Sullivar (born "S'looova"), "the Refined" as he likes to refer to himself, is a 300 year old Hutt who has recently come to Oogway on sabbatical after several dozen years working as an art curator on Coruscant.
He grew up as a part of Clan Besaadi and for much of his early life he was involved in smuggling operations. He was often ridiculed as being too forgiving towards his slaves and too easily distracted by other things. Eventually he became part of an art smuggling ring where he would train slaves in high end forgeries before traveling to various parts of the galaxy to then hawk said forgeries. For many years he was considered a rising star in the Besaadi Clan, especially since his ability to schmooze the aristocrats of the galaxy out of their money was unsurpassed. However, as he traveled the galaxy, he began to secretly wish for something more until finally it has all come down to a head...
He announced that he was resigning from forgeries and that he was going to go into honest business. The Clan then decided to blackmail Sullivar threatening to reveal to the Coruscanti public his misdeeds. Sullivar refused to cave, and the Besaadi's proved good to their word. Wanted by the authorities and fleeing for his life, he has come to Oogway to start a new life. While he is aware of Whaffa's presence on the planet, he is hoping that the planet's remoteness and Whaffa's low ranking in the cartels will provide him some level of protection.
Inspiration- Having spent many years in the presence of the greatest works of art in the galaxy, his secret ambition is to create great works of art in his own right.
Counter-racism- Works hard to prove the stereotypes wrong.
Wanted (10 Obligation)- Sullivar is wanted by the Besaadi Clan for what they consider treason and the abandonment of kajidic philosophy.
Sullivar, unlike many other Hutts, has opted to wear clothes. He often can be seen in the most stylish Coruscanti fashion and his known for his love of hats. At 300 years old, he is considered quite young, barely out of adolescence.