Rin (Corrinus Assali) by Arakan

Mystic (F&D 78)
Charmer (Smug. Source, 27), Force Sensitive Exile (275), Padawan Survivor (Spec-Universal, 5), Makashi Duelist (F&D 82)
Force and Destiny

Threshold 15
Current 0
Threshold 14
Current 0
Ranged 2
Melee 2

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Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) 0
Athletics (Br) 0
Charm (Pr) X 1 -1 Setback; Congenial; Force Influence
Coercion (Will) X 1 Force Influence
Computers (Int) 0
Cool (Pr) X 1
Coordination (Ag) X 0
Deception (Cun) 1 Force Influence
Discipline (Will) X 3
Leadership (Pr) X 0 -1 Setback; Force Influence
Mechanics (Int) 0
Medicine (Int) 0
Negotiation (Pr) X 0 Congenial; Force Influence
Perception (Cun) X 1
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) 0
Piloting: Space (Ag) 0
Resilience (Br) 0
Skulduggery (Cun) 0 Master of Shadows
Stealth (Ag) 0 +1 Boost; Master of Shadows
Streetwise (Cun) 0 -2 Setback
Survival (Cun) 0
Vigilance (Will) X 1 +1 Boost
Brawl (Br) 0
Gunnery (Ag) 0
Lightsaber (Pr) X 3 Duelist's Training
Melee (Br) 0 Duelist's Training
Ranged: Light (Ag) 1
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) 0
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) 0
Knowledge: Lore (Int) X 0
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) X 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) 1 -2 Setback
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) 0
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) 0


Heavy Blaster Pistol
Ranged: Light
Stun Setting (Free Action, Deals Strain Damage, Short Range)
Breach 1 (Ignore 1 Armor/10 Soak), Sunder** (1 Advantage to trigger; can be triggered multiple times); Duelist's Training (+1 boost die when fighting a single enemy)

6 / 9

Weapons & Armor

Armored Clothing (+1 Soak, 1 Defense, 3 Encum (0 when worn), 1 Hardpoint; Average Perception check to detect that it's plated clothing)

Heavy Blaster Pistol (Encum 2, 3 Hardpoints)
Lightsaber*, Blue (Encum 1)

**Sunder (When activated using 1 advantage, choose one item openly wielded/carried and damage it one step (Undamaged to minor (+1 Setback) to moderate (+1 Purple) to major (Unusable) to destroyed (Gone forever)). The Setback and Difficulty are additive, so both are used if on Major damage. Can be activated multiple times with multiple advantage)

Personal Gear

Utility Belt (Max Encum +1)
Glow Rod (Encum 1)
Breath Mask (Encum 1)
Macrobinoculars (Encum 1)
5 Ration Packs
Sabacc Deck
A Jedi Holocron

2 Stimpacks (5 Wounds, then 4, then 3...)

Assets & Resources

Backpack (Max Encum +4)
Tent (4 Encum) (Kept at "Home")
4 Laser Tripwires

Party Assets:
Ardos Disk from Thakba the Hutt
Thermo-Axe (Encum 4)

