115 starting XP (110 racial, 5 obligation)
30 each to bump Cunning, Intellect, and Agility. 25 remaining.
5 XP for Convincing Demeanor 1. 20 XP remaining
Free rank in Ranged Light and Stealth (human racial bonus)
Ranks in Deception, Skullduggery, Vigilance, and Perception from Smuggler career. Second rank in Deception and Skullduggery from Gambler tree.
Ranks in Cool and Streetwise, 5XP each. 10 XP remaining.
Second rank of Streetwise. 0 XP remaining.
Catch Vest (2 soak against energy weapons, 1 against all others): 300, enc. 1 (0 when worn)
BlasTech DH-17 (standard blaster pistol from CRB reskinned) (in holster on right thigh): 400, enc. 1
Vibroknife (in right boot): 250, enc. 1
Ascension Pistol (in holster on left hip): 275, enc. 1
2 stimpacks (on utility belt): 50, enc. 0
Handheld comlink (in coat pocket): 25, enc. 0
Datapad (in left leg cargo pocket) : 75, enc. 1
Field Goggles (on head): 5, enc. 0
Extra Reload (on utility belt): 25, enc. 1
Sabaac deck (in right leg cargo pocket): 40, enc. 0
Utility belt (worn): 25, enc. +1
Total: 1,470. 30 credits remaining.
Personal Encumbrance Threshold: 8 (2 brawn, 5 general, 1 utility belt)
Walking around money roll: 37
[url=]Walking around money[/url]: [u]1d100[/u] [b]37[/b]