Assets & Resources
--Fusion Cutter 175cr
--Military Pack 60cr
--Load-Bearing Gear 100cr
--Slicer Gear 500cr
--Extra Reload 25cr
--Datapad 75cr
--Blaster Pistol Wrist Mount Attachment 275cr
--Holo-Messenger 250cr
--Military Pouch 10cr
--Niner's Crafted Shield (Three attempts) 30cr
--Six Simple Tool Gadget attempts 200cr --Four Shield attempts 40cr
--Utility Arm Attachment 2000cr
--Custom Grip Weapon Attachment for Niner's Custom Heavy Blaster Toolkit 500cr
--Fusion Cutter 175cr
--Military Pack 60cr
--Load-Bearing Gear 100cr
--Extra Reload 25cr
--Datapad 75cr
--Military Pouch 10cr
--Personal Distress Beacon 50cr
--Entrenching Tool 20cr
--Integrated Illuminator Weapon Attachment 200cr
--+1 Accuracy Custom Grip Weapon Attachment Mod 100cr
--+1 Boost Utility Arm Attachment Mod 100cr
Critical Injuries & Conditions
**Niner's Custom-Made Heavy Blaster Toolkit** Damage 7, Crit 3, Medium Range, Stun Setting with Custom Grip: Remove 1 Setback and +1Accuracy; and Integrated Illuminator: Remove 2 Setback due to darkness. !r yyygb
**TK-599 "Niner" Frag Grenade** Damage 8, Crit 4, Short Range, Blast 6, Limited Ammo 1 !r yyy
**Niner's Crafted Shield:** Defensive 2, +0 Damage, Crit 5, 4 HP, 1 Enc. !r ggpp
**TK-599 "Niner" Brawl Attack** Damage 2, Crit 5, Disorient 1, Knockdown, Stun Setting !r ggpp
**TK-599 "Niner" Mechanics Check:** Niner's Custom-Made Heavy Blaster Toolkit mounted on Utility Arm Attachment: +2 Boost. !r yyyggbb
**TK-599 "Niner" Contraption Mechanics Check:** 1/session make a hard Mechanics check to solve the current problem using just the tools and parts on hand. Niner's Custom-Made Heavy Blaster Toolkit mounted on Utility Arm Attachment: +2 Boost. !r yyyggbb
**TK-599 "Niner" Computers Check** Niner's Custom-Made Scomp Link !r yyygg
**TK-599 "Niner" Skullduggery Check** Niner's Custom-Made Security Kit w/ Safety Features: +1 Advantage !r yyygg
**TK-599 "Niner" Stealth Check** !r ygg
**TK-599 "Niner" Perception Check** !r ygg
**TK-599 "Niner" Gunnery Attack** !r ygg
**TK-599 "Niner" Resilience Check** !r ggpp
**TK-599 "Niner" Survival Check** !r ygg
TK-599 "Niner" Knowledge Warfare Check !r ggg
**TK-599 "Niner" Cool Check** !r gg
**TK-599 "Niner" Coordination Check** !r ggg
**TK-599 "Niner" Athletics Check** !r gg
**TK-599 "Niner" Pilot Planetary Check** !r ggg
**TK-599 "Niner" Pilot Space Check** !r ygg
**Niner Slice Enemy System's Computer Check:** Slicer Gear. If successful, reduce 1 enemy shield zone by 1 per Success, Disable 1 weapon with 1 Triumph, spend 2 Advantages to add 1 System Strain !r yyyg
**TK-599 "Niner"Damage Control Check:** If successful, recover 1 point of System Strain or Hull Trauma per 1 Success. Repair Hull Trauma only 1 time per encounter. !r yyypp