CT-4913 "Hotzone" has always been burning. First with zeal for the Republic that created him. Then literally when he stood too close to a detonating AT-TE during the battle of Felucia with his siblings in the 104th Battalion: The Wolfpack. Since Order 66 he's been burning with anger, resentment, and broken trust. While some of his siblings learned to deal with what had occurred during those frantic, dark days, Hotzone has never moved past it. If he could ever have forgiven what had been done to him, it was before the Empire subverted the sanctity of his own free will.
As the Empire replaced the Republic and the GAR faced retirement, Hotzone drifted. He tried mercenary work, but gave up when he realized the only paying customers worked for the Empire or with them. For a time he fought with Saw Gerrera's Partisan movement, after seeing Saw's willingness to sacrifice his own people for larger goals he left that behind him too. Since then he's worked odd jobs, from tending bar to hunting megafauna on remote worlds. His favorite jobs haven't required much interaction with the galactic populace, whom he resents indiscriminately for how they've benefited from clone sacrifice.
These days Hotzone is tired. He's seen enough of the galaxy to want little more than one last rodeo and a quiet place away from everyone who's used him. Better still if he's surrounded by a few of his closest siblings and more money then he could ever spend.
Hotzone has no attachments outside of his siblings. Life has not been good to him after Order 66 and he's too stubborn to be anything but nasty right back at it. If there's one thing keeping him going its the thought of riding into the sunset with a handful of his closest Clone siblings with both hands making rude gestures at galactic society in general and his pockets full of "back pay with interest."
Personnel: The fallout of the Clone Wars has left Hotzone an embittered individual looking for somebody to blame. Fortunately for him the galaxy is full of people who've wronged him and his siblings, whether directly or indirectly. As a result he's dedicated to the welfare of his fellow clones with little or no regard to any fallout that might be incurred upon the rest of the galaxy. The Clones paid for everything they have in blood, after all.
You could be forgiven for not realizing at first that Hotzone is a clone given the generally shaggy state of his hair and what beard he grows around a large burn scar that runs from his chest up the left side of his neck and face. GAR inspection worthy, he isn't. His hair is has silvered and his skin toughened like aged leather, but inside he's just as fiery as ever.
When suited for battle he wears his old 104th armor, beaten, dented, scratched, and scorched. But no matter how battered his armor gets, the Wolfpack markings and designs are always meticulously maintained in fresh grey ceramic paint and get more elaborate each time he takes the brush to them. He carries an absolutely massive repeating blaster he picked up while working as an extreme game hunter and relishes that it makes even his old rotary cannon look small by comparison.