Meemo Geisha by JewishKnight51

Charmer , Force Sensitive Outcast
Edge of the Empire

Threshold 12
Current 0
Threshold 12
Current 1
Ranged 1
Melee 1

Placeholder Image




Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) 0
Athletics (Br) 0
Charm (Pr) X 2
Coercion (Will) 0
Computers (Int) 0
Cool (Pr) X 1
Coordination (Ag) X 0
Deception (Cun) X 2
Discipline (Will) 0
Leadership (Pr) X 2
Mechanics (Int) X 2 hologoggles
Medicine (Int) 0
Negotiation (Pr) X 2
Perception (Cun) X 1 1(1) boost(visual) -2 setbacks
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) 0
Piloting: Space (Ag) X 0
Resilience (Br) 0
Skulduggery (Cun) X 1
Stealth (Ag) 0
Streetwise (Cun) X 1
Survival (Cun) 0
Vigilance (Will) X 1
Brawl (Br) 0
Gunnery (Ag) 0
Lightsaber (Br) X 0
Melee (Br) 0
Ranged: Light (Ag) 0
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) 0
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) 0
Knowledge: Lore (Int) X 0
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) 0 1 boost
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) X 1 1 boost
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) 0
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) 0


RK-3 Blaster Pistol
Ranged: Light
Stun Setting
DL-44 Heavy Blaster
Ranged: Light
Accurate 2, Stun Settings, Linked 1


Weapons & Armor

Smugglers Trenchcoat - Personal Item
RK-3 Blaster Pistol
DL-44 Heavy Blaster
- hairtrigger + no inaccuracy
- custom grip + accuracy
Light Blaster
Mandolorian Armor-5HP
3 thermal detonator
palm stunner

Personal Gear

Disguise Kit
Distress Beacon
5 stimpacks
old spice runners journal
comlink bug
restraining bolt
trackers goggles(hidden compartment contacts)
utility belt
extra reload
Blaster Maintenance Kit
keys to ship
Cybernetic Brain Implant

Assets & Resources

Mysterious crystal

Critical Injuries & Conditions


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Tundra Dwellers 1 Remove one setback die imposed by cold conditions
Inspiring Rhetoric 1 May spend an action to make an easy(<><>) leadership check. Every success can heal one strain of a single ally in short range. May spend an advantage to heal one additional strain.
Improved Inspiring Rhetoric 1 Inspiring rhetoric grants 1 boost die for (leadership) rounds to each affected target on all checks.
Congenial 1 Suffer a number of strain up to ranks in congenial to downgrade the difficulty of any charm or negotiation check or upgrade the difficulty of any charm or negotiation check targeting him
Disarming Smile 1 downgrade difficulty of defense
works like a charm 1 presence for 1 roll
Uncanny Senses 1 boost to perception checks
Secrets of the Force 1 lightsaber and knowledge(lore)


Meemo has been traveling with his mother across the galaxy since before he can remember. She had always been a bounty hunter even before Meemo was born. Of course, he wasn't born Meemo, that was just his pet name before his real name was simply forgotten by everyone who once knew it. So for years, Meemo and his mom, named Geisha, traveled the galaxy with various bounty hunter and smuggling crews. The only person that seemed to stick around was Ima Shi who had been a part of their hunting crews since Meemo was 8 and he was so aloof that Meemo hardly even noticed. Everyone else either died, was permanently maimed, or simply moved onto greener pastures.
When Meemo turned 10 he started to do more serious work with his mother's crew. He had become a sort of mascot that Hutt contacts would recognize. When Meemo's mother realized that they could get better bounties with Meemo negotiating, he became the face of their crew. This kept up until Meemo was 16 and his mother vanished without a trace while tracking a bounty on a desert world. For the next couple of years, Meemo, Ima Shi and some other crew mates continued to hunt bounties on the outskirts of space before his crew was attacked(check obligation).


Primarily motivated by his all consuming obsession with strippers. Meemo is bisexual with a slight female preference and a particular obsession with togruta females. This was all spurned by a developmental moment of his life when he first discovered literature. Looking through some files on the ship, Meemo found "Togrunta: A Stripper's Story". A piece of some bounty hunter's porn collection. But, Meemo became obsessed with the five volume graphic novel and read it every night before going to sleep, his mother was chronically unobservant. So now Meemo is only interested in strippers and still thinks that all books are porn.

