Working for a variety of underworld organizations around the core-worlds of the galaxy from a young, Dekko maintained a low enough profile to avoid scrutiny and detection... most of the time. A recent incident in the mid-rim planet of Ord Mantell, which housed a base of operations for the crime syndicate groups that would blossom into the Black Sun in later years, left Dekko exposed and vulnerable, causing him to flee and lay low for a period. Finding anonymity working with his uncle Zoldrorg, one of the final known living members of his family, Dekko settled in a new home on Coruscant.
While on Coruscant, the smaller crime lords are often spiteful and vindictive individuals with lots of enemies, perceived and real. Dekko recently found a nitch shuttling information and serving as a criminal informant for these gangs in the underworld of war-ravaged Coruscant around the time of its sacking when the Cold War first began.
Secrets: Falsification
With an unhealthy knack for a good story, sometimes the truth gets lost with the secrets and information being shared. Often, the elaboration of specific details is done for an increased profit. At other times, it is a means of obscuring the facts to avoid corroboration and detection from authorities.
Connection: Underworld
Dekko has worked as a low-level courier and informant for various underworld organizations, most of which rolled up to a powerful Hutt or one of the bigger Criminal Syndicates.
Under Contract/Responsibility - to keep a legitimate front for his more illicit dealings in espionage and smuggling information, Dekko is employed in the mid and lower levels of Coruscant as a life support systems (food, air, water) deliveryman. The need to maintain this business with his uncle is critical as cover.
Male, age 30
hair: dark
eyes: red lense goggles
build: average
dark green skin