Breach 1, Sunder, Defensive +1, Vicious 3 (When making a force power check add 1 dark side pip to the check) (+1 Advantage to successful checks when engaged to single opponent) (Overcharged)
Weapons & Armor
Lightsaber (Corrupted Crystal) (HP 5) (ENC 1):
- Attachments
-- Curved Hilt (1 HP) (Defensive +1 Mod) Adds automatic Advantage to successful checks when engaged with a single opponent.
-- Overcharged Power Cell (1 HP) (Wielder can spend Advantage from combat checks to increase damage by 1. GM can spend Disadvantage to decrease damage by 1.)
-- Corrupted Crystal (2 HP) ((2 Damage +1 Mods, 1 Decrease Critical Rating By One Mod, 1 Item Quality (Vicious +1) Mod))
Concealing Robes (Enc 1): Add Setback to checks to notice or recognize an individual wearing concealing robes.
Alliance Light Stealth Armor (Imperial Black Armor) (ENC 3) (2 HP) - Boost to stealth checks
Personal Gear
- Comlink Handheld
- Utility Belt (+1 ENC)
- Mk. III Modular Backpack (6 +1 ENC Mods) (+8 ENC)
- Collar Amp
- Stimpack x1
- Toxin Detector (Bangle)
- Syntherope
- 'Survivalist' Mess Kit
- Entrenching Tool
- Breath Mask
- Ration Pack x10
- Water Purifier
- Scout 5 Field Goggles
- Canteen
- Training Weights (Adds Setback to all Brawn- and Agility-based checks, and to all combat checks., If a character wears training weights throughout a game session, increase the amount of XP the character receives for the session by 1.)
- Tent (ENC 4)
- Field Survival Manual
Assets & Resources
Skeer Kaan's Holocron - Career Skills (Leadership and Charm)
Critical Injuries & Conditions
Book & Page
Indistinguishable (FS Emergent) (1)
AOR 293
Upgrade difficulty of checks to identify character once per rank
Sleight of Mind (FS Emergent) (1)
AOR 293
Add boost die to all stealth checks unless the opposition is immune to force powers
Grit (Fs Emergent) (1)
AOR 293
+1 strain threshold per rank
Intimidating (Juyo) (1)
KOF 27
May suffer a number of strain to downgrade difficulty of coercion checks, or upgrade difficulty when targeted by coercion checks by an equal number. Strain is equal to ranks
Touch of Fate (FS Emergent) (1)
AOR 293
Once per session, add 2 boost to any 1 check
Force Rating +1 (FS Emergent) (1)
AOR 293
Gain +1 Force Rating
Balance (FS Emergent) (1)
AOR 293
When recovering strain at the end of an encounter, may add force rating to recover strain = to force pips
Dedication (FS Emergent) (1)
AOR 293
Gain +1 to a single characteristic (Agility 3)
Lethal Blows (Juyo Berserker) (1)
KOF 27
+10 per rank of Lethal blows to criticals (10)
Embrace Your Hate (Juyo Berserker) (1)
KOF 27
May spend 1 destiny point and suffer conflict = to dark side destiny points in pool to add equal damage to melee attack, use this once per encounter per rank
Parry (Juyo Berserker 1)
KOF 27
When hit by a melee attack, suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by 2 plus 1 per rank
Force Powers
Force Rating
Heal: Spend force pip to heal a number of wounds equal to intellect from an engaged living creature (Including User.)
Harm: Spend force pip to inflict a number of wounds equal to intellect (ignoring soak) on an engaged living target. The user gains 1 conflict.
64 was born from an experiment performed by the Empire. The experiment was to create a vessel for the emperor to essence transfer, this was one of many other experiments of the sort. He is a human-sith hybrid born through genetic manipulation along with a twin.
They were raised in the custody of Moff Abran as inquisitors knowing their purpose, which was to eventually duel one another to choose the strongest of the two. They were labelled 63 and 64 as the 63rd and 64th test subjects, there had been many failed experiments before them.
63 the eldest of the two by a few moments was content with his place in things and thought of it as something to be proud of. 64 was of the same disposition for some time. They were close and acted as normal brothers and twins would, with the knowledge that they would both have to fight each other to the death some day.
Eventually 64 was assigned to a squad under Tagg Pierce and learned more about companionship there through a close friendship. He confronted 63 trying to reason with him suggesting there were other possibilities which 63 completely dismissed as this was fate and their place. 64 desperate for options joined Tagg in his smuggling and through it became closer to the commander gaining a holocron from the Moff's collection in the process.
- Relationship (Sibling) - Twin brother, 63, born from an experiment to make a sith human hybrid to be a vessel for the emperor. Are set to fight to the death to prove who is the better vessel. 64 is attempting to avoid this by leaving the empire and gaining power to reshape the world into a place where this won't need to happen.
63 is content with his lot in life seeing it as an unavoidable fate and something to be proud of for serving the emperor.
- Challenges (Perfection) - There is no room for imperfection in his mind or body, he must be perfect to accomplish his goals and expects as much from his allies and companions.
Morality: -23 (Dark-Side Force User)
Strength (Reason) - 64 is able to look at situations objectively, and observe the natural state of things without being influenced by strong emotions.
Weakness (Anger) - 64 at times falls to the temptation of the rage boiling beneath the surface, fueled by his connection to the dark side.
- Tattoo-like scar covering most of face ( )
Other Notes
Obligation (Betrayal 10) - Betrayed his brother by leaving the Empire and his 'destiny' to become a waiting vessel
Obligation ( Bounty 10) - Defected from the Empire