Vrrell Trynn by CalciferRising

Colonist/Bounty Hunter
Doctor/Martial Artist
Edge of the Empire

Threshold 16
Current 0
Threshold 13
Current 0
Ranged 1
Melee 1

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Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) 0
Athletics (Br) X 0
Charm (Pr) 0
Coercion (Will) X 1
Computers (Int) 0
Cool (Pr) X 1
Coordination (Ag) X 0
Deception (Cun) X 0
Discipline (Will) X 0
Leadership (Pr) X 0
Mechanics (Int) 0
Medicine (Int) X 2 +1B
Negotiation (Pr) 0
Perception (Cun) 1
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) 0
Piloting: Space (Ag) 0
Resilience (Br) X 0
Skulduggery (Cun) 0
Stealth (Ag) 0
Streetwise (Cun) X 1
Survival (Cun) 0
Vigilance (Will) 0
Brawl (Br) X 3
Gunnery (Ag) 0
Lightsaber (Br) 0
Melee (Br) 0
Ranged: Light (Ag) 0
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) 0
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) X 1
Knowledge: Education (Int) X 1
Knowledge: Lore (Int) X 0
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) 0
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) 0
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) 0


Unarmed Strike
Disorient 1, Knockdown
Unarmed Strike (Pressure Point)
Stun, Disorient 1, Knockdown, ignores Soak
Sap Gloves
Concussive 1, Disorient 1, Knockdown


Weapons & Armor

Armored Banal Apparel (Enc 3, 1 Soak/0 Def)
Sap gloves (Enc 1)

Personal Gear

Utility Belt (+1 Enc)
Backpack (+4 Enc)
Military Belt Pouch (holds 2 Stimpacks)
Breath Mask (1 Enc)
Scanner Monocle
Datapad (Enc 1)
Hand Scanner (Medical)
Antishock Blanket (2 Enc)
Medpac (Enc 2, +1B on Medicine, +1 Stimpak per encounter)
Stimpak (4)
Med-Aid Patch (5)
Synthflesh (4)
Synthetic Anesthetic (5)
Nullicaine (3)
Booster Blue (2)

Assets & Resources

Bottle of Corellian whiskey

Critical Injuries & Conditions


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Regeneration (Racial) EotE Core, p. 50 Recover +1 Wound from rest/bacta, can regrow limbs (takes 1 month)
Grit 2 Far Horizons, p. 69 Gain +1 Strain threshold per rank
Surgeon 2 Far Horizons, p. 69 Heal +1 Wound per rank when making Medicine checks to heal
Stim Application 1 Far Horizons, p. 69 Make a ◆◆ Medicine check on an engaged ally, on a success target takes 4 Strain and increases a characteristic by 1 for the encounter
Resolve 2 Far Horizons, p. 69 Take -1 involuntary Strain per rank
Pressure Point 1 Far Horizons, p. 69 When making unarmed Brawl check, deal equivalent Strain damage plus Strain equal to Medicine ranks, ignoring soak.
Iron Body 1 No Disintegrations, p. 29 Remove ■ per rank from Coordination and Resilience checks. Reduce critical rating of unarmed attacks by 1 per rank (to a minimum of 1).
Precision Strike 1 No Disintegrations, p. 29 When inflicting a Critical Injury with Brawl or Melee, suffer one Strain to change the result to any ◆ result.


Once a proud and vicious bounty hunter, Vrrell lost his honor when he was humiliatingly defeated and nearly killed by one of his marks, a Wookie madclaw named Gwyrrlokk. He was spared from death only by the intervention of Zeir Holt, a Duros doctor who administered lifesaving care and nursed him back to health. Begrudgingly impressed by their skill and grateful for his life, Vrrell swore a life debt to the doctor and declared them his ghrakhoswk. However, rather than the usual servitude such a debt would entail, the doctor asked two things: firstly, that he become their student in medicine until they saw fit to release him, and secondly, that he swear to never willfully claim a life while under this oath. Bound by what little honor he still had, Vrrell had no choice but to accept. He has since spent the better part of a decade learning the ins and outs of medical practice, developing a keen and moderately unsettling interest in anatomy and physiology along the way.


