Toughened |
5 |
Dein Wundenlimit steigt um 2 je Talentrang. |
Kybernetiker ► |
1 |
Für jeden Talentrang kannst du bei Proben zum Konstruieren, Reparieren und Installieren von Kybernetik je eine Komplikation entfernen. Kybernetik kostet dich 50% weniger als anderen. |
Energietransfer |
1 |
Nimm 1 Erschöpfung hin und setze 1 Manöver ein, um leere energiebasierende Munition oder ein entladenes Objekt wieder aufzuladen. Du benötigst mindestens ein kybernetisches Implantat. |
Ausgereifte Redundanzen |
1 |
Du kannst auch mittels Mechanikproben und Notfallreparaturkits geheilt werden, als wärst du ein Droide (in Summe aber höchstens 5 Kits & Stimpacks in einem 24-StundenIntervall). |
Durable |
1 |
May reduce any Critical Injury suffered by 10 per rank if Durable. |
More Machine than Man |
3 |
Increse cybernetic implant cap by 1 per Rank. |
Surgeon |
1 |
When making a Medicine-Check to help a Character heal wounds, the target heals 1 additional wound per Rank. |
Dedication |
3 |
Gain +1 to a single characteristic. This cannot bring a characteristic above 6. |
Lethal Blows |
6 |
Add +10 per rank to any inflicted critical injury. |
Stalker |
2 |
Add Advantage per Rank to all Stealth and Coordination Checks |
Jury Rigged |
2 |
Choose 1 Item-Improvement. |
Quick Strike |
1 |
Add Advantage per Rank of Quick Strike to combat checks made against targets that have not yet acted in the encounter |
Armor Master |
1 |
When wearing Armor = +1 Soak |
Tinkerer |
1 |
May add 1 additional hard point to a number of items equal to ranks in Tinkerer. Each item may only be modified once. |
Improved Armor Master |
1 |
When wearing Armor with soak of 2 or more, increase Defense by 1 |
Deadly Accuracy |
1 |
When aquired choose 1 skill (meele). Add damage equal to ranks in that skill to one hit of succesful attack made using that skill. |
Dodge |
1 |
When attacked, suffer Strain no greater than the rank to upgrade the Attack for that Number. |
Natural Brawler |
1 |
Once Per Session reroll one brawl or meele roll |
Quick Draw |
1 |
Once per round, draw or holster a weapon or accesible item as an incidential. |
Anatomy Lessons |
1 |
After making a succesfull attack, may spend 1 Destiny-Point to add Damage equal to Intellekt |
Feral Strength |
3 |
Add 1 Dng per Rank to one seccusfull Brawl or Meele attack |
Enduring |
1 |
+1 Soak |
Blooded |
1 |
The character adds a boost dice per rank of Blooded to their checks to resist or recover from the effects of poisons, venoms, and other toxins. Reduce the duration of any related ongoing effects or damage from toxins, venoms, or poisons by one round per rank of Blooded, to a minimum of one. |