Conditioned |
Remove 1 setback die per rank of Conditioned from all Athletics and Coordination checks. Reduce the damage and Strain suffered from falling by 1 per rank of Conditioned. |
Point Blank |
Add 1 damage per rank of Point Blank to one hit of successful Ranged (Heavy) or Ranged (Light) attacks made while at Short range or Engaged. |
Guns Blazing |
Use the Guns Blazing incidental; suffer 2 strain to avoid increasing the difficulty of a Ranged (Light) check to attack with more than one weapon. |
Natural Commando |
Once per session, may re-roll any one Ranged (Light) or Stealth check. |
Rapid Fire |
May add Autofire item quality to a Ranged (Light) combat check. After resolving the attack, the weapon runs out of ammo. |
Dedication |
+1 Agility |
Tactical Evasion |
Upgrade the difficulty of ranged combat checks targeting the character a number of times equal to the number of maneuvers they performed to move during this round. |
Get The Drop |
Once per session, the character and any number of allies in the encounter may add successes equal to ranks in Stealth to their checks to determine initiative order. |
Physical Training 2 |
Add 1 bonus die per rank of Physical Training to all Athletics and Resilience checks. |