Relationship: Mentor
Vrrell has a complicated personal relationship with Holt, but regardless, as his ghrakhowsk he is honor-bound to obey and protect them until he is released from his life debt.

Ambition: Revenge
Despite the years passed, Vrrell still harbors a smoldering hatred for the Wookie that humiliated him and left him to die. Though it conflicts with his oath to Holt, a part of him still itches to hunt him down and make him pay with his life, reclaiming his Jagganath and former glory. To this end, he quietly keeps tabs on the bounty hunter and his activities, intending to take his revenge in full once his debt is paid.


[10] Disgraced - Vrrell's shameful defeat at the hands of the Wookie madclaw Gwyrrlokk lost him all the Jagannath points he had accumulated in his career as a bounty hunter, stripping him of any respect he held among his people and making his life forfeit in the eyes of the Scorekeeper. He avoids contact with those who knew him before this incident, hoping to avoid the shame of facing his people before he can take revenge and reclaim his points.

[10] Oath - Vrrell owes a life debt to Zeir Holt, the doctor who saved him from certain death. In exchange, he has sworn an oath to protect them, serve as their pupil, and most significantly, to never claim a life while bound to them.


Vrrell Trynn stands well over 2 meters tall, with a broad, thickset build, weighing him in at nearly 200 kilos. He is 32 years old. His scales are a rusty red-brown color with dark brown striped markings. His flat slit-pupilled eyes are mismatched in color, his left eye orange in hue while his right eye is tinged red, permanently bloodshot due to past injury. His jaw and chin are studded with small flat spikes, and two short horns extend just above his heavy ridged brow to crown his head. Several long jagged scars mark his face and neck, with more scattering across rest of his torso and back. His arms and legs are notably scar-free, with scales slightly paler than the rest, a result of having regenerated in the past. He normally wears heavy dark-colored clothing under a sturdy necked and hooded poncho, kept surprisingly clean and in good condition. His large scaled feet make normal footwear impossible, but he often wears heavy reinforced gloves, made specially to suit his clawed, three-fingered hands. He is outfitted with an array of packs and pouches to carry his belongings, and most importantly, a high grade medpac that contains an organized supply of the tools and chemicals he needs to treat injuries in the field.

Other Notes

Zeir Holt - A Duros doctor who saved Vrrell's life after a failed attack on Gwyrrlokk left him limbless and bleeding out. Bound to them by a life debt, Vrrell has become their student in medicine, but less overtly, the doctor also hopes to impart upon him their own philosophies about violence in an attempt to 'free' him from the 'savagery' of his aggressive culture. Vrrell holds Holt in high regard for their skill in medicine and for saving his life, but their personal relationship can be described as rocky at best, for Vrrell resents the constraints of his oath and desires his own freedom.

Nozze (pronounced "nose") - A Toydarian information broker with a bad gambling habit, and one of the only contacts Vrrell has maintained since his 'death'. She's kept him plied with news of Gwyrrlokk's whereabouts and activity over the past decade, as well as the movements of other major bounty hunters, and he has kept her out of gambling debt through both consistent payments and occasional assistance with overzealous debt collectors.

Vrrask Trynn - Vrrell's brother, and former partner in the bounty hunting trade. Vrrask was with him when they attacked Gwyrrlokk, and witnessed his 'death' firsthand. When Vrrell awoke again, his brother was gone and, in the words of Dr. Holt, had 'left him' soon after he fell. Taking this as a loss of his brother's respect, Vrrell has made no move to reunite with Vrrask or the rest of his family, fearful that should he reveal himself as alive, he will find no welcome until he reclaims his Jaggannath.

Gwyrrlokk - A Wookie madclaw and bounty hunter, highly sought after by galactic authorities and Trandoshan hunters alike, and once the mark of Vrrell and Vrrask. In an attempt to prove his strength and outdo his brother, Vrrell attacked recklessly and paid dearly for his foolishness when the Wookie laid into him with claw and vibro-axe, tearing him limb from limb and leaving him to bleed out. Having survived the assault, Vrrell has quietly monitored his enemy's activity over the years, biding his time until he is free to enact his revenge and regain his honor.

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