreased on DLT
comfidence 1 story The character may decrease the difficulty of any Discipline check to avoid the effects of fear by one level per rank of Confidence. If he decreases the difficulty to zero, he does not have to make a Discipline check.
quick fix 1 sharp once per session, make any one skill check using agility instead
point blank 1 commando add 1 damage par rank on a short or engaged raned attack
strong arm 1 commando thrown weapons have 1 greater range
feral strength 2 commando ad 1 damage to melee attacks per rank
knockdown 1 commando after hitting with a melee attack, spend triumph to knock them down
prime positions 2 clone officer when the character or an ally in short range is in cover, gain a soak against ranged by 1 per rank in prime positions untl they leave that cover
tactical advance 1 clone officer suffer 2 strain to, as an incidental. Until the end of the characters next turn, the character and allies in short range may leave cover and continue to recieve it's benefits
command 2 clone officer add bonus die per rank when making leadership checks. Affected targets gain bonus die to discipline checks for 24 hours
clanker killer 1 clone officer before an attack against a droid, swap a bonus die to equal amount of succes or adv, up to rakns
first among brothers 2 clone officer when making a check that does not generate threat, you gain adv equal to ranks, which can only be used towards allies
scrap 'em 1 clone officer on a succesful attack, may suffer two strain, select allies up to ranks in leadership, who add a boost die on attacks against that target until your next tuen
for the republic! 1 clone officer when an ally is incapacitated or killed, can make a daunting (4p) leadership check, if succesful the ally is not defeated until the end of the following round
Coordinated assualt 2 clone officer as a manuver, allies equal to leadership ranks in Engaged, gain one advantage on a combat checknext turn
Overwhelm defenses 2 Gunner upon succesful attack with vehcle weapons may spend two adv up to per rank. reduce defense in targeted zone
Improved tactical advance 1 clone officer may spend 2 adv from any check or 2 threat from incoming combat to perform Tactical advance incidental, instead of suffering strain
Field commander 1 clone officer Take Field commander action, make 2 purple leadership check, allies equal to presence may suffer 1 strain to gain 1 extra manuver
improved field commander 1 clone officer field commander affects allies equal to double presence. May spend triumph to give one ally an action instead


CT-4321; Countdown
A clone trooper of the republic, 501st battallion. took part in several battles including Geonosis, Umbara and Kamino. At the battle of Cato Neimoidia his LAAT crashed and he was the last survivor. Reported MIA, likely KIA

Eventually found a ride with a civilan freighter, but then the war was over and simply decided not to go back. After the war he was doing various minor jobs in order to survive, mostly bount hunting, local security, or just hunt in the wilderness for a while. things of that nature. Mostly however, he just drifted around aimlessly in search of a new purpose in life and maybe even the military structure he recoginzed

Over time he came to resent the Empire for feeling abandoned, especially after he no longer saw his brothers under that stormtrooper-armor and his kind had been replaced with inferior soldiers

A while ago, he had gotten on a ship without really caring where it went, hoping for the next thing to stay fed. Found out it was going to Belderone. Apparently there's a big ongoing conflict there, and where there's confict, there's coin for soldiers who know their stuff

His knowledge of order 66 is about the same as a normal civilian. While he has no personal ill will against the Jedi, he understands why his brothers would. Note: he has no knowledege of the organic order 66-chip and still has it

languges known: basic and mandalorian




Other Notes

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