The Poor and Hungry
Pragmatic Power
Ultimate Abilities
When Seth was young, his parents were killed in an accident, and he never knew them well. He took care of himself until he was old enough to start doing mercenary jobs and such, which he does now, not a part of the rebellion, but not against the empire either. He doesn't have the power to use the force yet, but in his experience with it, it's just a tool to gain power and deliver justice.
Enlightenment: The character seeks spiritual and intellectual enlightenment above all else. He does not seek to bring enlightenment to others, for he realizes that such a goal is innately personal.
74 Morality
Justice: The character strives for just and deliberate actions in his life, and in his interactions with others. He attempts to make the objectively right choice every time, knowing that justice is more likely to guarantee positive outcomes than sympathy or other emotional displays.
Cruelty: All too often, the cruel use justice to excuse their actions. If one stops himself from tempering justice with empathy and understanding, he can inflict great harm on others and feel justified doing it. Eventually, he can grow to revel in the suffering of others, even as he deludes himself into thinking he makes the "just" choice.
Seth is a fairly average human, with a height of 5 feet and 10 inches. He is slightly skinnier than average. He has blonde hair, which he usually keeps spiked up, and he has one blue eye and one green.