Critical Injuries & Conditions


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Uncanny Reactions 1 Edge of the Empire Core (145) Add Boost dice per rank to all Vigilance checks.
Quick Draw EotE Core (141) Once per round, draw or holster a weapon or accessible item as an incidental.
Touch of Fate EotE Core (145) Once per session, add 2 Boost dice to any 1 check.
Street Smarts 2 EotE Core (144), Spec-Universal (5) Remove Setback dice per rank from Streetwise or Knowledge (Underworld) checks.
Superior Reflexes EotE Core (144) Gain +1 melee defense.
Sixth Sense EotE Core (142) Gain +1 ranged defense.
Force Rating 2 EotE Core (135), Spec-Universal (5) Gain +1 Force Rating.
Dedication 3 EotE Core (134) Gain +1 to a single characteristic (Agility from 3 to 4; Presence from 3 to 4; Agility from 4 to 5).
Kill With Kindness 1 EotE Core (138) Remove Setback dice per rank from Charm and Leadership checks.
Congenial 1 Smuggler Source (32) May suffer Strain up to a number equal to ranks to downgrade the difficulty of a Charm or Negotiation check, or to upgrade the difficulty when targeted by Charm or Negotiation checks.
Disarming Smile Smuggler Source (32) Take the Disarming Smile action against one target in short range: Succeed at an opposed Charm check (does not say what it should be opposed by) to lower all defenses of a target by a number equal to ranks until the end of the encounter.
Just Kidding! Smuggler Source (33) Once per round as an incidental, spend 1 Destiny Point to convert a single Despair (into a Failure) generated on a social check by the character or an ally within short range. Must explain what I do to "smooth over" the interaction.
Don't Shoot! Smuggler Source (32) Once per session, as an action, make a Hard Charm check. On success, cannot be the target of combat checks until the end of the encounter or until making a combat check. Must explain how I talk my way out of being associated or shot at, and it is at the GM's discretion if the ruse succeeds.
Sleight of Mind 1 Spec-Universal (5) Add a boost die per rank of Sleight of Mind to all Stealth checks (Unless the opposition is immune to force powers).
Secrets of the Jedi Spec-Universal (5) Lightsaber becomes a Career Skill. The character may also decrease the difficulty of checks made to construct or repair lightsaber hilts a number of times equal to half the ranks in Knowledge (Lore), rounded up (i.e, one /two ranks=one difficulty decrease); minimum of one purple.
Master of Shadows Spec-Universal (5) Once per round, suffer 2 strain to decrease difficulty of next Stealth or Skullduggery check by 1. Does not affect targets that are immune to the Force.
Trust No One Spec-Universal (5) When targeted by a social check, may choose to suffer 1 Strain to add automatic Failure to the check. If the check fails with Despair, the character immediately perform an out-of-turn incidental maneuver.
Insight EotE Core (137) Perception and Discipline become career skills.
Parry 4 Spec-Universal (5) If wielding a Lightsaber or Melee Weapon when hit by a lightsaber, brawl, or melee attack, suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by 2 plus ranks in Parry (applied before soak)
Reflect 1 Spec-Universal (5) If wielding a Lightsaber or Melee Weapon when hit by a ranged attack, suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by 2 plus ranks in Reflect (applied before soak)
Toughened 1 Spec-Universal (5) Gain +2 Wound Threshold
Grit 1 EotE Core (136) Gain +1 Strain Threshold
Works Like a Charm Smuggler Source (33) Once per game session, the character can choose to make one skill check using Presence rather than the characteristic linked to that skill. When he does this, he must explain how, in this particular instance, his social ability helps him overcome this challenge.
Makashi Technique F&D Core (146) When making a check using the Lightsaber skill, the character may use Presence instead of Brawn.
Resist Disarm F&D Core (151) If the character would be disarmed or his weapon would be damaged or destroyed, he may choose to suffer 2 strain to ignore the effect.
Duelist's Training F&D Core (142) The character adds 1 Boost Die to his Melee and Lightsaber checks when engaged with only a single opponent. A single minion group counts as multiple opponents.
Intense Presence F&D Core (145) The character may spend one Destiny Point to recover strain equal to his Presence rating.

Force Powers

Force Rating
Sense (F&D Core 304)
The Force User can sense the Force interacting with the world around him.
The User may spend 1 Light Side Point to sense all living things within short range (includes sentient and non-sentient beings).
The User may spend 1 Light Side Point to sense the current emotional state of one living target with whom he's engaged.
Upgrade Effect
Duration Sense’s ongoing effects may be triggered one additional time per round.
Strength When using Sense's ongoing effects, upgrade the pool twice, instead of once.
Control Ongoing Effect: Commit Force Die (Force Rating). Once (Twice) per round, when an attack TARGETS the Force User, upgrade the difficulty of the pool once (Twice).
Control Ongoing effect: Commit Force Die (Force Rating). Once (Twice) per round, when the Force user MAKES a combat check, he upgrades the ability of that check once (Twice).
Influence (F&D Core 294)
The character may attempt to guide, shape, and even twist the thoughts and feelings of others.
The character may spend 1 Light Side Point to stress the mind of one living target he is engaged with, inflicting 1 strain (This can be activated more than once).
SPECIAL RULE: When guiding and shaping thoughts, only Dark Force may be used to generate negative emotions such as rage, fear, and hatred (This is still constrained by using Destiny Points to use Dark Force). Only Light Force may be used to generate positive emotions such as peace, tranquility, and friendliness. Other emotions such as confusion can be generated with either Light Force or Dark Force.
Upgrade Effect
Range (1) Spend 1 Light Side Point to increase the power's range by a number of range bands equal to range upgrades purchased.
Control When making a Coercion, Charm, Deception, Leadership, or Negotiation check, he may roll an Influence Power check as part of the pool. He may spend 1 Light Side Point to gain 1 Success or 1 Advantage (his choice) per point on his check. This counts as a normal Force Power check in every way--it is simply combined with the overall skill check.
Control The Force User may make an opposed Discipline vs. Discipline check combined with an Influence Power check. If the user spends 1 Light Side Point and succeeds, he can force the target to adopt an emotional state or believe something untrue, lasting for 1 round or 5 minutes.
Move (F&D Core 298)
The Force User can move small objects via the power of the Force.
The User may spend 1 Light Side Point to move one object of silhouette 0 that is within short range up to his maximum range (The default maximum range is short range).
Upgrade Effect
Suppress (Guardian, 38)
The Force user can dampen the effect of incoming Force powers, dramatically diminishing their effects on himself and his allies. The user may roll a Force Power check, and spend 1 Light Side Point to activate the power and automatically add 1 Failure to Force power checks made against him or any ally within short range until the end of his next turn. This feature may not be activated multiple times.
Upgrade Effect
Free Force Power
Using a Destiny Point and taking 3 strain, the Force-User may activate a Force Power that they have not specialized in or invested XP into. When doing so in this manner, an additional 3 strain may be spent to activate additional upgrades for the power.

