Operation Property Brothers (2020-03-14) : 20 xp, 0 duty, 300 cr, 24 hrs
- 20xp Defensive Slicing.
Operation Bottom Feeder (2020-03-10) : 25 xp, 40** duty, 300 cr, 24 hrs (Positive Spin : Snrru)
- 10xp Defensive Slicing, 15xp Natural Programmer.
Operation Hutt Hunter (2020-02-27) : 25xp, 20 duty, 300 cr, 24 hrs (Positive Spin)
- 5xp Coordination, 5xp Knowledge: Education, 5xp Knowledge: Warfare.
- Analyst : 5xp Codebreaker, 5xp Technical Aptitude.
# XP :
+145xp : Race 110xp, Duty 10xp, AoR 10xp, SFL 15xp
# Characteristics :
-100 xp : -30xp Agility, -70xp Intellect.
# Skills :
Gank: +1 Vigilance.
Spy : +1 Computers, +1 Perception, +1 Skulduggery, +1 Stealth.
Slicer : +1 Computers, +1 Stealth.
# Additional Specializations :
- Diplomat - Analyst 30xp
# Talents :
Slicer : 5xp Codebreaker, 5xp Technical Aptitude, 5xp Bypass Security.
Paid Starting Spendings : 2,325 cr / 3,000 cr
- Cybernetics cost difference 1,450cr, Signature modulation Pad 250cr, Utility Belt 25cr, Custom Grip 600cr, A99 Aqua Breather ?, .
Free Starting Cybers : 5,000 cr / 5,000 cr (1,450 cr moved to starting spendings)
Lockbreaker Hand :
This cybernetic hand is packed with tiny tools that are specialised for bypassing mechanical and electrical locks.
Price Encum Rarity
(R) 2200 N/A 6
Count as having one rank in "Bypass Security" talent.
Add 1 boost die to Skulduggery and Computers check for defeating locks.
Implanted Cyberjack :
Usually taking the form of a prosthetic finger or other artificial appendage, a cyberjack allows its user to directly interface with a computer system via a universal serial socket. The cyberjack connects the user’s brain to a droid or computer directly.
Price Encum Rarity
3,750 N/A 6
Once per check, a character with an implanted cyberjack may suffer 2 strain to decrease the difficulty of a Computers check to disable a security device or slice into a computer system by one.
Gank Comm Implant :
Characters with Gank comm implants can communicate silently with each other at ranges of up to several kilometers.
Price Encum Rarity
250 N/A 7
Neural Recorder :
This implant allows for sensory input to be stored as data for later recall. This information is as accurate as any other recording device, save for the limitations of certain biological systems. It records when the user consciously chooses to, but often this becomes second nature.
Price Encum Rarity
250 N/A 8
Make Easy (1 difficulty) Discipline check to recall any information experienced while the recorder was running. Data contained in the recorder may be transferred to an external storage device.
Free Armor :
Reinforced Environment Gear
This gear is virtually an improved adverse environment gear, sold to colonists planning on braving hostile conditions to settle a planet of the fringe.
Defense Soak Price Encum HP Rarity
0 1 850 2 2 4
Ignore 1 setback dice imposed by environmental conditions. Reduce critical injury rolls from fall by 20.
Add 1 boost dice to Resilience checks to resist toxic atmospheres and airborne toxins.
Free Weapon :
Merr-sonn Model 53 "Quicktrigger" Blaster Pistol
Reduce the difficulty of Mechanics checks to repair a Model 55 or modify attachments on it by one.
Skill Dam Crit Range Encum HP Price Rarity Special
Ranged - Light 6 3 Medium 1 4 450 4 Stun Setting