Born on Anaxes in the opening days of The Clone Wars, Arta Aurark was the son of a Republic Navy Officer and local Politician. Not outrageously rich, his families professions drove him into a military career, with his Mother retiring from Politics when he graduated the Anaxes School of War, his father directed him to the services.
Joining the Stormtrooper Corps, much to his father's disdain, he enlisted into it at around 12BBY. Serving for several years in the 501st, he transferred into the 7th Airborne in order to commission as an Officer. During his service, he fought during the Pacification of Kashyyyk, protected an Imperial Governor on Umbara, was stationed on Lothal, conducted counter-insurgency operations on Jedha and spent the rest of his service policing the shipyards on Kuat.
On the apex of his career, in the 11th year of his service, Arta witnessed an Imperial Officer committing an act of corruption, selling spare X-Wing parts to a smuggler, presumably working for the Rebels.
Whilst he promised not to report on him, the Officer [Commander Gerel Von Halen, Imperial Navy], transferred him to a dead-end posting on Tatooine, commanding a platoon of lacklustre, poorly motivated Imperial Army troopers.
Driven to drink and finally requesting his Exit of Termed Service with the Stormtrooper Corps, Arta served uneventfully and drunkenly until the Corvette of LtCmdr. Darius Velkan was hijacked by mutineers. Rescuing the Officer, he returned him to safety, but made a lasting impression on the Officer, who subsequently recruits him for further, unconventional operations.
Support the Empire
Dutybound - The PC has a deep sense of duty that he feels compelled to fulfill, such as military service,
making good on a contract, or following some sort of thieves' code. Unlike the Oath Obligation (see below),
a Dutybound character has some legal or ritualistic bind to an organization or cause making it extremely
difficult or detrimental if he fails to live up to that commitment.
Arta Aurark was a Lieutenant in the Stormtrooper Corps only several weeks prior to the commencement of the campaign. He is currently awaiting his discharge papers and is leaving the service voluntarily. He still has many friends and contacts within the Stormtrooper Corps, specifically the 7th Airborne Battalion.
Obligation - 15