Additionally, a Destiny Point and 2 Strain may be spent to activate upgrades on powers they are already specialized in.
Upgrade Effect


Rin, a force-sensitive child born to uncertain parents in the lower reaches of Coruscant, was inducted into the Jedi Order at the age of 6, despite the usual traditions of only inducting very young children. He grew up to become a quite capable Padawn, an ideal student for the other young Jedi of the Order. Soon after officially becoming a Padawn (at the age of 18, a bit late due to his late induction), he began one-on-one training with Thron-Dor, a powerful Cerean ((Ki-Adi-Mundi)) Jedi Knight who had recently lost their previous Apprentice through an incident during the Clone Wars. The previous apprentice, having just been on the cusp of taking her trials to become a Jedi Knight herself, weighed heavily on Thron-Dor's mind, leaving him depressed and stricken with grief. Initially, the Jedi Knight was cold and distant, but deep inside his kindness, sense of honor, and inherent love broke the veneer of distance, beginning a friendship between Rin and his master. They shared two years together, training Rin to become a strong and capable Apprentice, and one instilled with the values of the Jedi Code. However, their time had to eventually come to a close.

With the call for Order 66, Rin and Thron-Dor were caught in the middle.
Rin was friends with a clone named Spike, who was a fair hand at hacking and liked to keep war trophies from the droids (fingers, which he called "spikes"), that he served with in his two years as an apprentice. When Order 66 was about to be given, Spike was visiting Rin in the Jedi Temple, discussing the future--and suddenly, Rin had a gun to his head. His friend, who he had served side by side with for two years, ready to kill him in an instant. At that moment, Thron-Dor saved him, but the incident scarred him immensely. Unwilling to let Rin be cut down before his prime, Thron-Dor led a squad of Clone Troopers away, allowing Rin to escape into the lower reaches of Coruscant. Laying low and keeping himself hidden, Rin evaded capture for several months before scraping together enough money to hitch a ride on a smuggler's ship to Correllia. He stayed there for a year, before hopping planet yet again, continuing his path away from the long arm of the Empire. He never saw Knight Thron-Dor again, never even heard word of him. He never ran into another fully fledged Jedi, nor even meeting another force-sensitive (or at the very least, none who revealed themselves), leaving him to believe that he was indeed the last Jedi in the galaxy.

Now a man in his 4th decade, Rin has become a different man, under the name Corrinus Assali. Though he has a plethora of skills picked up across his life, they rarely have a chance to shine considering Corrinus' vice for alcohol. His talent for charisma is wasted on attempting to pick up women and to pick fights in bars. So far lost from his previous Jedi ways, he is something of a hollow shell of his former self. Or, so he would have the galaxy believe... in truth, his act is nothing more than a charade to keep the Imperial Inquisitors off his trail. The alcohol hides his highly refined reflexes, the women and the fights keeping obscured how much he truly cares for the galaxy. Every part of his life has been molded to one purpose--ensuring that nobody ever discovers his Jedi secret. In private, he still keeps to the Code as closely as possible, meditating, exercising, and training himself. He could never live with himself if he let down the galaxy, being the only Jedi left and wasting those abilities away. Of course, this desire to continue his Jedi life and his belief in doing good has only served to get him into even more trouble, butting in where he shouldn't be and trying to solve problems that are not his own.

