Scav was always an outcast from his childhood because of his high intellect than the other shistavanen. Because of this he spent most of his time on his own, learning to build a number of different things out of scraps and reading anything he could get his hands on. The more he read about the adventures of heroic people during wars, his drive was to one day be a solder fighting for his own legacy.
He began studying how to build explosives using parts that he could find in his local area and once he came of age to join the republic, he did. He served a number of years completing mission behind enemy lines, destroying fortified buildings, camps and ships, all while being completely secret because of this line of work.
He finally realized that he could not achieve his dream of having a wonderful legacy to be proud of, so he left the military to open a mechanic/medical shop to support his family he left during his time at war. However, he would also take on any job that utilized any knowledge he had. Whether it was building and planting explosives, repairing and crafting weapons and armor, or selling shady tech, as long as it involved credits, you could count him in.
57-64 / Family
73-80 / Oath
+5 starting obligation/+1000 starting credits
My sister Tanya was injured from an invasion by pirates and I was not there to protect her. I have a close attachment to her and feel obligated to protect her at all cost. I swore an oath from that time on to protect her from harm and to find a way to heal her of her wounds and scars.
5'8" Stocky build with black hair and yellow eyes.
Burn marks up both arms show definite signs of welding burns.