SX-21 Pump Action Scatter Blaster: During a successful attack against a target at engaged range, the SX-21 has the Pierce 4 item quality rather than the blast 6 item quality.
Exoglove provides +1 Brawn and has an ascension pistol built in.
Weapon attachments:
Electronic Sighting System: May aim as an incidental once per round at short range. Decrease difficulty of Perception checks to locate the shooter in low light conditions
Forearm Grip: Decrease the additional difficulty of making Ranged: Heavy checks with this weapon while engaged to 1P instead of 2P
Weapon Sling: Decrease Cumbersome by 1
Weapon Sling: Decrease Cumbersome by 1
Under-barrel Grenade Launcher: Enables weapon to fire grenades. Uses grenade profile but Ranged (Heavy) skill and range of Medium. Add cumbersome +1 to weapon. Increase encumbrance by 2. Purchase ammo as you would a grenade, but count it as ammo. Limited Ammo: 1
Telescopic Optical Sight: Reduce difficulty of ranged combat checks at long and extreme range by 1.