The only things left of his former life are twofold--the Lightsaber that he created during his Padawan trials, a shining blue light that stands firm against the darkness; and the Holocron that Thron-Dor left for him before his sacrifice. Created as a meditation assistance, it soon became the last memory of his former master that Rin would have. Many nights have been spent going over its exercises, its histories, its manuals, its messages--the last messages of a grieving Jedi Knight to his new Apprentice, his new friend.

Now freshly finished with a job hauling freight for the Rebel Alliance, Corrinus lays low to avoid any heat, planning on taking the next flight out of here, running away to a new corner of the galaxy to keep his identity safe. Running away, not just from the Imperials, but from the grief and doubt that he holds for himself.

Rin has constructed a fabricated life for himself, to fill in the long gaps and his vague history. To the people who (think to) know him, he was once an imperial soldier from the Core Worlds, a dutiful servant of the new Galactic Empire. Unable to handle the cruelty of the Galactic army and the great evils committed by it, he deserted. Becoming a smuggler to keep his pockets full enough to keep away from the Imperials, he's been on the run ever since.
In truth, the story is only a half-life. As a Jedi in the Clone Wars, he was a Republic soldier, technically meaning he did fight for the Empire... something that still haunts him to this day. The story, being close to the truth, is easy to tell, and more importantly, covers up the true origins of his life, and the skills he learned along the way.

-------- Season Adjustment --------

Today, Rin has more or less thrown off the cover story. In areas he feels comfortable, he will either say nothing of his past and brush off the question... or he will reveal his Jedi origins. He understands that the galaxy needs someone to stand against the Empire, and he serves no one by hiding. However, in more Imperial controlled areas with tighter surveillance, more loyal citizens, and standing armies, he keeps up his story and keeps his saber close.



13 Points -- Various debauchery-inclined and generally trouble-making acts throughout his life. Ranging from interfering with gangland deals, to leaving behind strings of lovers and trashed bars, all the way to shipping freight for the Rebels, Rin has been around the block.

13 Point -- Despite his sometimes high-profile actions, Rin has a real reason to lay low. Secretly a Jedi still on the run since Order 66, the threat of Imperial Inquisitors are never out of the question where Rin is involved.

-- Season Change --

Duty (Rebellion)


Mercy/Weariness. 87
Conflict Earned: 0

***When above 70: Add an additional light side destiny point to every session's destiny pool.
***When above 80: Strain threshold increases by 1
When above 90: Strain threshold increases by 1 again (total of 2)

A conflict of desire to good in the galaxy, and crippling self-doubt and despair. A belief that he has let the galaxy down and cowardly ran away, conflicted with a desire along the way to help people that he runs across and to continue following a Code that nobody has followed for two decades. He was once optimistic and idealistic, and now his long-lived optimism has simply caught up with him.

Not just that, though, but with the destruction of Alderaan, he fell into a deep depression... only to be brought back by the valiant effort of the Rebel Alliance. His faith in the Galaxy is all at once crushed and revitalized. He sees Dunpo as something of a fresh start, a place where he can start putting himself back on the path of goodness and to finally rise up above his doubts.

Rin's hesitance to act comes from many different anxieties.
One came from the understanding that if the Inquisitors existed, it meant other Jedi existed--a surprise, but a welcome one. However, it also meant that if other Jedi lived, they could fight instead of him, instilling a Bystander psychology in him. Furthermore, as Inquisitor sightings became fewer and farther between, he began to realize that he truly is the last Jedi left--and this makes him afraid and more anxious than ever before, because he is the only one left who could do anything... and he's still too scared to fight. He also blames himself, believing that perhaps if he had stood up before, then he wouldn't be the last one, and the galaxy wouldn't be in this situation.
Another source of his anxiety was rooted in a memory from his Jedi life. He was friends with a clone named Spike, who was a fair hand at hacking and liked to keep war trophies from the droids (fingers, which he called "spikes"), that he served with in his two years as an apprentice. When Order 66 was about to be given, Spike was visiting Rin in the Jedi Temple, discussing the future--and suddenly, Rin had a gun to his head. His friend, who he had served side by side with for two years, ready to kill him in an instant. At that moment, Thron-Dor saved him, but the incident scarred him as he witnessed the beginning of Order 66. It instilled in him a sense of great sadness and betrayal that the Empire could turn a friend he served in war with against him. It also gave him a fear that under the helmet of any stormtrooper he kills might be somebody he knew when he was fighting by their side 20 year ago. It haunts him to this day that the men he fought with were brainwashed and turned against him. And he worries constantly about fighting because... what if his old friends are still out there?