Loves reading
Attached to any items he received from his mother, mainly his gun and coat
dislikes violence, not morally, he just thinks its messy

However, Meemo's obsession with strippers causes him a lot of distress. While usually calm and charming, around strippers Meemo becomes a bumbling, uncouth mess. Meemo needs therapy from a space doctor.

Meemo has a certain affinity towards being a bounty hunter or smuggler due to the Togrunta chronicles, Volume 1: Togrunta and the bounty hunter and Volume: 6 Togrunta and the smuggler. However, Meemo was particularly drawn to the jedi characters in Volume 3: Togrunta and the jedi knight and Volume 4: Togrunta and the jedi council. As such, Meemo has always had the hidden desire to become a jedi and be able to preform the force sex moves described in the Togrunta chronicles.

Togrunta chronicles synopsis:
Togrunta and the Bounty Hunter - The one that started it all! This is a fairly vanilla story of a bounty hunter watching Togrunta strip at a Totooine club and taking her back to his ship for a private show.

Togrunta and the Senator - This politically charged sequel sees Togrunta requested for a private dance for a galactic senator from the now defunct republic. This entry has a surprising amount of political depth revealed through dialogue between the senator, Togrunta, and the space sex secretary. Not that anybody noticed.

Togrunta and the Jedi Knight - This character-driven pornographic story concerns a young Tholothian jedi knight falling hard for Togrunta after seeing her perform in a club. He agonizes over his shame for his lustful thoughts but ultimately succumbs to her charms in one of the more descriptive sex scenes in the whole saga. The events of this text ultimately lead to the only direct sequel in the chronicles.

Togrunta and the Jedi Council - The jedi knight from the previous story is brought before the council when word of his impropriety reached the masters. His guilt is all but assured when suddenly Togrunta surprises the proceedings by speaking on behalf of the jedi knight. She argued that while the young knight did forsake his oath and training, not being seduced by her dance defies reason and is actually counter to the will of the force. The council remains unconvinced until she demonstrates her dance in front of the entire council room. Upon seeing the dance with their own eyes the council had no choice but to agree with Togrunta and then they had a crazy jedi sex orgy.

Togrunta and the Trip to the Store - She literally just goes to a store and buys some food. Some people think its a commentary on the sexyness of everyday life but the author was apparently blasted on glitterstim when he wrote this.

Togrunta and the smuggler - This story begins with the smuggler in question entering a game of sabacc and gambling his own ship against a krayt dragon pearl. Through miraculous cool and a little sleight of hand, the smuggler wins the hand and the pot. The smuggler then walks through the city of Mos Eisley to where Togrunta is dancing and the smuggler presents Togrunta the Krayt dragon pearl and asks her to marry him. She agrees and they have wedding sex.


20 - Bounty - While doing some legwork for a job in town, Meemo was contacted by Ima Shi telling him that their crew was under attack. Ima Shi was able to escape the attack but the rest of their bounty hunting crew was wiped out. Ima Shi heard the attackers discuss a bounty and a pantoran was mentioned. However, he does not really know who issued the bounty, how much the bounty was for, and who the bounty was specifically targeting. After this event, Ima Shi and Meemo fled to the other side of the galaxy in the hope of outrunning any potential bounty hunters.


Attractive and slightly androgynous. Baby blue skin with amber color eyes and no familial pantoran facial tattoo. He does have some tattoos from cataclysmically disastrous late night benders but they are pretty abstract and meandering or simply the names of various strippers he met that night. Medium height for a male pantoran and slightly thin with thin hips.

Other Notes

Mos Espa-
Mac (Enduring Ally/Best Friend)
Bib Fortuna
Jabba the Hutt (His Radiance)

Mos eisley:
Crombopulous michael ()
Bev Raj
Zuckus(Bounty Hunter)
4-l0m(Zuckus Droid)
Jones (Hutt Enforcer)
Lindy (Hutt Enforcer)
Ve (offworld smuggler)

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