Weapons & Armor
Armor Insert Attachment
Reverse Engineered CS-14 Light Blaster Pistol
Blaster Suppressor
Slicer Gear
Lockpick Set
Model 58 Concealment Holster
Earbud Comlink
Concealed Escape Kit
Agent's Bag
Affide Crystal
DDC-MR6 Modular Rifle HP 6 (3) Enc 3
*May add or remove an attachment making an Average (2 difficulty) Mechanics check as an action (rather than normal time).
-Telescopic Scope: Reduce the difficulty of long or extreme range combat checks by one.
-Marksman Barrel: Increase weapon range by 1. Cumbersome +2.
-Hunting Barrel: Increase weapon range by 1. Cumbersome +2. Encumbrance +1.
Garrote HP 0 Enc 1
*A successful attack against a target causes them to become suffocated. Breaking free requires an opposed Brawl vs Brawl check, with an additional setback die for each round they have been caught.