-------- Season Adjustment --------

His adventures with Reload helped Rin to recover the side of him that he thought lost. Speaking with Varliss, facing off against an Inquisitor, meeting the force-sensitive Gladys, and finally, facing a crime lord at Reload's side, all of this helped to inspire Rin to confidently return to his life as a Jedi. His anxieties still remain--he still worries about killing and, at least for the moment, refuses to kill, but he believes that re-attaining the Way of the Jedi is a positive movement on the path towards helping the Galaxy. He has tried to force down his worries instead of constantly indulging them and soaking in them as he had for a couple decades, though they occasionally resurface.


A man just hitting his 40th year, Corrinus had short black hair that he rarely takes the time to style, save for a goatee and beard that keeps his face framed. Laugh lines, scars, and wrinkles mar his face, but it doesn't draw away from what appears to be a soft and friendly person.

He usually wears slim black leather pants, a dark thick (armored) vest over a long white shirt, coupled with a loose brown scarf that he keeps around his neck and trailing down his back. He wears a holster under his vest, keeping his gun strapped to the side of his chest instead of his hip. When traveling, he always keeps his large heavy backpack with him, either nearby or being worn, bulky with the many and only possessions he owns.

In adverse weather, he puts on a brown scarf, cloak, and robe that keeps him safe, covering most of his features.

-------- Season Adjustment --------

Now unafraid of declaring himself a Jedi, Rin has returned to his roots. His black hair has grown out some, hoping to one day re-make the braid that signifies his standing as a Padawan. His goatee and beard remain, and continue to be well kept. Laugh lines, a few scars, and wrinkles belie his age, though the once hidden melancholy behind his eyes have changed to contentment and happiness.

Shifting away from the smuggler outfit that he used in the past, he has now embraced his nature and is clad in the brown robes of his younger years, though he keeps the vest underneath for its protective influence. Where he goes, he keeps his Lightsaber behind the folds of his robes--no longer hidden within a backpack--but always within quick reach. His backpack is now gone, no longer necessary for keeping the remnants of his past hidden, and is replaced instead with a utility belt keeping his outfit, and his items, together.

Other Notes

*Lightsaber Reconstruction. Because the lightsaber is left disassembled in multiple parts in his backpack, it takes time to bring it to working order. The lightsaber isn't identifiable as such without a Formidable (5 purple) check of some kind. To assemble it will take an action. If you roll a triumph or at least 4 advantage on initiative, you can assemble it for a maneuver. However, it still requires a maneuver to "equip" or stow away the lightsaber. The Quick Draw talent removes the maneuver for drawing the weapon once assembled, but does not make it quicker to assemble.

Rin in the past month has spent his time training Gladys (Braxxen Mollun) in the ways of the force and, most importantly, Jedi Philosophy. He intends to bring her to the level of an initiate, capable of controlling her powers and of understanding the Jedi right from wrong, before taking her to Ilum and performing the Gathering. He has neglected his own training somewhat, believing that his time would be better spent teaching Braxen--and because he believes that he can no longer teach himself from the ways of Thron-Dor. His old master will always be a dear friend and a treasured memory, but Rin has realized that his path and that of Thron-Dor are too different, and he needs to find a way to develop his talents in his own way, separate from the teachings of his old Master. He may, in time, perform a funeral for his old master, and bury the holocron in his memory.

Rin, on his Gathering:
"I still remember getting my Kyber Crystal on Ilum. *chuckles* I must've run in and out of those doors a hundred times, complaining to Master Yoda that it was impossible, they were all gone, I couldnt find one... I learned later of course, the whole thing was a test. The force flows through those caves stronger than any place I've been to since. It tricks your mind, it plays you against yourself... I'm getting distracted. When I saw that crystal, just on the other side of a chasm, I was ecstatic... and then terrified. You know, they dont tell you this about growing up on Coruscant, but when you learn that falling down is a certain death sentence as you plummet thousands of feet to the planet surface, you begin to become afraid of that. And so, when I saw the depths of that chasm, I was scared. Terrified. Frightened. It was like all of my memories of the slums of Coruscant came rushing back. What if I fell? What if I didnt make it? Oh god, I was gonna die for a little rock. But then I remembered my teachings. They do teach you that, in the temple. To not be afraid. To realize that letting your fear rule your decisions is a surefire way to making bad decisions. And so I let it go. And you know what I did? ("What?") I jumped. That was all I needed. *chuckles* It was just a foot wide jump. But when I was afraid, that chasm seemed a mile long. But all it needed was a little jump. And suddenly, there I was, running out of those caves with the biggest smile on my face, and a kyber crystal in my hand."

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